
Half of Iowa Republicans don't believe Barack Obama was born in U.S

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Factual reasons?

Has he produced his birht cert?

(not his cert of live birth?)

No, he hasnt

To me I just wonder what advantage he thinks he is getting by not producing it?

Got any ideas?

Remember, I dont care at this point

Here are the FACTS, Marc.


Why do you and your kind live in fantasyland?

Why can't you concede the fact that you have been totally and completely fooled by the information sources you choose?

Pretending that a "Certificate of live birth" is not a "Birth Certificate" is asinine. As in "extremely or utterly foolish."

At this point the only people who think that there is any question as to the facts of the matter are complete morons. At least you have made clear where you stand.

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I just checked my daughter's birth certificate and it is a "Certificate of Live Birth."

Mine says certificate of birth, although I was born in France and am a US citizen born abroad so I have a few pages of additional paperwork.

All this birth certificate drama seems silly to me. I guess that's why I stay out of politics as much as possible.

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>I just checked my daughter's birth certificate and it is a "Certificate of Live Birth."

Wow! Did you know she was born in Kenya before you saw that?

At this point if you believe Obama was or was not born here is not important, what is important is why someone would spend millions in law suites and lawyers to not produce something you can get for less than $100. give me an answer to that question.

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>At this point if you believe Obama was or was not born here is not important

Exactly. This is the new GOP philosophy - the facts are not important, it's all in who we can smear. John Kyl was just the first to openly admit it.

Why not put it to rest by just getting the long form birth certificate?

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Has he produced his birht cert?

(not his cert of live birth?)

What's the difference?

A cert of live birth is just a generic document. The birth cert has signatures from those there during the birst from a Dr or nurse, hospital administrator or others. It is called the long form birth cert
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
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Factual reasons?

Has he produced his birht cert?

(not his cert of live birth?)

No, he hasnt

To me I just wonder what advantage he thinks he is getting by not producing it?

Got any ideas?

Remember, I dont care at this point

There is a huge advantage of letting this go on. He can paint all of his opponents as dolts and crazies.

I personally believe he was born in Hawaii but might not HAVE a long form birth certificate. I know this because I never had one till I got married at 38. For years I used my PA Birth Registration Notice. At 38, I was applying for a marriage license in Italy and was told by the Italian Consulate that what I believed was a birth certificate was not. Turns out my parents were given this Birth Registration Notice and never applied to the state for a “birth certificate.” Who knew it wasn’t one? It worked for 38 years.

So I applied to the state of PA for a birth certificate and got one. Went to the consulate and was rejected again because I did not have the “Long Form” birth certificate. I applied again to PA and finally got my long form. It states I was born in 1969 but was issued in 2007.

Maybe something similar happened to him. Now he doesn’t really have a long form because he never applied for it. Just imagine if he got one issued with a date on it from 2008?

Good points on all

Like I have said
I dont care at this point but I dont know the answer either
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
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>What's the difference?

None - but the difference in words can be used to rile up the ignorant. (And get the ignorant vote and you're 90% of the way towards winning an election.)

Well, you are wrong
as pointed out by another poster there is a difference and there are situations where the cert of live birth does not cover the situation

But you cant pass up a good generic slam can you.


Even though the ignorace on this topic is now documented to be yours:o
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Factual reasons?

Has he produced his birht cert?

(not his cert of live birth?)

No, he hasnt

To me I just wonder what advantage he thinks he is getting by not producing it?

Got any ideas?

Remember, I dont care at this point

Here are the FACTS, Marc.


Why do you and your kind live in fantasyland?

Why can't you concede the fact that you have been totally and completely fooled by the information sources you choose?

Pretending that a "Certificate of live birth" is not a "Birth Certificate" is asinine. As in "extremely or utterly foolish."

At this point the only people who think that there is any question as to the facts of the matter are complete morons. At least you have made clear where you stand.

His cert of live birth has been produced as I said

His birth cert has not

Abercromby of HI has said as much too

Remember, he was going to produce it. Now he says he cant find it
Gov of HI and a personal family friend of the Obamas

dont really care what snopes says
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I just checked my daughter's birth certificate and it is a "Certificate of Live Birth."

Mine says certificate of birth, although I was born in France and am a US citizen born abroad so I have a few pages of additional paperwork.

All this birth certificate drama seems silly to me. I guess that's why I stay out of politics as much as possible.

It is silly to me to

But the facts are what they are

But poking the left is so much fun is situations like this
They got the emotional side of this down pat though, I will give them that:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I am thinking this will help you to keep frothing at the mouth


Wed Apr 20 2011 10:35:52 ET


This year's high stakes publishing project quietly went to press this week, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

After years of research and digging by the nation's top private investigators, here it comes:

"WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President."


The street date is a LONG month away, and author Jerome Corsi, the man who torpedoed John Kerry's presidential dreams with SWIFT BOAT, has gone underground and is holding his new findings thisclose.

"It's utterly devastating," reveals a source close to the publisher. "Obama may learn things he didn't even know about himself!"


Does Corsi definitively declare the location of Obama's birth?

Will the president's attorneys attempt to interfere with the book's distribution? [The publisher vows to vigorously fight any legal action that may be taken.]

Will the book finally -- once and for all -- put an end to the growing controversy?

Or will it just ignite new ones!?

"When Donald Trump said he sent PIs to Hawaii to get to the bottom of all this, he meant this book," declares an insider.

[THE CASE ranked #1,341 on AMAZON's hitparade late Wednesday morning.]


found on Drudge

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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dont really care what snopes says

do you really want to go on record saying "I don't really care what the facts are?"

In this case the facts are the long form has not be produces. So in this case, if snopes says he has, it is wrong. There are articles today in the news that verify, from Gov Abercromby himself, that the long form has not be located.

So to answer your question, in this case, yes, I will go on record saying that snopes does not have the facts
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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why someone would spend millions in law suites (sic) and lawyers

Whoa. You say that like it's a bad thing.

in many cases lawyers are a bad thing and making this country worse every day. when a judge overturns the vote of 8 million people, or stops the truth from being heard or when the lawyer stops the truth from being used in a case or gets a criminal off on a technicality, we loose. we should adjust the sentence not throw out the case if there were violations, and the one that caused the technicality should be held accountable. how many criminals are out because a lawyer or judge covered up the truth because of a technicality? the court room is rarely about thruth and justice anymore.

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why someone would spend millions in law suites (sic) and lawyers

Whoa. You say that like it's a bad thing.

in many cases lawyers are a bad thing and making this country worse every day.

I see your humor gland isn't functioning today. Your loss.


how many criminals are out because a lawyer or judge covered up the truth because of a technicality?

Uh, damned few; and I say that with 25+ years of legal practice under my belt, so I'm not just pulling out a tired, old slogan out of my ass. Criminal courts are incredibly biased in favor of the prosecution almost all of the time. Show me a judge who's willing to doubt the credibility of a cop, and I'll show you a pig with wings. I'm not going to waste my time giving you the long version of this. Mind you, this isn't just a matter of conflicting opinions; you simply don't know what the hell you're talking about.

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I personally believe he was born in Hawaii but might not HAVE a long form birth certificate. I know this because I never had one till I got married at 38. For years I used my PA Birth Registration Notice. At 38, I was applying for a marriage license in Italy and was told by the Italian Consulate that what I believed was a birth certificate was not. Turns out my parents were given this Birth Registration Notice and never applied to the state for a “birth certificate.” Who knew it wasn’t one? It worked for 38 years.

So I applied to the state of PA for a birth certificate and got one. Went to the consulate and was rejected again because I did not have the “Long Form” birth certificate. I applied again to PA and finally got my long form. It states I was born in 1969 but was issued in 2007.

so did you still get married in Italy? They certainly weren't making it easy for you.

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>Why not put it to rest by just getting the long form birth certificate?

It has been put to rest by the US courts system. Case closed.

Ah, but they're federal judges, and thus have a conflict of interest; so they should all recuse themselves.

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