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Pretty funny stuff. The tea party is one one of the few organizations that have actually tried to pursue and drive racist from its ranks.

Meanwhile the left is constantly playing the race card and defending the black panthers rights to intimidate voters. The lefts favorite chant? "Black people can't be racist."

Way to tow the party line like a good mindless drone.
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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Interesting thought...

I wouldn't consider myself a racist on any front, skin color just never really matters to me period.

Heck I never even think about 'race' without being prompted by someone else...and seemingly more often than not it's a liberal white person pointing fingers and making noise. :D:D

*My son-in-law is brown, my best friend is red, my next door neighbor is black...I honestly NEVER think about those issues until someone else points out that since I'm a middle-age white republican I'm supposed to be oppressing them! :ph34r:

Edited for political correctness:

*My son-in-law is Hispanic, my best friend is Comanche Indian, my next door neighbor is African American...(I think :))

Don't START nuthin' won't BE nuthin'
~agent "J"

It seems to me that the social phenomena known as racism does not exist until someone names it. Then all at once division lines are drawn. We are a diverse society with many mores, folkways, traditions and customs for a multitude of people groups. We all have preferences and biases. I believe we could let it go at that.

Think micro economic, relate to your neighbors and accept personal responsibility. I believe that is what made America great.

Just for the record, I do not trust Muslims or bohemian skydivers.:)
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Pretty funny stuff. The tea party is one one of the few organizations that have actually tried to pursue and drive racist from its ranks.

Meanwhile the left is constantly playing the race card and defending the black panthers rights to intimidate voters. The lefts favorite chant? "Black people can't be racist."

Way to tow the party line like a good mindless drone.

Well stated! Or should I use the standard +1?:D

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Middle age my ass!


Love big guy!


Middle aged for a solar system! :)

Mid 50's isn't old, . . . if you are a tree.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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It seems to me that the social phenomena known as racism does not exist until someone names it. Then all at once division lines are drawn. We are a diverse society with many mores, folkways, traditions and customs for a multitude of people groups. We all have preferences and biases. I believe we could let it go at that.

Think micro economic, relate to your neighbors and accept personal responsibility. I believe that is what made America great.

Just for the record, I do not trust Muslims or bohemian skydivers.:)

I've always felt that the #2 factor in propogating racism are the well intended efforts to eradicate it. (#1 of course being those who engage in outright discriminatory behaviors). My experience is that it is a non-issue for most people (could be the crowds I run in), who just deal in a humane fashion with those they meet based on their individual words & actions.

But as soon as we have to deal with groups of people, and generalities start getting bandied about, someone throws out the race card and all hell breaks loose - even for a lot of good people who get drawn in out of their need to belong.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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It seems to me that the social phenomena known as racism does not exist until someone names it. Then all at once division lines are drawn. We are a diverse society with many mores, folkways, traditions and customs for a multitude of people groups. We all have preferences and biases. I believe we could let it go at that.

Think micro economic, relate to your neighbors and accept personal responsibility. I believe that is what made America great.

Just for the record, I do not trust Muslims or bohemian skydivers.:)

I've always felt that the #2 factor in propogating racism are the well intended efforts to eradicate it. (#1 of course being those who engage in outright discriminatory behaviors). My experience is that it is a non-issue for most people (could be the crowds I run in), who just deal in a humane fashion with those they meet based on their individual words & actions.

But as soon as we have to deal with groups of people, and generalities start getting bandied about, someone throws out the race card and all hell breaks loose - even for a lot of good people who get drawn in out of their need to belong.

Well stated.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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You Might Be A Racist If…
By: Eli Friday October 8, 2010 6:10 pm

Rasmussen’s new poll on racism is out, and it turns out that 70% of Republicans don’t think “most” Tea Partiers are racist. While it’s not surprising that a majority of them would defend their allies, 70% seems kinda low. Which suggests that the TPers creep a significant chunk of sane Republicans right the hell out too.

By happy coincidence, this poll happens to follow right on the heels of a Public Religion Research Institute poll (PDF) which actually asked the Tea Partiers some questions which might reveal their attitudes towards minorities. The results:

64% agreed that “It is really not that big a problem if some people have more of a chance in life than others,” compared with 41% overall.
58% agreed that “Over the past couple of decades, the government has paid too much attention to the problems of blacks and other minorities,” compared with 37% overall.
65% agreed that “Immigrants today are a burden on our country because they take our jobs, housing and health care,” compared with 48% overall.
That sounds maybe just a teensy bit… tolerance-impaired to me, yet Tea Partiers and Republicans are always terribly indignant that anyone might ever possibly think of them as racist, and conservative pundits love to talk about how they went to a Tea Party or Glenn Beck rally and didn’t see a single racist sign. Well, maybe that’s so, or maybe they just don’t recognize it when they see it.

In order to clear up this confusion, I have compiled a helpful list of possible signs of racism. If they don’t apply to you, then congratulations, you’re just as not-racist as you think you are. But if they do, please stop complaining about what a bum rap you’re getting.

If you incite and exploit hatred and resentment against minorities to get white votes… you might be a racist.

If you regularly vote for the candidate who incites the most hatred and resentment against minorities, especially if that’s why you vote for them… you might be a racist.

If you think that black people are lazy Cadillac-driving welfare queens stealing your hard-earned money and oppose any measures to alleviate poverty… you might be a racist. [Note: If you don't actually think this but assert it anyway, that counts too. The same applies for all the other "If you think" entries.]

If you think home loans to minorities caused the housing crash… you might be a racist.

If you think minorities are engaged in rampant voter fraud and intimidation… you might be a racist.

If you are systematically attempting to disenfranchise minority voters (or think that’s a damn fine idea)… you might be a racist.

If you think the police should stop people just because they look black or Latino… you might be a racist.

If you advocate putting undocumented immigrants into concentration camps… you might be a racist.

If you think Barack Obama was born in Kenya… you might be a racist.

If you think Barack Obama is a Muslim… you might be a racist.

If you think Barack Obama is a racist who hates white people, or that white people are somehow an oppressed minority in America… you might be a racist.

If you’re so convinced all of Islam is collectively responsible for 9/11 that you think the Park51 community center is a “Victory Mosque” and terrorize the imam’s family with death threats… you might be a racist.

If you think the indefinite detention, torture and murder of Muslims is not a problem because they must surely be evil terrorist barbarians… you might be a racist.

If you compare Michelle Obama to a gorilla… you might be a racist.

If you forward e-mails showing a watermelon patch on the White House lawn, or a “Historical Keepsake Photo” of Barack Obama as just a pair of eyes against a black background, or anything else along those lines… you might be a racist.

If you show up at a political rally with a sign showing Barack Obama as an African witch doctor with a bone through his nose, or urging him to go back to Kenya, or, well, pretty much any of these… you might be a racist.

If you track down the one black guy at a Glenn Beck rally so you can get your picture taken with him while holding a “Do We Look Racist?” sign… well, I’ve got some disappointing news for you.

This is only a partial list, but hopefully it’s enough to clear things up a little.

(Thanks to Peterr for helping compile these)

Don't forget to include your statement that if a person doesn't speak English they probably should not trusted........ so you might be a racist.


Amazon-Sorry but When the maid you hire has trouble with English... you MIGHT have a fucking clue especially if you run a HUGE company... and are in KalE four knee ah and the maid does not sound like an American.

"1981 to 1988 is 7 years"-Kallend (oops, it's actually 8 years Kallend)

The decade of the 80's was from 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you remove 1980 and 1989 you have 1981 to 1988. 8 years.

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Pretty funny stuff. The tea party is one one of the few organizations that have actually tried to pursue and drive racist from its ranks.

Meanwhile the left is constantly playing the race card and defending the black panthers rights to intimidate voters. The lefts favorite chant? "Black people can't be racist."

Way to tow the party line like a good mindless drone.

Oh really.... I guess that is only in YOUR mind because there are plenty of rational people that know there are plenty of racist pigs in minority communities. There are also many blacks who are still ... in the 21st Century mind you where there is NO white on black racism in yall's minds ... a hell of a lot of blacks of all socio-economic backgrounds that get to experience wonderful things like being pulled over for a traffic stop for the offenxce of "driving while black" by good ole boy LEO's.

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I love it when those of the USUAL SUSPECT crowd try so hard to miss a point.

Last I checked... it's illegal to hire illegal workers in most of this country.. I guess you milage varies. As an employer I am definitely going to check to make sure peoples paperwork is rock solid ESPECIALLY if they can't speak the same language that is taught in every fucking school in this country... no matter how badly some American learn it.

To do any less is :o:o:o OMG breaking the law but hey.. you make your money any way you like.

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I love it when those of the USUAL SUSPECT crowd try so hard to miss a point.

Yes, you do have that problem quite often.

"1981 to 1988 is 7 years"-Kallend (oops, it's actually 8 years Kallend)

The decade of the 80's was from 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you remove 1980 and 1989 you have 1981 to 1988. 8 years.

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I love it when those of the USUAL SUSPECT crowd try so hard to miss a point.

Yes, you do have that problem quite often.

"1981 to 1988 is 7 years"-Kallend (oops, it's actually 8 years Kallend)

The decade of the 80's was from 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you remove 1980 and 1989 you have 1981 to 1988. 8 years.

/Hey are you flying over to hang out with others on that river in Egypt???


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Good list, but unfortunately racism comes from a sever lack of knowledge, and lack of exposure. I doubt the racists we have here will even be able comprehend it.

Your talking about people who have opinions and fully formed aggressive views….even on subjects they are clueless on. They just need a few knee-jerk things to line up and they are sure which side they stand on.

I am no longer in the mood to even humor these fuckers.

They are what is holding the humane race back. Their loud, ignorant and proud of it. My only hope is they don’t reproduce as much. We have enough idiots already.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Good list, but unfortunately racism comes from a sever lack of knowledge, and lack of exposure. I doubt the racists we have here will even be able comprehend it.

Your talking about people who have opinions and fully formed aggressive views….even on subjects they are clueless on. They just need a few knee-jerk things to line up and they are sure which side they stand on.

I am no longer in the mood to even humor these fuckers.

They are what is holding the humane race back. Their loud, ignorant and proud of it. My only hope is they don’t reproduce as much. We have enough idiots already.

So, you must consider yourself the smartest most enlightened person on this site?

Never mind
I already know your answer

You libs are all alike
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The partisan bullshit never stops. It does not matter if a Donkey or an Elephant is in the White House, it is the same bullshit. I believe the average American is a decent person, but the same can not be said about your Federal government. For all the Left's rants about Bush doing this and doing that, the Left is doing a great job ignoring their "Messiah Savior of the World" who ordered spying missions on America's allies soon after taking office. Donkey shit and Elephant shit is the same shit, only a different flavor.

Obama is nothing more than a puppet, just like GWB and all other presidents who preceded these two clowns. I like the America people, but your governments suck ass. :P

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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The partisan bullshit never stops. It does not matter if a Donkey or an Elephant is in the White House, it is the same bullshit. I believe the average American is a decent person, but the same can not be said about your Federal government. For all the Left's rants about Bush doing this and doing that, the Left is doing a great job ignoring their "Messiah Savior of the World" who ordered spying missions on America's allies soon after taking office. Donkey shit and Elephant shit is the same shit, only a different flavor.

Obama is nothing more than a puppet, just like GWB and all other presidents who preceded these two clowns. I like the America people, but your governments suck ass. :P

As it is today I agree
Our gov has grown so big is does suck ass

Until it gets cut back down to size this will not change
And it may be too late already

I do recognize the pure anger and frustration of those here are fully on the left side of things.

It show the frustration they have with the current pres not having the brains to grow it more than he already has, and them (the lefties) not understanding why the rest of the US people will not submit to their superior intellect (all be it self proclaimed superior intellect)

On that note

If arrogance was painful, there would never be enough morphine to make the pain go away for some of the lefties here.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I like the America people, but your governments suck ass.

Elephants and donkeys and bureaucracies are all notoriously slow moving...I think the world is changing a lot faster than out government can keep up with.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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If you’re so convinced all of Islam is collectively responsible for 9/11 that you think the Park51 community center is a “Victory Mosque” and terrorize the imam’s family with death threats… you might be a racist.

If you think the indefinite detention, torture and murder of Muslims is not a problem because they must surely be evil terrorist barbarians… you might be a racist.

Stop confusing racism with bigotry.

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Sorry I just don't get your personal attacks that go so far off the mark. Why is it that those who abuse drugs and alcohol always seem to assume that EVERYONE else is just like them...

Why do you assume that anyone who doesn't agree with YOUR viewpoint is racist / sexist / KKK member?


I guess that also goes for the racists that have the inability to see just how racist they are... since they think EVERYONE else must be just like them so I decided a long time ago that I did not need racists, misogynists or abusive assholes in my life either, I have cutaway numerous people who I once thought were friends because they exhibited an inability to treat other people as human beings.

And, the proof of the first statement...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yes, as long as you are not :

a) a woman
b) non muslim (infidel)
c) don't say anything bad about islamic countries/societies specially if it is palestine.

I am still in the mood for muslim extremist hunting though. :P:P

Back to trying to find the bycicles in the middle east...

"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Sorry I just don't get your personal attacks that go so far off the mark. Why is it that those who abuse drugs and alcohol always seem to assume that EVERYONE else is just like them...

Why do you assume that anyone who doesn't agree with YOUR viewpoint is racist / sexist / KKK member?


I guess that also goes for the racists that have the inability to see just how racist they are... since they think EVERYONE else must be just like them so I decided a long time ago that I did not need racists, misogynists or abusive assholes in my life either, I have cutaway numerous people who I once thought were friends because they exhibited an inability to treat other people as human beings.

And, the proof of the first statement...

That HUGE WHOOOOOOOSHING sound is you completely missing the point for what ever reason its making you uncomfortable.

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