Unemployment benefits..

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I was talking to a fiend today about unemployment. They are rolling back some of the extended benefits.

Maybe we should allow people to have extended benefits but at some point turn it into a government loan. This would help people that need help and make those that are milking the system get jobs quicker or at least try..

Just an idea.


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You want to loan money to people without a job? Do you work at a savings & loan or what?
Just give 'em the money. That way nobody gets cheated out of repayment.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Hi Rhino

You asked so here's my response.

Your idea sucks. Its going after the symptons of the problem the unemployed. Rather than the robber barrons that are responsiable for the problem.

Have a nice life
One Jump Wonder

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I was talking to a fiend today about unemployment. They are rolling back some of the extended benefits.

Maybe we should allow people to have extended benefits but at some point turn it into a government loan. This would help people that need help and make those that are milking the system get jobs quicker or at least try..

like the idea of drug testing, I think the costs exceed any gains you might get, even in the best case.

Max unemployment in my city doesn't even pay the rent in full, so you're already running a deficit (borrowing) to stay afloat. You're not a good candidate to repay.

I think you'd get better results with a declining payout - say extended benefits at 50% as your combination of help yet encouragement. But this really only works for that portion that is doing the "stayvacation" on benefits. For those in regions with little turnover of open reqs, it's not about encouragement. Like I said, in SF, Unemployment pays perhaps 60% of your costs. You want to get another job.

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I was talking to a fiend today about unemployment. They are rolling back some of the extended benefits.

Maybe we should allow people to have extended benefits but at some point turn it into a government loan. This would help people that need help and make those that are milking the system get jobs quicker or at least try..

Just an idea.


I'm all for allowing charitable organizations to take care of the charity cases.

Government should take care of the business of protecting our borders.

To legislate that charity should spring from my personal earnings isn't philanthropy but legalized theft.

If anyone wants to be a philantropist you have my sincere respect and admiration, as long as you intend to support your dream with your own funds not mine.

Jim B

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Government should take care of the business of protecting our borders.

Of course in your other thread you said that no one owns any land and that borders should be completely open. Why am I not surprized that your positions make no sense?

- Dan G

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Government should take care of the business of protecting our borders.

Of course in your other thread you said that no one owns any land and that borders should be completely open. Why am I not surprized that your positions make no sense?

You are right . I did say that and both positions make perfect sense.
I know you are used to black and white, you may want to consider the gray area in the middle generally makes the most sense.
Peace ,
Jim B

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"Your idea sucks."

Why does it suck? It makes PERFECT sense to allow extended benefits to continue under the pretense that a portion will be repaid. It's a WIN WIN. There is ZERO downside.

Share your wisdom..


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>I know you are used to black and white, you may want to consider the
> gray area in the middle generally makes the most sense.

Gray: "The government has a role in protecting our borders, but should not go overboard."

Black: "Borders should be completely open."

White: "Government should take care of the business of protecting our borders."

Gray areas are great, but when you try to be white and black at the same time people may not take you seriously.

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>I know you are used to black and white, you may want to consider the
> gray area in the middle generally makes the most sense.

Gray: "The government has a role in protecting our borders, but should not go overboard."

Black: "Borders should be completely open."

White: "Government should take care of the business of protecting our borders."

Gray areas are great, but when you try to be white and black at the same time people may not take you seriously.

Try this,
Government should protect our borders against invading violent armies who would /could disrupt the Rights of Men which are ennumerated in our Constitution.

No one has any exclusive Right to any particular parcel of land. We were all born to the same Earth . It belongs to all of the Earthlings.

Grey ; Although no one has a Right to any parcel of land they do have certain Rights to the improvements they have made upon the land. They also have certain responsibilities and do owe a debt to the rest of the Earths' Citizens for the exclusive use of that land . Perhaps a fair value property tax should be imposed for the use of the land and be distributed to those deprived of the use of that land .

Jim B

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