
Lead poisoning of wildlife by shot and sinkers

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I'm cool with hunting. But as long as there are alternatives to using lead, why not use them?

Tungsten shot is available, although it has a different spread and causes more barrel wear.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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There is also bismuth shot.

The claims of all that venison being tainted with lead sounds very alarming and also makes me wonder how it could even be possible considering that the bullet largely remains intact 90% retention and better is the norm, the retention refers to the jacket staying with the lead core.

I highly doubt a bullet or even three is then somehow processed into meat.

This sounds like an outright case of lying about the truth of lead in donated venison.

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Sadly, lead work best. Kind of like burning gasoline in internal combustion engines works best.

There are alternatives but then the problems, like steel shot, are more wounded birds, 'cause it doesn't carry the punch that lead does.

And the concentration of hunting in certain areas. 100 hunters on one piece of bog in one day, all emptying a box of shells does not help.

I expect that if all the lead we dumped into the environment from bullets and shot was equally distributed around the wilderness, we probably would not even notice the effects. I think the concentrations are a problem, but who knows.

Solution? I do not have one.

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There is also bismuth shot.

The claims of all that venison being tainted with lead sounds very alarming and also makes me wonder how it could even be possible considering that the bullet largely remains intact 90% retention and better is the norm, the retention refers to the jacket staying with the lead core.

I highly doubt a bullet or even three is then somehow processed into meat.

This sounds like an outright case of lying about the truth of lead in donated venison.

I think he's talking about lead buckshot, not bullets
Speed Racer

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I think he's talking about lead buckshot, not bullets

Ah, but the movement by Audubon, SPCA, EPA, etc., doesn't just stop at shotgun shells. The language would allow the EPA to ban lead bullets too. And then we've got gun barrels that wear out in no time at all, poor ballistics, and even more expensive ammo, that already costs over a dollar per round for centerfire rifle ammo.

It doesn't take much research to find out that these claims of the danger of lead from firearms is way overblown.

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Christ if you're so worried about the lead getting spread about the earth perhaps you should stop jumping from planes that largely still run fully leaded fuel, mainly for no other reason than for your amusement. I love all the hippie "evironmentalist" skydivers that will berate me for driving my full size truck to the dz, or shooting lead bullets out of my guns, but think nothing of the "environmental impact" of their amusing little "sport". There is a whole gamut of other shit thats a whole lot nastier than the natural substance of lead that we are introducing to the environment through our materialistic ways that you should be a whole lot more concerned with.

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There is a whole gamut of other shit thats a whole lot nastier than the natural substance of lead that we are introducing to the environment through our materialistic ways that you should be a whole lot more concerned with.

And people seem to conveniently forget that the lead came from the environment to start with. It was there all along.

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