
"Leading Atheist Publishes Secular Bible" - WTF?!

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I'm just tired arguing with you.

You suggested that Christianity would weaken, so I suggested that the scripture agree's with you:

1 Timothy 4:1
[ Some Will Depart from the Faith ] Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons...

The video I posted was a depiction of this and what religion represents.

As a former editor in Hollywood, I tend to notice subtle details in the various forms of media propagated by some of the most wicked and powerful people that I used to work for.

This video is pretty obvious, but it starts off with a set of coffin-like enclosures, one of which is marked with a cross that says "monster"

The surreal creatures emerge and converge on a woman and force her into want seems to depict some type of involutary baptism. The woman becomes one of "them" and starts to speak in evil tongues and dances for the devil and his 12 "apostles" and some really freakish demonic cat at 2:42.

The video culminates with them being consumed by fire in their lust exposing their true form.

The video depicts the copy-cat nature of evil. It's why so many non-believers have a hard time distinguishing between evil religion and the virtue of spiritual life through faith in Christ.

Pretty trippy, I know...don't take it too serious, I'm just having some fun since you hardly ever reply to any of my responses with anything substantial and fresh....
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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