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Those that don't fire weapons in Jihad on army bases, yeah, I'm sure they do

once again your assuming. You do that a lot.

also once again your disclaimer shows your true colors.

Oh yea I have Christian friends the ones that don’t rape children.

Oh yea I have black friends the ones that aren’t in gangs

Oh yea I have..........and on and on and on.

And why do you think you need to prove anything? If someone does not want to know, he will not accept any word you type.

Relax. :ph34r: Just let ppl assume as much as they like. :)

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Your ignorance is glowing this time

:D thats so funny coming from you.


We are called the "Patriot Guard Riders" , Our purpose is to show Respect to returning military

Would you do the same for Muslim solders?

Regardless of faith, If we are invited we show up...why do you ask? [:/]

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Those that don't fire weapons in Jihad on army bases, yeah, I'm sure they do

once again your assuming. You do that a lot.

also once again your disclaimer shows your true colors.

Oh yea I have Christian friends the ones that don’t rape children.

Oh yea I have black friends the ones that aren’t in gangs

Oh yea I have..........and on and on and on.

Good for you, do you have friends that are in a Jihad too?

They bowl with your friends in the KKK on Tuesday nights.

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Your ignorance is glowing this time

:D thats so funny coming from you.


We are called the "Patriot Guard Riders" , Our purpose is to show Respect to returning military

Would you do the same for Muslim solders?

Regardless of faith, If we are invited we show up...why do you ask? [:/]

Still curious why you ask??

I am Athiest, I coudl care less what religion soemone was when they die serving "my" country!

But if they died trying to kill my countrymen, and just happen to be muslim....that is a different story..

Did I fail yoru bait test?

Check out the Patriot Gaurd...We are NOT a politcal organisation!

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Those that don't fire weapons in Jihad on army bases, yeah, I'm sure they do

once again your assuming. You do that a lot.

also once again your disclaimer shows your true colors.

Oh yea I have Christian friends the ones that don’t rape children.

Oh yea I have black friends the ones that aren’t in gangs

Oh yea I have..........and on and on and on.

Good for you, do you have friends that are in a Jihad too?

They bowl with your friends in the KKK on Tuesday nights.

The problem with your offering is that I absolutely KNOW that my friends are not in the KKK.:S
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I am Athiest, I coudl care less what religion soemone was when they die serving "my" country!

Unless they were a nutcase christian that had a bible quote for a sigy...

Ya I died serving this country.
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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I am Athiest, I coudl care less what religion soemone was when they die serving "my" country!

Unless they were a nutcase christian that had a bible quote for a sigy...

Ya I died serving this country.

The problem with a bunch of these jack wagons is they are in desparate need of any fucking reality in their lives.:S

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The problem with a bunch of these jack wagons is they are in desparate need of any fucking reality in their lives.

I'd appreciate it if you didn't use my post as a forum for veiled personal attacks...I'm sure you have more balls than that.;)
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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I am Athiest, I coudl care less what religion soemone was when they die serving "my" country!

Unless they were a nutcase christian that had a bible quote for a sigy...

Ya I died serving this country.

The problem with a bunch of these jack wagons is they are in desparate need of any fucking reality in their lives.:S

What Jackwagons?[:/]

plus, how is a dead person posting?[:/]

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The problem with your offering is that I absolutely KNOW that my friends are not in the KKK.

You have asked all of them?

And with that you question whether darius has friend in a Jihad....pretty sad really.

I've gotta admit, I have wondered that about him/her too![:/]

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And that too doesn't surprise me. You probably aren't that far away from starting to put muslims in seperate camps. You did it to the chinese at one point and history has a habit of repeating itself.

It includes the question: How could we have been that stupid. Which funny enough is the same question that will be used to justify a roundup and imprisonment.

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And that too doesn't surprise me. You probably aren't that far away from starting to put muslims in seperate camps. You did it to the chinese at one point and history has a habit of repeating itself.

It includes the question: How could we have been that stupid. Which funny enough is the same question that will be used to justify a roundup and imprisonment.

Ya got that from the book of Liberal didn;t ya?

You failed, now try responding to the OP!

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You need other's to tell you what to think? No real surprise, FOX news is building an empire on it.

Yep, That line straight from "How liberals argue" nothing to do with the subject, attack news sorces, (which BTW, I don;t watch fox or listen to Beck or Rush)

So dig deaper into your comments for the "OP"...or continue your personal assault!

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And that too doesn't surprise me. You probably aren't that far away from starting to put muslims in seperate camps. You did it to the chinese at one point and history has a habit of repeating itself.

It includes the question: How could we have been that stupid. Which funny enough is the same question that will be used to justify a roundup and imprisonment.

You definitely need to check your facts. Let's attribute this ignorant foot in the mouth incident to lack of sleep ok?
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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