
40 years ago today

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A number of US soldiers died 40 years ago on a former Memorial Day.
During the Vietnam War 0ver 50,000 US servicemen lost their lives.
Greater numbers were permantley maimed,disfigured,or mentally deranged.

The total monetary cost of that war is staggering.

Today we should again ask the questions which have never been answered;

Why were we there?

Half way around the globe?

What was the mission and was it ever completed?

Who made the greatest proffits(top ten) from the war?
Who paid the greatest price?

Was that war and all the loss of life and the money spent worth it?

Or was it all in vain?

Jim B

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A number of US soldiers died 40 years ago on a former Memorial Day.
During the Vietnam War 0ver 50,000 US servicemen lost their lives.
Greater numbers were permantley maimed,disfigured,or mentally deranged.

The total monetary cost of that war is staggering.

Today we should again ask the questions which have never been answered;

Why were we there?

Half way around the globe?

What was the mission and was it ever completed?

Who made the greatest proffits(top ten) from the war?
Who paid the greatest price?

Was that war and all the loss of life and the money spent worth it?

Or was it all in vain?

Jim B


On Memorial Day a discussion about the politics or philosophy of America's wars is not appropriate.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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A number of US soldiers died 40 years ago on a former Memorial Day.
During the Vietnam War 0ver 50,000 US servicemen lost their lives.
Greater numbers were permantley maimed,disfigured,or mentally deranged.

The total monetary cost of that war is staggering.

Today we should again ask the questions which have never been answered;

Why were we there?

Half way around the globe?

What was the mission and was it ever completed?

Who made the greatest proffits(top ten) from the war?
Who paid the greatest price?

Was that war and all the loss of life and the money spent worth it?

Or was it all in vain?

Jim B


On Memorial Day a discussion about the politics or philosophy of America's wars is not appropriate.

It is entirely appropriate and probably the best way to honor those who were forced or duped into giving their lives for the military /industrial complex and the banksters.

As a matter of fact I believe that asking those same questions now about our current wars may lead to far fewer war dead deserving remembrance in the future.

Jim B

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>On Memorial Day a discussion about the politics or philosophy of America's
>wars is not appropriate.

Ironic indeed, given that you used your Memorial Day post on this forum to pray for God to "guide us more wisely" when it comes to selecting leaders. If you want to use a day reserved for commemorating our fallen soldiers to push your politics, fine - just don't be put out when others do the same.

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It is entirely appropriate and probably the best way to honor those who were forced or duped into giving their lives for the military /industrial complex and the banksters.

It is entirely inappropriate and the best way to honor them is to reserve THIS day to remember them and respect their sacrifice. If you want to debate the politics of it, do that the other 364days.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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It is entirely appropriate and probably the best way to honor those who were forced or duped into giving their lives for the military /industrial complex and the banksters.

It is entirely inappropriate and the best way to honor them is to reserve THIS day to remember them and respect their sacrifice. If you want to debate the politics of it, do that the other 364days.

Many of those you are remembering today were forced to be there by threat of imprisonment.
The US law , the draft, required they go to Vietnam or go to jail.

No it is not inappropriate to ask today why those men were forced to their death .
It would be entirely innapropriate not to ask.

Can you give us the Why?

Jim Bi

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Well golly gee just another day for you to crawl out from your rock and in your usual pontificateing, arrogant way you manage to get in a swipe at veterans and service members in general. Go fuck yourself. You are unworthy to even suck the turds out of a latrine. Yeah yeah I know Im banned

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Can you give us the Why?

Ask me tomorrow.
Today I respect their memory.

No, today you are being disrespectful to their memory.

You only want to know that they are dead. You don't want to know why.

Was their "sacrifice" for the Liberty of their loved ones at home.
Or was their forced conscription (slavery) for the freedom of the industrialists to make huge profits out of the expence paid for by the country and the "expendables" ?

That is the question today that the dead soldiers are screaming from their graves to have answered.
They could care less that you remember that they died.

They ,their families ,and the nation would like to know exactly what was it they died for.

I believe we owe them that.


Jim B

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Well golly gee just another day for you to crawl out from your rock and in your usual pontificateing, arrogant way you manage to get in a swipe at veterans and service members in general. Go fuck yourself. You are unworthy to even suck the turds out of a latrine. Yeah yeah I know Im banned

LOL ! Mods he'll be alright!
He's just a bit emotional and rightfully so!

He's a military man and the realization that these wars and the deaths and the destruction are all for naught must hit him in the gut like a sucker punch to the nads!!!

Yes fossg you have been lied to.
You have been duped.

These wars are about profit .

And you and the boys aren't the ones makin' it.

Peace, Jim B

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Oh but I have profited from my service. I have lifelong friends, I have met true heroes, I would not trade my friendships or experiences for ANY amount of money. This day I honor those of us who have fallen. Despite what a sorry asshole like you has to say

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Oh but I have profited from my service. I have lifelong friends, I have met true heroes, I would not trade my friendships or experiences for ANY amount of money. This day I honor those of us who have fallen. Despite what a sorry asshole like you has to say

Sure and that's all great!

But for what purpose did all those young men die ? For what purpose did so many lose their limbs? For what purpose did so many become mentally deranged? For what purpose was the country saddled with so much financial debt?

Just so you could make some freindships?
Were you a *lonely boy* growing up?

Face book has an app for that!

Was all that death and destruction and money thrown away worth you finally making some freinds?

Jim B.

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Can you give us the Why?

Ask me tomorrow.
Today I respect their memory.

No, today you are being disrespectful to their memory.

You only want to know that they are dead. You don't want to know why.

Was their "sacrifice" for the Liberty of their loved ones at home.
Or was their forced conscription (slavery) for the freedom of the industrialists to make huge profits out of the expence paid for by the country and the "expendables" ?

That is the question today that the dead soldiers are screaming from their graves to have answered.
They could care less that you remember that they died.

They ,their families ,and the nation would like to know exactly what was it they died for.

I believe we owe them that.


Jim B

Every analysis with which I am familiar has shown that the reason one fights isn't Mom/Apple Pie (or equivalent), it is one's comerades.

The Medal of Honor is generally reserved for those whose actions showing Conspicuous Gallantry Above and Beyond the Call of Duty is in the support of their brothers in arms. IIRC, the highest proportion of MOH recipients has been Medics.

When in the trenches, politics and philosophy have precious little to do with why one does what they do. It all comes down to keeping the faith, and letting down one's compatriots is the lowest of the low.

Civilians (Clancy, et al.) may glorify turncoats on ethical grounds, but in practice a deserter or traitor from any cause is subject to universal loathing by those who have kept the faith.

One of the few Yankee officers for whom I have respect was Chamberlain; at Appamattox his regiment saluted the vanquished as worthy opponents who had fought well.

Today, please use politics as a suppository, and focus instead on the honor of those who have earned it.

Red, white and blue skies,


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This day I honor those of us who have fallen.

Can't think of a better way to honor the fallen then to think long and hard about what situations are worth the cost of more of our soldiers' lives.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

And a driving need for these lost lives to be meaningful can force us to stay in a conflict long past appropriate, and cost thousands more lives.

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[replyToday, please use politics as a suppository, and focus instead on the honor of those who have earned it.

Of course. But where is the honor in killing others or being killed by those you attack on their own sovereign soil?

There is no honor in blindly obeying orders.
It is the rogue, the rebel, the one who refuses to take part in the insanity who desreves our Kudos.
It is the Casius Clays who most genuinley reflect what it means to be an American.

I don't expect there will be a dissident day declared at anytime in the near future.

Jim B

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A number of US soldiers died 40 years ago on a former Memorial Day.
During the Vietnam War 0ver 50,000 US servicemen lost their lives.
Greater numbers were permantley maimed,disfigured,or mentally deranged.

The total monetary cost of that war is staggering.

Today we should again ask the questions which have never been answered;

Why were we there?

Half way around the globe?

What was the mission and was it ever completed?

Who made the greatest proffits(top ten) from the war?
Who paid the greatest price?

Was that war and all the loss of life and the money spent worth it?

Or was it all in vain?

Jim B


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Well golly gee just another day for you to crawl out from your rock and in your usual pontificateing, arrogant way you manage to get in a swipe at veterans and service members in general. Go fuck yourself. You are unworthy to even suck the turds out of a latrine. Yeah yeah I know Im banned

You are such a hypocrite. You're the one in the other thread was was threatening violence against people who would burn a flag on their own property - a constitutionally protected right. And in this case he's just speaking his mind - another constitutionally protected right - and yet you launch into all that inventive.

Why do you hate constitutionally protected rights so much??
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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Fossg, Kidwicked, your one warning.

And everyone else - can't you avoid using Memorial Day for the latest political whine? Go back to the meaningless angry noise tomorrow; save today for remembering the people who let us waste time here to begin with.

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And everyone else - can't you avoid using Memorial Day for the latest political whine? Go back to the meaningless angry noise tomorrow; save today for remembering the people who let us waste time here to begin with.

right - because you've never done such a thing here.

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Fossg, Kidwicked, your one warning.

And everyone else - can't you avoid using Memorial Day for the latest political whine? Go back to the meaningless angry noise tomorrow; save today for remembering the people who let us waste time here to begin with.

Wow, you deleted two relevant replies already...

I guess you found a way to feel better than everybody else.

Suprised you just didn't delete the whole thread...:S
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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Well...it's a new day.....you can resume flag burning and criticizing those who protect you.

You've completely misread my posts in this thread.

Criticizing pointless wars is not criticizing soldiers, and it's sad that the two are so often conflated. Perhaps it's just easier for you to see the world in black and white terms, free of nuance.

And as for flag burning goes, I am very glad that flag burning is not against the law. To do otherwise would be to restrict freedom.

A flag is just a symbol, and we should be careful of collective idolatry of symbols.
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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