
Arabs & Muslims Weep at bin Laden's Death

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First the tears, now the anger: Pakistanis burn U.S. flags as backlash over Bin Laden's death grows

These were the angry scenes across Pakistan today as Muslims staged protests against the killing of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

Hundreds of people marched through Multan, burning U.S. flags and waving placards as they warned the terrorist's death could produce many more radical figures to take his place.

It comes after crowds of weeping mourners were pictured offering funeral prayers for the Al Qaeda mastermind widely blamed for thousands of deaths at 9/11...
Full story: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1383011/Osama-Bin-Laden-dead-Pakistanis-burn-US-flags-backlash-grows.html

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Might be time to re-think all of the aid we're giving.


Pakistan pays U.S. lobbyists to deny it helped bin Laden

Some members of Congress are now demanding that nearly $3 billion in annual aid for Pakistan, included in Obama's 2012 budget, be blocked until the Zardari administration explains how bin Laden lived untouched just 30 miles outside Islamabad, the Pakistani capital. Pakistan has received over $20 billion in U.S. aid since the September 11, 2001, attacks. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/05/us-binladen-pakistan-lobbying-idUSTRE7445GK20110505?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews

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Might be time to re-think all of the aid we're giving.

we should do that anyway just because the budget is so lopsided

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>we should do that anyway just because the budget is so lopsided

Agreed. Time to let them run their own country with their money.

Got that right! Fuck 'em. :|
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Word on the street over here is that most are glad he's dead. The ones that are not - well, they're the rabble, the ignorant, the disenfranchised; in short, the lunatic fringe that AQ & OBL counted on as their base.

Unfortunately for AQ & OBL, well, they're the rabble, the ignorant, the disenfranchised; in short, the lunatic fringe. In other words, "Life is tough - it's tougher if you're stupid."



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Your source material is very poor John, the Daily Mail is basically bordering on being a fascist rag that promotes xenophobia posing as a reputable newspaper. The people in the article are members of Jamat Dawa a small UN banned organisation which change its name from Lashkar-e-Taiba after the US declared it a terror organisation, it funded and organised the Mumbai attack. To claim that these people are representative of the people of Pakistan is like claiming that the KKK is representative of the people of the USA.
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