SkyDekker 1,465 #76 June 13, 2011 QuoteIn my opinion, the only countries that helped over there were the Brits, Ausies, and believe it or not Croatians. And I am sure the Canadians are doing nothing as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #77 June 13, 2011 A purely off-topic aside: People who have obnoxious posting styles look pretty silly when they deride other people for having obnoxious posting styles. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #78 June 13, 2011 Both of you cut it out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #79 June 13, 2011 QuoteQuoteI was wondering when you would break out your Holy Grail... MMMMMMMM nano-thermite.....MMMMMMM Nano-thermite is not a holy grail; it is only one of many irrefutable subjects which will force you to use ad hominem, bigotry, straw man techniques or anything other than addressing the subject matter itself, if you wish to avoid the inevitable. You are forced to adhere to these instruments as you are well aware this discussion disproves your selfish and obdurate disposition. You profess apparent wisdom yet you act like a child when push comes to shove. There is no need for a debate, you are not worth the effort, but if you are going to support murder and war crimes then you had better be prepared for the consequences. Abnegation only works so long as your argument has substance. Slander is not substance. How old are you? Face it Rhys... anything that can be found on any conspiracy site that attempts to make the USA look bad... is your Holy Grail.. and you seem to find it over and over and over... no matter how much of a whackadoooodle do half brained idea it is.... you embrace it with reverence. How old are you again??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #80 June 13, 2011 And your warning. Cut it out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #81 June 13, 2011 is he confirmed to be rhys, or just of a similar mindset, with a suspiciously recent join date? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #82 June 13, 2011 Quoteis he confirmed to be rhys, or just of a similar mindset, with a suspiciously recent join date? Well, he *did* say that he believes the nanothermite crap....Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
champu 1 #83 June 13, 2011 Quote... paranoid ... delusion ... murdering, torturing and stealing ... blatant lies ... beloved flat screen television ... obvious delusion ... spineless ... selfish ... asinine individuals ... childish and inappropriate ... pathetic ... imbeciles ... hook line and sinker ... nut jobs ... mental strength ... QuoteAd hominem is most often used by those such as you ... Quote ... children are being killed in my name, your name and with your money and my money. It is justified by the false conclusion that the government officials are always completely correct and never lie about anything. QuoteUsually calumnious slander or straw man techniques are used ... 1/10. (I would have given it 0/10 for going overboard, but apparently some people are still biting on this.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KidWicked 0 #84 June 13, 2011 QuoteYou know obviously less than you think you do. So no, I will not discount someone's opinion when they actually know more about it than nearly any person you might speak to. I know wiki is your god, but please spare us the theatrics. wsd - it's funny that you are making claims about skills and experience; about what I do and do not know. You forget that I was willing to put my skills and experience up against your "infosec education" and yet for some reason you never got back to me on that one.Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wsd 0 #85 June 13, 2011 You know what, what I will or will not post about my education, background or skills is MY business. I do not have to post anything because you have requested me to do so. The fact that you would do such a thing is absolutely pointless. If you knew who actually knows me in real life and who my friends are then you would understand that your statements and or assertions are just plain stupid. So stop while you are ahead. Many people around this forum are highly accomplished and actually have skills sets you have no clue about, they are not about to tell you either. So do not act like a child. This was not intended to be offensive but you have already been told by others what you are after is pointless and stupid. I think Paul Quade put it best when he told you "SO WHAT" in reference to your claims of IT certifications. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #86 June 13, 2011 Both of you - cut it out. Your one warning. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doi 0 #87 June 13, 2011 Quote Any source on that besides your own delusions? Try ingesting everything posted so far before you ask me to repeat myself. The soldiers not only state that that practice is commonplace, but is expected and encouraged by various superior ranks. Is there anybody reading here that knows Sergio Kochergin? He is one of the solders giving a statement against such practice and his closing pin necklace tells us he is a skydiver. I will track down more than 10 examples of confessions to murder of innocent civilians later I have to work now. I will reply to the ad hominem trusted so violently toward me also. I see however, that none of those using the methodical language tools I have clearly pointed out earlier have made any attempt to address the subject, rather attempts to belittle me and protect their own interests. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iceburner 0 #88 June 14, 2011 QuoteQuoteLet me start by saying i didn't read all of the posts in this thread, but having just returned from there 2.5 weeks ago, i figured i'd respond. Did you carry and AK to cover you tracks? How many innocent people did you witness having their lives taken? No, we didn't carry an AK, nor would we. I would like to say i ran a tight crew, and we actually cared about the people over there. A few bad apples from the Army that are facing criminal trials doesn't represent the whole of the American forces. I also witnessed no civilians being killed by my Marines or by my ANA counterparts. As a matter of fact, i did witness many shops, bazaars, and entire villages open up to the civilians in my AO. Hell, in one of the villages around Marjah the civilians loved us, helped us find IED's, and were upset when my team had to leave. I wont go into details about specific areas, but if you want to see for yourself i hear this is a great time of the year to go over there.... QuoteQuoteIn my opinion, the only countries that helped over there were the Brits, Ausies, and believe it or not Croatians. And I am sure the Canadians are doing nothing as well. SkyDekker, i did not work with Canadians, or ever see them in my AO. I was making a comment about the ones that i did work with, but guess i should have listed the countries i did see (most of which were other smaller/less popular nations that i have helped train their military on past deployments). I am sure the Canadians pull their weight as well, as they have been a good ally from what i have read about. No insult ment in the previous post...i simply never saw any of them there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #89 June 14, 2011 QuoteYou know what, what I will or will not post about my education, background or skills is MY business. I do not have to post anything because you have requested me to do so. The fact that you would do such a thing is absolutely pointless. If you knew who actually knows me in real life and who my friends are then you would understand that your statements and or assertions are just plain stupid. Your claims of experience and knowledge are completely baseless until you provide more info about yourself, or until some one we know stands up for you. Up until that point you are no more than the reincarnation of spectre or the newest version of the internet commando. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wsd 0 #90 June 14, 2011 Whatever, I won't require nor ask for anyone to do any such thing. But thanks for trying to take up Kidwickeds fight for him. I think Bill Von may have some advice for you on that issue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KidWicked 0 #91 June 14, 2011 QuoteWhatever, I won't require nor ask for anyone to do any such thing. But don't you see? When you said to billvon "Jamile knows more about this than you do, so be nice and sit there quietly" you were making an argument from authority and doing exactly the thing which in the above quote you say you won't do. And in the post you made in the thread about crypto algorithms you did the same thing: you attempted to bolster your claims by referring to your 'infosec education'. This is yet another argument from authority, contradicting your above statement. In addition to that, you won't even substantiate it by describing your education, so it is disingenuous on your part as well. How do you explain this?Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wsd 0 #92 June 14, 2011 I say see Bill Vons post about your last warning. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
masterblaster72 0 #93 June 14, 2011 QuoteI'm in Afghanistan as I type this, and I can see the money flying out the window.. Not only that, war can also be extremely profitable. One example... At our camp, we have two different "internet providers", I use that term very loosely. Its around $100 per month for a satellite connection that is slower than dialup, and only works when the weather is prestine AND when everyone is not trying to Skype with their families. This is rare. I could talk all day about waste of funds over here, but technically what I do is classified. Lets just say the government gives better medical care to the captured enemy than to the troops here. My opinion is heavily biased from being in the midst of this conundrum, so consider this my $0.02... Thank you for your service, and for your informed response. I hope we bring you home and stop wasting money lining the pockets of the contractors that are overpaid to set up your crappy internet connection. And if you do need to serve again, I hope it's for a just cause that there will be little debate about. Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KidWicked 0 #94 June 14, 2011 QuoteI say see Bill Vons post about your last warning. I don't think billvon is opposed to a discussion as long as it's not impolite. It seems as if you would rather not try to explain your two contradictory positions...Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #95 June 15, 2011 QuoteWhatever, I won't require nor ask for anyone to do any such thing. But thanks for trying to take up Kidwickeds fight for him. I think Bill Von may have some advice for you on that issue. Not taking up anybody's fight, just a general statement. One that is really quite common, specially in the circles you claim to be a part of. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpecialKaye87 0 #96 June 20, 2011 Okay, as a veteran of OEF (2010-2011) I believe the most important question we should all be asking is: WHY THE HELL IS THIS BEING DEBATED ON DZ.COM? I mean, seriously guys, I use this website to help my mind escape from the memories of that 3rd world shithole. Why the hell would anyone post this here? You know what, here's my 2 cents. YES, there is a terrorist threat in Afghanistan, YES, if we don't get that country to some reasonable point of stability it will turn into a terrorist training ground. YES, we are making headway there, I've seen it first hand. But just for perspective, take this into consideration: Most of the Middle East (key word MOST, not ALL) is run by despotic rulers whose only means of maintaining control is to point the finger at some one else (i.e. Europe, America, Israel, the Jews) and say that they're the reason our country is a 3rd world shithole (like Afghanistan). And people over there feed off the resentment. We may stabilize Afghanistan, but based on what I saw over there, It'll always be a 3WSH (3rd World Shithole) and there's still Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Palestine who hate us so what difference does it make in the first place? Fuck it all, just smile and skydive Live young, die fast, leave a nice looking corpse Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #97 June 20, 2011 >WHY THE HELL IS THIS BEING DEBATED ON DZ.COM? Because some people like to put in their two cents! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tkhayes 348 #98 June 20, 2011 QuoteYES, there is a terrorist threat in Afghanistan, YES, if we don't get that country to some reasonable point of stability it will turn into a terrorist training ground. YES, we are making headway there, I've seen it first hand. - there is a terrorist threat in almost every country in the world, but we are invading or occupying all of them - stability? Define it. Now at what cost? - headway? Define and describe it, 'cause I ain't seeing it. We hide behind green zones and peek out of iron-clad windows at the country that 'we are making headway in'. And again, at what cost? you have unlimited funds? Great, then YOU pay for it, 'cause I am tired of paying for it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #99 June 20, 2011 QuoteMost of the Middle East (key word MOST, not ALL) is run by despotic rulers whose only means of maintaining control is to point the finger at some one else (i.e. Europe, America, Israel, the Jews) and say that they're the reason our country is a 3rd world shithole (like Afghanistan). You mean like L blaming R and R blaming L, while nothing changes and things get worse and worse.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
idrankwhat 0 #100 June 20, 2011 Another less than obvious cost of war: $20 Billion/yr in air conditioning (listen to the audio link) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites