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jaybird18c 24
QuoteYou need to do some catching up on your 6th grade science, you're falling behind the other kids. least I think I'm "Smarter than a 5th Grader."

Kmart 0
QuoteThats easy to answer. .... blah...blah...blah.. What's sad is when you die you will never know that you wasted so much of your time and effort while alive for nothing.
I feel sorry for you. I really do mean that. Such a waste. I wish I could help you see the light. Free your mind. Take the blindfold off, but I can't. Religion has done it's job and has fully deluded you to the point of no return. I just hope you don't infect to many other people before you go.
I have my popcorn and my recliner so cut loose. What am I missing, What experiences have you had that I haven't, What is Truth, What new things does a free mind see, and since our destiny is oblivion and a source of protein for several generations of maggots, what does it matter what infectious thoughts one may entertain when its all over?
I don't live in fear anymore. I no longer have to fear eternal suffering in hell or eternal boredom in heaven. My life now has more meaning because this life is ALL I HAVE. Make the most of it! The thought of living on for all eternity kind of makes this life pretty pointless.
The Church profits from fear. It's their cash cow. The more people that help spread that fear the more people that get infected and become slaves to it and the church profits even more. Suffering for all eternity in hell was an absolute genius marketing ploy I have to admit. Fill them full of fear then sell them hope. CHA-CHING$$$$$$
I love knowing there is no "plan" for me. My destiny is mine to make. I decide my fate. That is so empowering I can't describe. I am no longer a slave to fear since I unbrainwashed myself from religion. I am FREE!
The truth = There is no god. The Bible is fiction.
I can now say... Fuck God! Fuck Jesus, Fuck the bible! Fuck all religions! .. I can say that without fear. It's kind of fun. You should try it. :p
I can prove God doesn't exist:
GOD, if you exist please strike me dead this instant! I DARE YOU! I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU!
Kmart 0
Here is an interesting article about the Bacterial Flagellum. Much more complex than meets the eye. Irreducibly complex functionality. Could that have happened by chance? I don't think so...but you're free to your opinion. I just wish we'd all admit that we start from an assumption. It's the intellectually honest thing to do. We all have a starting point which we cannot entirely prove scientifically.
Just take note of the website of the link he posted. Far from an unbiased site. Lmao. They believe the universe is only 6,000 years old and don't believe in evolution even though evolution is FACT.
ryoder 1,590
The is NO evidence for the existence of your invisible friend.
My invisible friend is a 6' rabbit named "Harvey", and don't tell me he doesn't exist.

wmw999 2,473
What do you think "order" looks like to a dolphin?
Wendy P.
ChrisL 2
I respect your opinion.
and I respect the way you refuse to be baited into losing your temper.
Your responses would seem to support the notion that you
are a rational thinker and that you dont get your feathers ruffled easily.
I wonder why you steadfastly refuse to apply this quality when pondering the mysteries of life?
Theres so much that we dont/cant even begin to understand and the universe is such a phenomenal, unfathomable mystery, but blindly accepting that what we dont understand yet is the result of omnipotent/omniscient beings that rule all and have a "plan" and we just have to take all that on faith alone is what humans did thousands of years ago.
We used to think thunder was made by an angry god. Now we know better.
My mighty steed
rehmwa 2
QuoteWhat do you think "order" looks like to a dolphin?
it's a fish
but, really, to a dolphin "disorder" also looks like a fish
as does happiness
other dolphins
and a dolphin they also look like fish
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
Yes I know Christians have committed acts of hate so no point in bringing that up. I am not saying it never happened just saying that the negative emotion towards all of this is really not good.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000
True...but it seems reasonable. If I were walking down the street and I came upon a grouping of rocks on the sidewalk that formed words which read Jay Phillips, who lives at 405 Willowbrook Terrace, Dothan, AL 36301, brown/hazel eyes, brown hair, 5' 10" tall, I wouldn't assume that those rocks formed themselves in such a manner by chance no matter how many millions of years you waited. Yes, it is an assumption but our DNA is billions of times more complex and specific than what I just described. You may assume that it can all happen by chance but that an assumtion.
Here is an interesting article about the Bacterial Flagellum. Much more complex than meets the eye. Irreducibly complex functionality. Could that have happened by chance? I don't think so...but you're free to your opinion. I just wish we'd all admit that we start from an assumption. It's the intellectually honest thing to do. We all have a starting point which we cannot entirely prove scientifically.
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