
Greedy Corporations and the Wealthy Fatten Themselves on the Rest of Us -- Join "We Are One" Rallies to Stop the Freeloaders

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fair is fair...


The nation’s greedy corporations and insatiable wealthy are fattening themselves on workers. There’s no trickle down. It’s the opposite; the rich have been sucking the economic lifeblood from the middle class for decades.

When reckless Wall Street banksters get taxpayer-funded bailouts, billionaires get tax breaks and gigantic corporations like GE and Bank of America pay absolutely no federal income taxes, they’re getting for free the very public services that enable them to make massive profits in this country – the courts, the roads, the trade regulators, the patent enforcement.

The middle class doesn’t get those big time special deals and loopholes. Workers pay their taxes. As a result, it’s workers footing the bill for the government services that enrich the rich. Greedy corporations, their CEOs and the right-wing politicians they buy with tens of millions in campaign cash are freeloaders.

It’s time workers stood up to the freeloaders. Join Monday’s We Are One rallies. These demonstrations across the country by religious groups, social justice organizations and labor unions will illustrate that the middle class is mad as hell and not going to take trickster economics anymore.

It’s time for greedy corporations and the insatiable rich to pay their fair share.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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Boy, will those greedy corporations be put in their place when the workers start their own corporations and put the greedy corporations out of business.

It is really obvious that, faced with the skill and insight possessed by the workers, the Wall Street bloodsuckers won't have a chance.

It is an historical inevitability. It will happen any time now. I can't wait.



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400 supporters showed up this morning on the steps of Oklahoma's capitol building. ;)

What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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Boy, will those greedy corporations be put in their place when the workers start their own corporations and put the greedy corporations out of business.

It is really obvious that, faced with the skill and insight possessed by the workers, the Wall Street bloodsuckers won't have a chance.

It is an historical inevitability. It will happen any time now. I can't wait.



I hate how greedy corporations exploit the worker with tools like salaries, bonuses, benefits and JOBS.

Let's get rid of them and make everyone work for the state.;)

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Boy, will those greedy corporations be put in their place when the workers start their own corporations and put the greedy corporations out of business.

It is really obvious that, faced with the skill and insight possessed by the workers, the Wall Street bloodsuckers won't have a chance.

It is an historical inevitability. It will happen any time now. I can't wait.



I hate how greedy corporations exploit the worker with tools like salaries, bonuses, benefits and JOBS.

Let's get rid of them and make everyone work for the state.;)

Uh its headed to a stateless world where the corporations are the ONLY power.... RollerBall anyone???

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Boy, will those greedy corporations be put in their place when the workers start their own corporations and put the greedy corporations out of business.

It is really obvious that, faced with the skill and insight possessed by the workers, the Wall Street bloodsuckers won't have a chance.

It is an historical inevitability. It will happen any time now. I can't wait.



I hate how greedy corporations exploit the worker with tools like salaries, bonuses, benefits and JOBS.

Let's get rid of them and make everyone work for the state.;)

Uh its headed to a stateless world where the corporations are the ONLY power.... RollerBall anyone???

Umm Obamacare is stateless??? Looks like more state involvemnet in my life not less. A lot more.

I'll take Rollerball over 1984 any day of the week. Atleast I have a chance then.

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>400 supporters showed up this morning on the steps of Oklahoma's capitol building.

WHAAAAT? They are supporting a building constructed by greedy corporations, via a contract no doubt intended to fatten the wealthy on the backs of good Americans everywhere? O the hypocrisy! O the greed! When will someone step up and protest against these protesters who support the freeloading ultra-rich over the common people?

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Umm Obamacare is stateless??? Looks like more state involvemnet in my life not less. A lot more.

I'll take Rollerball over 1984 any day of the week. Atleast I have a chance then.

I guess you missed the part where its a HUGE winfall for corporations .. ie Insurance companies... to make it really viable... put all the insuance executives that have defrauded the american people with PRE_EXISTING bullshit while getting billions in bonuses in jail as crooks.

People that believe the government is engaged in 1984 behaviors has NOT been keeping up just how much more intrusion into peoples lives that Corporations make.. DAILY.

What you dont know..... enslaves you.[:/]

You can give me your best BAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH now.

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Umm Obamacare is stateless??? Looks like more state involvemnet in my life not less. A lot more.

I'll take Rollerball over 1984 any day of the week. Atleast I have a chance then.

People that believe the government is engaged in 1984 behaviors has NOT been keeping up just how much more intrusion into peoples lives that Corporations make.. DAILY.

So this is justification for more government intrusion into my life... because there is more corporate intrusion into my life than I know about?

One does not justify the other.

How about we shrink government and get them out of the medical business 100%. Don't let them make laws forcing me to get insurance for every little thing.

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Umm Obamacare is stateless??? Looks like more state involvemnet in my life not less. A lot more.

I'll take Rollerball over 1984 any day of the week. Atleast I have a chance then.

People that believe the government is engaged in 1984 behaviors has NOT been keeping up just how much more intrusion into peoples lives that Corporations make.. DAILY.

So this is justification for more government intrusion into my life... because there is more corporate intrusion into my life than I know about?

One does not justify the other.

How about we shrink government and get them out of the medical business 100%. Don't let them make laws forcing me to get insurance for every little thing.

Fuck that.. why the fuck do I HAVE to pay for irresponsible numbnuts that feel entitled to FREE healthcare when they did not buy insurance... becuase they felt they were invulnerable and nothing could ever happen to them.. FUCK the irresponsible assholes that do not contribute.

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I don't like corporations either. That's why I've been trying to build my own car, DVD player and lightbulbs. I'm also digging for my own oil and natural gas. I've been digging in my backyard with a homemade shovel for a few years now and I haven't found any oil yet. It would sure be nice if someone could do all this for me. I'd gladly pay them :)

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Fuck that.. why the fuck do I HAVE to pay for irresponsible numbnuts that feel entitled to FREE healthcare when they did not buy insurance... becuase they felt they were invulnerable and nothing could ever happen to them.. FUCK the irresponsible assholes that do not contribute.

This is a far better argument for getting rid of EMTALA then it is for Obama's healthcare system. You will still be paying for most of those people under the Obama system.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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How about we shrink government and get them out of the medical business 100%. Don't let them make laws forcing me to get insurance for every little thing.

We should rally against that pesky law that requires doctors to treat people who do not have healthcare.
While we're at it, let's do away with that pesky auto insurance, also. Hell, I've never had to use it.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Fuck that.. why the fuck do I HAVE to pay for irresponsible numbnuts that feel entitled to FREE healthcare when they did not buy insurance... becuase they felt they were invulnerable and nothing could ever happen to them.. FUCK the irresponsible assholes that do not contribute.

But you support public HC?????? How in the world does that not make you support "irresponsible numbnuts that feel entitled to FREE healthcare when they did not buy insurance"???????

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How about we shrink government and get them out of the medical business 100%. Don't let them make laws forcing me to get insurance for every little thing.

We should rally against that pesky law that requires doctors to treat people who do not have healthcare.
While we're at it, let's do away with that pesky auto insurance, also. Hell, I've never had to use it.


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That is an amazing article in Vanity Fair. I just read it... I doubt any of the USUAL SUSPECTS will.

I do wonder how long it will be till the riots in this country begin.

When poverty stops coming with color TVs to entertain us (98.2% of Americans), electricity and a refrigerator to keep our food in so we don't need to shop every day (98.2%).

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That is an amazing article in Vanity Fair. I just read it... I doubt any of the USUAL SUSPECTS will.

I do wonder how long it will be till the riots in this country begin.

When poverty stops coming with color TVs to entertain us (98.2% of Americans), electricity and a refrigerator to keep our food in so we don't need to shop every day (98.2%).

So... shall we say about 5 days after the next CME event.:o

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