davjohns 1 #1 June 7, 2011 "It is said, mostly by Libertarians, that ‘taxation is theft.’ Theft is too mild a word. Typically, a thief strikes only once, and doesn’t pretend that his robbery is legitimate. Taxation is actually slavery." -- Rick TompkinsI know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet.. But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerseyShawn 0 #2 June 7, 2011 My favorite: When life gives you lemons make lemonade, then take that lemonade and spit it back into the face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the oranges you asked for in the first place. -Phil Hartman Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #3 June 7, 2011 We visited the Dali Museum on 1 Jun 11. I was amused by the following: Rational thought will not lead you to truth. ~Salvador DaliLook for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #4 June 7, 2011 For as long as you remain in the military, or if you ever return to your prior career in civilian law enforcement, I'd like to see to it that you get your paychecks on time, every time. And I want to make sure that your training and equipment are top-notch, too. In the absence of some protocol of taxation, how would we pay for that? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jclalor 12 #5 June 7, 2011 QuoteQuoteWe visited the Dali Museum on 1 Jun 11. I was amused by the following: Rational thought will not lead you to truth. ~Salvador Dali You need to seriously reconsider this one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #6 June 7, 2011 QuoteQuoteQuoteWe visited the Dali Museum on 1 Jun 11. I was amused by the following: Rational thought will not lead you to truth. ~Salvador Dali You need to seriously reconsider this one. Why? I like to be amused. Oh, I forgot. There is no humor on the liberal side.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrewwhyte 1 #7 June 7, 2011 QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteWe visited the Dali Museum on 1 Jun 11. I was amused by the following: Rational thought will not lead you to truth. ~Salvador Dali You need to seriously reconsider this one. Why? I like to be amused. Oh, I forgot. There is no humor in the liberal side. Sigh. I remember when rational thought was the purview of conservatives. Men like George Schultz and Howard Baker; Kissinger and Eisenhower. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jclalor 12 #8 June 7, 2011 QuoteQuoteQuote***QuoteWe visited the Dali Museum on 1 Jun 11. I was amused by the following: Rational thought will not lead you to truth. ~Salvador Dali You need to seriously reconsider this one. Why? I like to be amused. Oh, I forgot. There is no humor on the liberal side. It just seems you have made a few remarks recently that a lack of thinking was required for religious enlightenment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jclalor 12 #9 June 7, 2011 "He who warned the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and, um, making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that, uh, we were going to be secure and we were going to be free". Sarah Palin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #10 June 7, 2011 Quote It just seems you have made a few remarks recently that a lack of thinking was required for religious enlightenment. Probably all of them. Imagination is a better activity.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #11 June 7, 2011 Quote"He who warned the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and, um, making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that, uh, we were going to be secure and we were going to be free". Sarah Palin "I told him. it was Revere, he as- ked if it was Paul? I told him yes He asked me if I was an express? I answered in the afirmative. He demanded what time I left Boston? I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up."Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #12 June 7, 2011 Listen O voters and you shall hear Of the morning ride of Pat Revere. On the fifth of April, in Seventy-Five Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. He said to his friend, "If the Russians come by air or sea into town tonight Swing a flashlight from the belfry arch Of the South Church tower as a signal light. One if by air, two if by sea And I on the Jersey shore will be, Ready to drive and spread the alarm To the British in every mall, village and farm, That Alaskans have the right to bear arms. Then he said "Good-night!" and with a muffled roar Hustled off to the Jersey shore, Just as, you know, the moon rose and stuff, And reflected and whatnot on the, uh, bluffs. When there on the water, seen from afar, The Somerset, Russian man-of-war; A phantom ship, with each mast and spar Swarming with liberals, who spied from afar Our oil platforms, all magnified By their own reflection in the tide. Meanwhile, pacing in his boots, Impatient to drive with a heavy foot, On the opposite shore walked Pat Revere. And lo! as he looks, on the belfry's height A glimmer, and then a gleam of light! He springs into his truck, the key he turns, But lingers and gazes, till full on his sight A second flashlight in the belfry burns. A screech of tires in a village street, A shape in the moonlight, a bulk in the dark, And beneath, from a speedbump, in passing, a spark Struck out by a muffler, shiny and sleek; That was all! And yet, through the gloom and the light, The fate of a nation was riding that night; And the spark struck out by that truck, in its flight, Kindled the land into flame with its heat. He has left the village and entered I-5, His bell warns of an approaching tide, Of liberals eager to grab the guns Of the British or the colonists or perhaps either one. His shot is heard around the world, As the first flag of that war is unfurl'd. Or did that shot come from Concord center? Whatever; it really doesn't matter. So through the night drove Pat Revere And so through the night went his shots of alarm To every mall, village and farm A sound of defiance, and not of fear, A crack in the darkness, a hole in the door, And a shot that shall echo for evermore For, borne on the night-wind of the Past, Through all our history, to the last, In the hour of darkness and peril and need, The people will waken and listen to hear The warning that it's time to secede In that morning message of Pat Revere. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #13 June 7, 2011 Quote"It is said, mostly by Libertarians, that ‘taxation is theft.’ Theft is too mild a word. Typically, a thief strikes only once, and doesn’t pretend that his robbery is legitimate. Taxation is actually slavery." -- Rick Tompkins by a similar line of thinking, any social compact to form a government enslaves its participants. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrewwhyte 1 #14 June 7, 2011 "Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God." "Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason." -Martin Luther Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #15 June 7, 2011 Quote"Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God." "Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason." -Martin Luther Jclalor is not going to like that one either.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedRacer 1 #16 June 7, 2011 Not all Christians agree that Faith and Reason should be opposed to one another. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z_DecUm624&feature=youtube_gdata_player Speed Racer -------------------------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #17 June 7, 2011 >"Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason." So being a Christian is un-reasonable. Interesting. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrewwhyte 1 #18 June 7, 2011 Quote>"Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason." So being a Christian is un-reasonable. Interesting. Well I certainly think it is. The interesting thing here is that so, apparently did the great Protestant himself. Not quite sure what process led him to re-think (re-unquestioningly-believe?) the doctrine of Rome. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #19 June 8, 2011 QuoteWe visited the Dali Museum on 1 Jun 11. I was amused by the following: Rational thought will not lead you to truth. ~Salvador Dali Hmmm favorites???? Hey, come on now. If you kick out the gooks, the next thing, you have to kick out the chinks, the spicks, the spooks and kikes. All that's gonna be left in here are a couple of brain-dead rednecks, and what fun would that be? --- Adrian Cronauer You are in more dire need of a blowjob than any white man in history --- Adrian Cronauer Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #20 June 8, 2011 "I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis." -- Humphrey Bogart ---------- "News is the first draft of history." -- Philip L. Graham, Publisher, Washington Post. "The first draft of anything is shit." -- Ernest Hemingwayquade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beowulf 1 #21 June 8, 2011 “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” ~ Marcus Aurelius Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crotalus01 0 #22 June 8, 2011 "Cocaine is the thinking man's Dristan" ~ Wavy Gravy As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crotalus01 0 #23 June 8, 2011 "Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." ~ Henry Kissinger As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crotalus01 0 #24 June 8, 2011 “Bankers own the earth; take it away from them but leave them with the power to create credit, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. If you want to be slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the bankers control money and control credit.” ~ Sir Josiah Stamp As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crotalus01 0 #25 June 8, 2011 One last one, my favorite of all - “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws." ~ Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites