wmw999 2,485
The training didn't tell them that muslims won't be screened, or would be screened less.
I'll bet that if a nun in a habit is selected for a search that she'd automatically be offered it in a secluded space. Orthodox jewish women have many of the same coverage issues as many covered muslim women.
Not everyone is the same. Respect and politeness say that we should acknowledge that, while getting the necessary tasks done.
Do you speak differently at the DZ from how you do with an older lady? Is that bigotry?
Wendy P.
I'll bet that if a nun in a habit is selected for a search that she'd automatically be offered it in a secluded space. Orthodox jewish women have many of the same coverage issues as many covered muslim women.
Not everyone is the same. Respect and politeness say that we should acknowledge that, while getting the necessary tasks done.
Do you speak differently at the DZ from how you do with an older lady? Is that bigotry?
Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)
First thing that came up with a simple google search http://israelmatzav.blogspot.com/2010/09/tsa-does-sensitivity-training.html
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