
Zombie Response Team

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My roommates and i have a zombie invasion plan worked out for the day that the zombie apocalypse occurs. it is also our Red Dawn plan but zombies are cooler then russians. we went into dicks one day and came out with 2 machetes to add to our extensive array or knives and 2 boxes of 30-06 bullets and as we were walking to the registers one of the people who works there ask if we were getting ready for zombie invasion we immediately responded "hell yea"

The drugs should be legal thread is over there ----------->

<-----------------------Or there

It depends on where the voices tell you to go.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Credit Gahan Wilson, IIRC.


I remember that as a Gary Larson "Far Side" cartoon,

You are probably right...my memory went up in smoke long ago.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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If you remember the 60's & 70's, then you just weren't making the most of them.;)

Bejeezus man! I tried my best!

Timothy Leary's dead.
No, no, no, no, He's outside looking in.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Bah, piss on PDWs. Smaller rounds in medium sized rifle deserve more respect. They get a bad rap rap because they are mostly used by militaries, and militaries use ball ammo (for the uninitiated, that's a lead center with a copper jacket, and it doesn't expand). Run quality ammo with the proper bullets through them and you get very different results. And with AR type platforms, you can have an 18" or longer barrel/upper matched with a 10-12" upper (provided you have an NFA stamp or it's the zombppcalypse and no one cares) for dedicated short range work. I do suggest a quality pistol in fighting caliber as well. That does not mean the biggest baddest most ridiculous Dino-killing hand cannon. That means something 9mm to .45 cal or .38 to .45cal. The size of the hole doesn't matter if you can't put the hole where you want it.

disclaimer: PDWs have their place, but I prefer two good pistols, or a good rifle backed up by a good pistol, depending on circumstances.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I dunno... Kennedy I still say you're thinking small. Granted, a .454 doesn't hold much ammo, and granted its got comically ridiculous recoil, but I personally adhere to the philosophy of Steven King's Gunslingers... giant caliber, know how to use it, and never, ever miss. After all, we're not worried about the ergonomics and manageability for concealed carry or anything. The only thing that matters is, what is likely to take the most Zs with the least ammo expenditure?

If you know how to use your Casull and take the time to truly aim, its one round per zombie. Same reason I favor 12 gauge slugs over rifles. I'm not even sure I'd trust 00 buckshot. It'll blow em back a ways and I'm sure 00 buck is impressive against humans but unless you get the neck at close range, a Z is likely to just accept that its got a lot of 00 pellets as impromptu body piercings and keep coming anyway. You can't afford to be carrying weight in ammo thats not certain to put one down with every round fired.

Haven't you ever seen the first Resident Evil flick? When the zombies were packed tight in close quarters, the investigation team blew through all their assault rifle ammo in the first few seconds and the Z's just kept coming.

Plus, with a .454 its actually somewhat more forgiving of less than perfect aim. You might have to blaze off half the contents of your .45 ACP before the Z starts to notice it is accumulating holes. But say you aim low with your .454 and get one in the collarbone 3 inches off center? You still just took off the head, the neck and assorted shoulder meat.

And even if you don't permanently put down the Z with a single shot, the shock of having a cubic foot of tissue blown off anywhere on the body will certainly get the Z's attention and is likely to be extremely disabling I.E. take off a leg or an arm or sever the spine.

The downside is you can't carry all that much ammo for those things, and when you're out, its down to chainsaws and tomahawks again.

For further training videos I suggest 28 Days Later, any of the Resident Evil series and Return Of The Living Dead.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it.

I hate to be scornful of your choices here man, but... a crossbow? Come ON, thats got to be one of the least effective anti-Z weapons I can think of! Might as well try to fend em off with a handbag from Macy's.

I mean, seriously... shoot one in the groin with a crossbow, the zombie looks down and thinks "Hm. A Prince Albert." And keeps right on coming.

If you target one from 200 yards, you could spend the entire time it takes the Z to cover that distance methodically firing and reloading, and by the time it arrives within brain-eating range all you've done is make the Z look like a porcupine with all the shit sticking out of it. I'd even gladly take Kennedy's smaller handguns over THAT.

Remember man, these things aren't alive anymore. Blood loss, impaled organs don't bother them at all. Even a crossbow bolt right in the eye is unlikely to have much effect unless you manage to punch it through the orbit and spear part of the brain reponsible for motor functions. You have to do enough nervous system damage that theres simply no way for brain to activate legs (and jaws). And until you do, suckers just gonna keep coming...
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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One the serious side, you either misunderstand the .454, or vastly over estimate it. The entrance is still only a hole slightly less than one half inch (unless it's a contact shot, where blowback makes it very messy) and the exit wound is still only a baseball sized hole at best. The .454 is best for very tough targets; think natural armor like thick bear hide big bear muscles and strong bear bones. The .454 is for penetration of a harder than human target.

On the zombpocalypse side, as zombies are only as solidly built as humans, and maybe slightly less so since they are rotting, you are wasting power on penetration. Make that over-penetration. With that patently ridiculous recoil, you also have slow follow up shots. As for the gunslingers creed you follow, it's just not realistic. Even the best in the world miss their targets. Smooth follow through, fast target acquisition, and removable magazines are much more important. If you insist on shotguns (I don't suggest it) then your best ammo is PolyShok. It's main advantage is that nearly all its energy is expended on target. Slugs on human-like targets will over penetrate and thereby waste energy.

The tac team in resident evil (and better illustrated at the start of RE 2) they waste their ammo because they use full auto and they're not taking head shots.

Once we have light sabres the problem will be moot. Until then, the best human applicable arms are the right choice. Rifle, pistols, sword, dagger. I prefer swords and slicing impliments to hacking and chopping ones simply for the likelihood of getting stuck. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate a good scalper though.

Really though, the big issues will be, as always, food water and shelter. Lack any one of those three and weapons are moot. Transportation and weapons are a tie for fourth.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Ah... my mistake... your ability to quote scenes from more than one RE flick indicates you have extensive zombocalypse training, and I will defer to your expertise in this matter.
Now the Polyshok, (links dead by the way but I googled it) looks VERY appealing and FAR more effective than any of my choices. If I HAD to forego Polyshoks and was stuck with my basic slugs though, perhaps they could be rendered more effective as dum-dums? The old "cut a cross into the head of the bullet" thing? Does that even really work?

I'm sure thats illegal along with pretty much everything else these days, but during the zombocalypse I understand the state would tend to be a bit lenient with firearms laws... after all, they can't win the next election if they stick too tightly to the rules and their constituency gets eaten. Zombies don't vote.

And I agree with your take on edged weapons- which is why I choose swords over the tomahawk. Chopping weapons have a tendency to get stuck. For good Samurai technique, look up "redneck katana", a tool used for sword training to teach how to properly choke off a sword swing before it gets embedded in your Zombie's pelvis or something.

The tomahawk is only for when your swords are either lost or broken but you still want something more effective than, say, a Rambo knife or a straight razor or something.

I also recommend carrying one last ditch weapon, can be coiled in a wallet and is easy to improvise with: a 3-5 foot length of titanium wire. Worst case scenario you grab two pieces of almost any small nearby debris, wrap a bit of your wire ends ends around the objects for use as handles and now you have a combat garrote. Hand-based rotary fighting techniques derived from the movement set of a good spin kick and you'll be popping off zombie heads in style like the barfight scene from Book of Eli. Plus you can use it as a rabbit snare once you're well clear of urban areas, as well as applications such as friction saw or log-drop trap for securing your sleeping quarters against any stragglers. Its hard to eat brains when you've got a 300 lb log on your chest.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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The point of a crossbow is to use reusable rounds that still work past arm's length. Once you run out of ammo, unless you've stockpiled a factory's worth of ammo, you're going to need something else. I don't know I'd you realize it, but a crossbow bolt will go through every part of the human body except maybe the spine and femur. It's also good for bringing down game animals. When you run out of bullets and friends, there'll likely be edible critters running around that you can't catch by hand.

Better that a crossbow is the knowledge and ability to build your own primitive bow. When all our modern stuff breaks rots or seizes up, there will still be means to build a bow.

Also, if you're strong enough to use it and fit enough to carry it and use it more than once, a good mace, flail, or morning star isn't a bad idea. They'll crush about any skull and snap any spine. The big drawback is weight and lack of utility as anything other than a weapon.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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OK, this has been fun, I'm calling it a night.

Dum dum rounds are so named in (dubious) honor of a town by that name near Calcutta, India. That name refers to soft nosed bullets, or bullets without a complete jacket, or jacketed bullets with the frontal jacket cut to facilitate flattening. The idea was that creating a bigger hole would be more effective. Hollow points and expanding bullets are a different category that came later and made the argument irrelevant.

Deployment of dum dums under the "Laws of War" is proscribed by a "Declaration on the Use of Bullets Which Expand or Flatten Easily in the Human Body" adopted at the First Hague Peace Conference of (29 July) 1899 which states:

That's my trivial pursuit contribution for the day. As for your shotgun slugs, there's no point in scratching the front because the slug is all one metal, and it will not flatten or expand in any appreciable way inside the human body.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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