
freefly training

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After you get some reasonable experience flying with others on your belly.

If you rush into FF, you'll end up probably being poor at both FS and FF for a number of jumps, not to mention that when the shit hits the fan, having a solid FS base to work from so you get the hell out of the way is invaluable.

In the UK, we have a FS-1 qualification, that covers all the air work needed to sucessfully pull off a flat 4 point 4 way. Vertical movement, turns, slides etc...
I don't know what the equivilent is where you are.
Once you've got that ability, and have made a few FS jumps, you can start thinking about FF.

There's absolutely no rush, and having a decent grounding in FS will make you a better skydiver.

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What they said is true however...
As long as you can get to your belly and be stable do what YOU want in the air. If you want to begin freeflying do it. Be smart about it and get someone with experience to help you. Experience is not a guy with 100 skydives BTW. You can do it all as long as your smart about it. What so many try to do is break skydiving into all these separate categories...it's bullshit. If you can't fly on your belly, back, feet, head and angles in between, your not a freeflier! If you rush to your feet, your belly work will still suck. Ask any freeflier and they will all tell you that they rushed to their head, got proficient and had to go back and work on their feet. If you think sitflying makes skydiving more interesting, go for it. Recognize that there are no shortcuts.
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
-Eric Hoffer -
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The links below will take you to some of the many opinions and threads on this topic. Personally, i am one of those that started freeflying at 30 jumps and now realise that i did it the completely wrong way round. Good luck! :)

me too.:$ I shoulda listened to some of the folks here on DZ.com and not some of the other folks at the local DZ. But...once I realized my mistake and worked on belly/RW flying more, I'm feeling like a return to working on my freefly skills is coming soon.

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