end of the world will happen in 5 months

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The world ended when it became difficult to find an RW load becarse everyone was being a lawn dart.


Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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The Lesson of Harold Camping - Todd Friel

If you are reading this, you either belong to one of those Satanic, non-Harold Camping-like churches or Mr. Camping was wrong.

Family Radio Station owner Harold Camping recently placed over 3000 billboards announcing May 21, 2011 as the day his followers (and not many others) would be raptured out of here. If you are an Amillennialist, you wouldn’t be raptured anyway, but if you belong to a non-Harold Camping–like church, you were warned that you would not be flying in the sky on Saturday.

Oops. Looks like he was wrong.
Stunningly, this is not Harold’s first whiff. Harold predicted the end of the world in 1994. While I am not good at math or dates, even I know he missed that prediction too.

For clear thinking Christians, this was all rather silly. When Jesus said that no man knows the day or hour that the Son of Man would be returning, we take Him at His Word (Mark 13:32). However, there are lessons for us in the sad saga of Harold Camping.

Harold started out orthodox
Harold Camping began his ministry as a conservative reformed follower. However, smoke started to rise from Harold’s ministry as he refused to sit under anyone’s authority. We should have known there was a fire burning.

As the years passed, Harold, a civil engineer, incorporated strange numerology and allegorical interpretations to his teachings. As is almost always the case, when a teacher starts to lean left, their trajectory rarely corrects back to the center, it veers more radically left. And so it goes with Harold Camping.

It is not uncommon to hear Harold tell his followers, “Never before have you heard a teaching like this.” Hebrews 13:9 was written for a time such as this. “Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings.”

The moral to the story
What can we learn from this unfortunate side-show?

1. Accountability through the local church is important.
2. Run from teachers who say, “I have a new interpretation.”
3. Never stop being a Berean!
4. Never fear to hold ANY teacher’s feet to the fire.

There will be more Harold Campings and more false teachers. We must always be willing to “mark those who cause division contrary to what we have learned, and avoid them (Romans 16:17).


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