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>11 Reasons We'd be Better Off with No Government at All

All true! But there are like 30 reasons you'd be better off dead. No more waiting through commercial breaks! No more traffic! No more people cutting in front of you in line! No more stale pretzels and watery beer!

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[reply Kennedy, would you read the bottom of page 22 and the top of page 23 and then come back and tell us about Federal judges and the income tax?

OK, so you found one exerpt from one case not related to tax law. Considering your posts in this thread, I think it would be inappropriate for you claim judges are always correct, don't you? In this case, the judge was wrong.

No Kennedy,
please just tell us all what that feral judge said and exactly what he said regarding the 16th amendment and how other courts would work with that same knowledge.

Please be absolutely truthful as your credibility is relying on it! Besides , I AM(Jim B) WHO AM (Jim B) is watching!! You won't get away with any bullshit!

Jim B.

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Like I give a fuck what you think about me or my credibility? Not bloody likely! You're the one who thinks courts can't hear criminal cases or cases where any part of the government is a party. I'm not in the habit of quoting judges who are wrong about one topic while ruling correctly on the issue at hand. If you want to quote him, that's your issue, and you'll look even more ridiculous than you already do (and that's saying something).

The judge was wrong. If you want to know what the federal judiciary has said about the 16th amendment, look up ruling related to said amendment, not a pretrial motion to dismiss a request for injunction concerning the war powers act.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Ding. End of discussion

Huh? Was the judge Hitler?

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Like I give a fuck what you think about me or my credibility? Not bloody likely! You're the one who thinks courts can't hear criminal cases or cases where any part of the government is a party. I'm not in the habit of quoting judges who are wrong about one topic while ruling correctly on the issue at hand. If you want to quote him, that's your issue, and you'll look even more ridiculous than you already do (and that's saying something).

The judge was wrong. If you want to know what the federal judiciary has said about the 16th amendment, look up ruling related to said amendment, not a pretrial motion to dismiss a request for injunction concerning the war powers act.

See here young man, (doesn't that opening give me an air of superiority and athourity? ;))

You say the judge was wrong. That may be true.
Thing is he pretty much aknowledged the point I've been making.
When it comes to income tax no federal judge is going to give a defendant a fair shake.
That's a federal judge on the bench talking candidly.

And still you believe that in tax matters the defendant can get a fair trial?

Jim B.

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The judge was wrong.

Ding. End of discussion.

I think this discussion should continue.

Andy, the judge in the Sullivan case candidly admitted that there was no evidence that the 16th amendment was properly ratified.
Strike that , he stated that there was ample evidence that the 16th amendment was never properly ratified !!!

He goes on to make the point that even if that amendment was never legaly added to the Constitution, no federal court
would ever rule that the income tax provision is anything other than law!

What say you?
If the 16th amendment was not properly ratified , is it law?

Jim B.

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You and the wrong judge agree.

See a pattern?

Can we talk about the 45 degree rule for exit separation?

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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You and the wrong judge agree.

See a pattern?


I do. I see that you have made up your mind and if a federal judge attempts to enlighten you you just disregard what he says, he is wrong ,end of story.

Yes ,Wendy, I do see a pattern!

I see a pattern of those entrenched in their ignorance refusing to open themselves to the Truth.

Jim B.

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