
Walgreens Employee Fired for Use of Concealed Weapon

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News update:
Walgreens: Video of pharmacist shooting at robbers supposed to be confidential

"Dramatic security video showed Walgreens' pharmacist Jeremy Hoven shooting at armed robbers who fled in fear, even leaving behind one of their guns.

"But Walgreens didn't expect everyone to see it.

"The company has filed an emergency motion to keep the video confidential. This, after Hoven's attorneys released the video, part of an effort to get the public on his side after Walgreens fired him for opening fire...

"He asked the judge to order sanctions, and order that a jury cannot hear the claims because Hoven's attorneys 'seriously jeopardized Walgreens' ability to receive a fair trial...”
Full story: http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2011/09/walgreens_video_of_pharmacist.html

A link to the video was posted in message #103.

Disclaimer: For those here with no sense of humor, and who are unable to recognize humor when you see it, I'll spell it out for you this time: the thread title (above) is intended as HUMOR. Got it?

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>as is a lot of tools - so why single out guns again for your angst?

Same reason you take away a drunk's keys. Can he still kill himself? Yep. But did you just reduce the odds of him killing himself (or someone else?) Yep.

so no issue then - IF the gun holder is drunk or clearly notes that he plans to get drunk, THEN I'm happy to take away his bullets.

if he's sober, I have no right to take either items

and this is same regardless of what type of building or business he's in - be it a bar, or a garage, etc

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Your premise is impossible.

Impossible, but more logical than your approach.


Not quite sure how you would take away highway overpasses or train tracks.

Easy, prevent them from going to them. (Kinda like how I would not let a suicidal person go to the DZ to jump).


Hence, if it is warranted, I would focus on the easiest and most used option. This isn't a concept just for guns and suicides, it is a fairly basic concept that can be used for most problems.

Poison is just as easy, hanging is just as easy.... Yet you don't mention taking the persons shoelaces.

Just admit you don't like guns and are against people owning them and looking for any reason to prevent them from owning them..... I'd have much more respect for you if you were honest.

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