jclalor 12
***My wife is a doctor. She also holds the same theological views I do.
So I guess she keeps silent at church as Paul says in 1 cor 14:34? Does she ask questione only at home? If she does ask questions at church then it would cause you great shame and you both would also be disobedient to God, and we know you don't want that.
No offense, but your theology and understanding of this is juvenile.
Please help me understand. If the bible is the inerrant word of God, how does this verse apply to your life, or better yet, to your wife's life.
1 Corinthians 14:34-35, “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church”
I understand this verse very well thanks, just curious on your take. Most scholars agree it was inserted later by a scribe who did not like that Paul would include women in church services. If you look at what Paul is writing before and after this verse, it's obvious that it does not belong. These verses also contradict Paul's other writings about the role of women in the church.
So Paul is saying women either need to be silent in church and only ask questions at home or the inerrant word of God isn't .
oldwomanc6 58
The historical context needs to be considered. At this time very few women (virtually none) were educated in scripture. The women were interrupting church because they were ignorant. Asking questions, demanding answers right then and there.
This verse is basically a way to keep order, and stop tangents from taking over, or other subject hijacking.
WSCR 594
FB 1023
Explain the true and accurate existence of primal man that has been defined long before the "Jesus era" of 2011 years ago.
Also, if everyone of the believers completely and totally refused to put another red cent into this mysterious belief......what would happen? Would the business and the fistful of delusions evaporate??
I don't know the answer...but, just stop throwing your money at your church and see.
I would like all the churches with their creative little quips on the marquis to read...."Just bring money". That would be the real truth.
Coreece 190
QuoteThe historical context needs to be considered.
No, it's too much work to understand the historical, cultural, and circumsantial context...we just want to further our agenda.
Coreece 190
QuoteI would like all the churches with their creative little quips on the marquis to read...."Just bring money". That would be the real truth.
Most...not all.
kallend 2,055
QuoteQuoteThe historical context needs to be considered.
No, it's too much work to understand the historical, cultural, and circumsantial context...we just want to further our agenda.
So is it the inerrant word of omnipresent God, or is it something written in later that can be ignored in the present?
"Context" is your convenient excuse when you can't explain the contradictions in your beliefs in faeries and other mythical beings.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
Coreece 190
Quote"Context" is your convenient excuse when you can't explain the contradictions in your beliefs...
No, actually "context" is more like the opposite of that.
1. the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect.
2. the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.
jclalor 12
QuoteQuoteIf I may jump in here. Make all the jokes as to how I shouldn't-- ha ha.
The historical context needs to be considered. At this time very few women (virtually none) were educated in scripture. The women were interrupting church because they were ignorant. Asking questions, demanding answers right then and there.
This verse is basically a way to keep order, and stop tangents from taking over, or other subject hijacking.
Speaking of context; does "Pauls" writings concerning womens role in the church seem out of context with what he is saying just before and after. Most NT scholars agree that these verses were inserted later by a scribe who was not happy with the role of women in the church. In chapter 11, Paul speaks of women praying only with covered heads in church, (activities that were always done out loud) It's hard to think Paul would contradict him self so badly within 3 chapters.
14:26 What is it then, brothers? When you come together, each one of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has another language, has an interpretation. Let all things be done to build each other up. 14:27 If any man speaks in another language, let it be two, or at the most three, and in turn; and let one interpret. 14:28 But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in the assembly, and let him speak to himself, and to God. 14:29 Let the prophets speak, two or three, and let the others discern. 14:30 But if a revelation is made to another sitting by, let the first keep silent. 14:31 For you all can prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be exhorted. 14:32 The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets, 14:33 for God is not a God of confusion, but of peace.
As in all the assemblies of the saints, 14:34 let your wives keep silent in the assemblies, for it has not been permitted for them to speak; but let them be in subjection, as the law also says. 14:35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home, for it is shameful for a woman to chatter in the assembly. 14:36 What? Was it from you that the word of God went out? Or did it come to you alone? 14:37 If any man thinks himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him recognize the things which I write to you, that they are the commandment of the Lord. 14:38 But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant. 14:39 Therefore, brothers, desire earnestly to prophesy, and don’t forbid speaking with other languages. 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.
jakee 1,526
First paragraph: If the Days of Creation are really ‘geologic ages’ of millions of years, then the Gospel message is undermined at its foundation because it puts death, disease, thorns and suffering before the Fall. This idea also shows an erroneous approach to Scripture—that the Word of God can be interpreted on the basis of the fallible theories of sinful people.
And you have the balls to moan about other people looking for 'evidence' to fit their presuppositions? So dishonest.
This was also fun: When critics say that Adam could not name the animals in less than one day, what they really mean is they do not understand how they could do it, so Adam could not. However, our brain has suffered from 6,000 years of the Curse—it has been greatly affected by the Fall. Before sin, Adam’s brain was perfect.
You say your wife's a doctor: how about she asks a neurosurgeon what Adam's "perfect brain" would have looked like. What do you think they'd say?
This is literally cartoon stuff. Ken Ham would happily claim Adam had heat vision and could fly if he needed to make it fit.
jaybird18c 24
QuoteSo I guess she keeps silent at church as Paul says in 1 cor 14:34? Does she ask questione only at home? If she does ask questions at church then it would cause you great shame and you both would also be disobedient to God, and we know you don't want that.
Context is everything...and a proper understanding of Godly submission.
Do Women Have to Remain Silent in Church?
jimbrown 0
QuoteQuoteDid Jesus teach that the body is a temple?
Doesn't God dwell within the Temple?
Are you your body or are you your Soul?
Jesus taught that we are all God.
And exactly as He , We are all his Children my Brother!
Jim B
If you have kids, have you ever noticed that, before they learn to tie their shoes, they sometimes try and tie or untie them and it all winds up in a very twisted mess? A mess that takes quite a while to unwind. It's hard to do sometimes when you're late for work and you're in a hurry. THIS is some "Twisted Scripture."
"Twisted scripture"?
We are told that God created Man in His Own image.
Do you believe God to be humanoid in form and thus restricted to living as hunanoid in some location in the physical universe, or do you believe God to be Spirit in form and dwelling throughout the Spirit realm of which the physical universe is a subset?
Jesus taught that the body is only a temple .
That teaching would lead to believe that the essence of Man is Spirit .
If Man was created in Gods' image and God is Spirit , and the essence of Man is Spirit , Is not every Man God?
Love God above all other things, Love your Brother as Yourself.
You and your brother aren't "things" . You are God . That's what he was getting at.
Ya know you do have access to the Akashic Record as do all Humans.
You could look at it all yourself but instead you cling to that Bible like a security blanket.
Jim B
jclalor 12
QuoteQuoteQuoteSo I guess she keeps silent at church as Paul says in 1 cor 14:34? Does she ask questione only at home? If she does ask questions at church then it would cause you great shame and you both would also be disobedient to God, and we know you don't want that.
Context is everything...and a proper understanding of Godly submission.
Do Women Have to Remain Silent in Church?
1 Timothy is considered by many not to be genuine Pauline. I find it ironic that the proof you present for the veracity of 1 Corinthians 14:34 is a letter that is also considered a forgery. 1 Timothy 2:11-15 is a direct contradiction of Paul's teachings, who ever wrote this still had a grudge about Eve.
In Romans 16:7, this is the only place in the NT that a women is referred to as an apostle, Junia is praised by Paul in fact for her work. Some scribes tried to change her name to Junias, to attribute her as being a male, but there is no such name as Junias ever mentioned in ancient times.
Women were very much apart of the early church. Paul said that "In Christ there is not male or female" The second century Christian critic celsus denigrated Christianity as made up largely of children, slaves and women. Christianity was appealing to women in the early church because that in Christ, they would be on equal footing with men
As an Atheist, one of the few redeeming qualities I find in Christianity, is Paul's attitude towards women in the church. I'm curious if you consider every Pauline letter as genuine when the over whelming number of textual critics and scholars that all writings attributed to Paul are not genuine. One example:
kallend 2,055
QuoteQuoteSo I guess she keeps silent at church as Paul says in 1 cor 14:34? Does she ask questione only at home? If she does ask questions at church then it would cause you great shame and you both would also be disobedient to God, and we know you don't want that.
Context is everything...and a proper understanding of Godly submission.
Do Women Have to Remain Silent in Church?
Your excuses are absolutely PATHETIC. I find it hard to believe that you take this crap seriously.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
jaybird18c 24
jaybird18c 24
jimbrown 0
Hey Jaybird,
Do you realize that under Roman rule crucifiction wasn't necessarily a death sentence but was often used as a form of public humiliation as were the "stocks" in 17th century America?
According to the New Testament Pilate was inclined to let Jesus go free.
He put it up to a vote by the crowd.
Does that sound like the man was wanted for a capitol crime. Like the governor even ever considered a death sentence?
Or was public humiliation the sentence?
Oh.., one more thing.., Pilate had him crucified just before the beginning of Passover.
Pilate would have known that he would have to be removed from the cross before the passover.
He also would have known that it would usually take at least a week for a man to die from crucifiction.
Do you believe that Pilate intended a death penalty for Jesus ' little temper tantrum with the Jew money traders in the temple, or did Pilate just follow the crowds' lead and sentence him to a crucifiction for the purpose of public humiliation?
Could it be that Jesus' suffering is a parrallel to todays DUI offenders wearing the orange vests on Saturday( not to be confused with the fans of the University of Tennessee) picking up litter on the side of the road?
Jim B
Coreece 190
QuoteYa know you do have access to the Akashic Record as do all Humans.
Ya, I met the librarian last time I went...her soul is like a blackhole.
Here, I took some video:
jimbrown 0
QuoteQuoteYa know you do have access to the Akashic Record as do all Humans.
Ya, I met the librarian last time I went...her soul is like a blackhole.
Here, I took some video:
Tee hee hee !!!
That's the immature or nervous vibe I pick up from you.
Fact is you don't know , you don't really practice what you tell everyone you believe.
It's ok.
You are perfect and are fullfiling the plan perfectly and with precision.
Look within yourself. In the center of the temple you will find God and the Truth!
Jim B
Coreece 190
QuoteYou are perfect and are fullfiling the plan perfectly and with precision.
Your passive aggresive flattery sickens me...you edify with lies.
jimbrown 0
QuoteQuoteYou are perfect and are fullfiling the plan perfectly and with precision.
Your passive aggresive flattery sickens me...you edify with lies.
Go get a drink of water.
Take a few deep breaths of this wonderful air.
Close your eyes and travel inward.
All the Truth , the history and God are there for you .
I love you my Brother.
Jim B
Coreece 190
QuoteTake a few deep breaths of this wonderful air.
If you're talking about your verbal flatus...I'll pass, thanks...
QuoteAll the Truth , the history and God are there for you .
...and to you as well:
QuoteI love you my Brother.
Prove it.
But to the original question, would it matter to me if JC didn't die. Theologically (for propitiation), yes; but to me personally, no. his life and words are enough that I would follow him.
jimbrown 0
Prove it.
Do you have any reason to believe that I don't love you my brother?
Look within yourself and you will find that we are all one.
If I was to do anything to hurt you I might as well be cutting off my own arm.
We are all one, Coreece, and the one in it's entirety and in its' smallest divided parts are all God.
I do love you my Brother for you are Myself.
Jim B
So I guess she keeps silent at church as Paul says in 1 cor 14:34? Does she ask questione only at home? If she does ask questions at church then it would cause you great shame and you both would also be disobedient to God, and we know you don't want that.
No offense, but your theology and understanding of this is juvenile.