
Be extra careful this Saturday!

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Ok. Steve. You big. Me small.

Aren't you going to throw some scripture in with that for good measure?
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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Ok. Steve. You big. Me small.

Aren't you going to throw some scripture in with that for good measure?

Sure, if you'd like. "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." (James 4:6)

Thanks, I needed that.
How do you think your evangelizing is going? Any converts?
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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How do you think your evangelizing is going? Any converts?

FWIW - neither his nor your evangelizing has converted me.

I still neither know, nor care.:P

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Hey Rabbit,
If you are going to butt in to someone else's conversation at least learn American vernacular. No one understands that cockney bravo sierra.

really ? I had no trouble understanding EXACTLY what he was saying. The deficiency must be you - but again instead of attacking the point he made, you decided to attack his language.

great job (again) - now go tell me to move back to Canada again....

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How do you think your evangelizing is going? Any converts?

Doesn't matter. I'm not called to convert anyone but to present the gospel message in the Biblical manner. Only God can change the heart. It doesn't matter if I ever see a conversion. The Bible also describes limits to evangelist efforts stating "not to cast pearls (speaking of the gospel) before swine (arrogant and proud rebels hostile to God's grace.) But to dust your feet off as you head to the next town. The command to repent and believe the gospel is not a request. You will be held resposible for everything you have done, thought, or said one day.

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....and welcome back!

Thanks...but sorry to give you the impression that I was leaving, that wasn't my intention. A little bit of wishfull thinking on your part, perhaps?:P


Ok, the first is more about religion vs science rather than intelligence and how it relates to people of faith. Overall it's just and extremely biased view held by a Satanist who evangelizes on behalf of alternative religions. I hardly consider the guy a credible source for anything.

I found the first setence to be very peculiar and ironic:

Bias When Searching for Truth
If you think you have the answers, you are less likely to search for the truth.

Now that statement doesn't seem so unreasonable on the surface, but given the context, it's clear he's pretty much injecting his own bias by making false assumptions that christians already think they have all the answers before engaging science.

He'd also have you believe that science is the search for truth, but it's not. Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

He says that non religious people can become better scientists, but considering that science is related to the physical and natural world rather than the spiritual and supernatural world, a Christian can engage in scientific study without interference of his faith.

The one thing I like about the article is that it gave reference to a large study that confirmed becomming a scientist does not lead to the loss of religious conviction. I think it could also be argued that religious conviction in and of itself does not lead to the loss of scientific integrity.

The wiki link is less biased and written much better. I particularly like the part where it says that measuring religiousity is hampered by difficluties, which always lead me to question the reliability of such studies.

Overall, I just don't see any practical significance in these types of studies. Ok, there are unintelligent and uneducated people who believe in God, so what? Stupid people should also be eligible for salvation. Science on the other hand requires you to be intelligent and educated. I tend to find that the comparrison of science and religion to be rather ridiculous...

I think you'd have a much more profound and provocative argument if you could prove that all intelligent and educated people don't believe in God, and that if you do believe in God, you are unintelligant and uneducated...but you can't, because it's not true, so you have to resort to the deceitful musings of a Satanist to make it appear that way.
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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I think you'd have a much more profound and provocative argument if you could prove that all intelligent and educated people don't believe in God,

All? Don't ask for much, do you? We can't even show that all intelligent and educated people reject the 9/11 conspiracy theories. We can't even show that all people educated in the field of civil engineering reject them. Does that mean we can't detect a meaningful trend? Does it mean that 9/11 conspiracy theories are sound?

All? You don't have a fucking clue:D
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You're game is weak shown by your resorting to profanity and personal attacks.

Weak? That's funny coming from someone who believes in invisible friends despite a total and complete lack of any objective evidence for their existence.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You're game is weak shown by your resorting to profanity and personal attacks.

Whatever. If it bothers you, then just respond to the first paragraph, that one's clean. If my game is so weak, it should be easy for you.

On the other hand, if the strength of my game rests on the substance of my argument instead of whether or not I said fuck, then you might be in trouble.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You're game is weak shown by your resorting to profanity and personal attacks.

Weak? That's funny coming from someone who believes in invisible friends despite a total and complete lack of any objective evidence for their existence.

And, given the obvious design/completely of the universe, you believe that everything came from nothing, blew up, and became, by some blind force of nature, an organized everything. Don't get me wrong, I greatly admire your faith.

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You're game is weak shown by your resorting to profanity and personal attacks.

Weak? That's funny coming from someone who believes in invisible friends despite a total and complete lack of any objective evidence for their existence.

And, given the obvious design/completely of the universe, you believe that everything came from nothing, blew up, and became, by some blind force of nature, an organized everything. Don't get me wrong, I greatly admire your faith.

Your position is not strengthened by misrepresenting the science. You don't actually have ANY evidence at all to support your faith. None. Zilch. Zero. That's why it's called "faith".

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You don't actually have ANY evidence at all to support your faith. None. Zilch. Zero. That's why it's called "faith".

And despite all of crowing and cackling I hear from the self proclaimed intellectually gifted, once you get beyond the known theories of science you ain't got shit. Your faith in nothing equals any believers faith in God. And what do you get for your trouble, nothing. Where as a personal relationship with God is indeed the most treasured possession.

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All? You don't have a fucking clue

The idea that the basis for belief in God relies on being an uneducated moron is pretty absolute, but it's completely crushed by the fact that there is a multitude of highly intelligent men, women, scientists, doctors, lawyers, etc. that are Christians...being an uneducated moron is not the basis for their belief. There is something else driving that faith...

Steve said that it just shows that some people just can't be reached...He's right.

John 10:28-30
I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one."

This includes uneducated morons btw...
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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You don't actually have ANY evidence at all to support your faith. None. Zilch. Zero. That's why it's called "faith".

And despite all of crowing and cackling I hear from the self proclaimed intellectually gifted, once you get beyond the known theories of science you ain't got shit. Your faith in nothing equals any believers faith in God. And what do you get for your trouble, nothing. Where as a personal relationship with God is indeed the most treasured possession.

The entertainment value of applied fallacy by the self proclaimed intellectually challenged is endless.

Have fun with your imaginary friend. That's so cute.

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All? You don't have a fucking clue

The idea that the basis for belief in God relies on being an uneducated moron is pretty absolute, but it's completely crushed by the fact that there is a multitude of highly intelligent men, women, scientists, doctors, lawyers, etc. that are Christians...being an uneducated moron is not the basis for their belief. There is something else driving that faith...



Believers are emotional cripples.

Intellectual acuity and psychological stability do not always go hand in hand.

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By the way, you're saying a PhD has more education than a MD? My wife had a 4 year residency after 4 years of medical school....then through 3 step boards for certification.

Late to the party, this has probably already been addressed, and I'm surely open to the simple-minded accusation of being a "drive-by", but the answer is of course, yes.

With all due respect, an MD is not an educational degree; it's a technical/vocational degree. One can only hope that some education came along with it.
Every fight is a food fight if you're a cannibal

Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. - Anthony Burgess

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The idea that the basis for belief in God relies on being an uneducated moron is pretty absolute,

And where in this thread has that idea been expressed? The only person being absolutist here is you.


There is something else driving that faith...

And what is driving the faith of the intelligent, educated engineers and architects who believe the 9/11 conspiracies? It sure as hell isn't anything they learned during their education.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Believers are emotional cripples.

Intellectual acuity and psychological stability do not always go hand in hand.

I agree. It seems that the intellectual elite, the believers in nothing, are afraid to allow their emotions, other than anger, to manifest. They are afraid to experience the love of God. They do not know how they will handle it. It is scary for them, emotionally crippled indeed.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Believers are emotional cripples.

Intellectual acuity and psychological stability do not always go hand in hand.

I agree. It seems that the intellectual elite, the believers in nothing, are afraid to allow their emotions, other than anger, to manifest. They are afraid to experience the love of God. They do not know how they will handle it. It is scary for them, emotionally crippled indeed.

"A man sees in others what he knows of himself." Socrates

You imagine others as being univerasally subject to your limitations. This is most certainly not the case.

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