
Barack Obama says rich should pay more tax in call to Congress to resolve US deficit crisis

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Go borrow $250,000.00 and start a business...

you're advising me to go into debt?

(i'd be more impressed with you if you could start a business without a great dollop of credit and then whine about the rich paying their fair share of the deficit)

Those who can do.

been doing it for a while now...

I doubt it based on the naivety you exhibit here. Maybe an independent contractor but certainly not someone who runs a real corporation and understands finance, payrolls, risk management, marketing, advertising, company branding etc. Nor someone who has to deal with employees (like you) vendors etc. and make difficult decisions on a daily basis.
Have you ever had to borrow to make payroll due to short term cash flow issues?

Go back and play with your mates at Alternet and Democratic Underground. They surely appreciate you and your convoluted perspectives.

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I understand what you're saying, I just don't think anything (except the healthcare plan) would be different if McCain had won. We'd still be looking at a huge budget crises and possible inflation down the road.

- Dan G

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One of the things I agree with Wynn on is that Obama is not showing any leadership here. Neither he nor the Democrats have even proposed a budget. All they have done is play politics by letting the Republicans make the proposals and then criticize it. Where is the Presidents plan? That's what Wynn means. That's one of the things causing the insecurities. Obama seems more focused on playing politics than solving problems.

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Go borrow $250,000.00 and start a business...

you're advising me to go into debt?

(i'd be more impressed with you if you could start a business without a great dollop of credit and then whine about the rich paying their fair share of the deficit)

Those who can do.

been doing it for a while now...

I doubt it based on the naivety you exhibit here. Maybe an independent contractor but certainly not someone who runs a real corporation and understands finance, payrolls, risk management, marketing, advertising, company branding etc. Nor someone who has to deal with employees (like you) vendors etc. and make difficult decisions on a daily basis.
Have you ever had to borrow to make payroll due to short term cash flow issues?

Go back and play with your mates at Alternet and Democratic Underground. They surely appreciate you and your convoluted perspectives.

someone important like you must have lots of votes ;)

(now we've established that you are not - nor ever will be one of the top % of income earners perhaps you'll let us know why you're happy to act as their mouthpiece - you're not another of those rabid rightwingers are you)
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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Go borrow $250,000.00 and start a business...

you're advising me to go into debt?

(i'd be more impressed with you if you could start a business without a great dollop of credit and then whine about the rich paying their fair share of the deficit)

Those who can do.

been doing it for a while now...

I doubt it based on the naivety you exhibit here. Maybe an independent contractor but certainly not someone who runs a real corporation and understands finance, payrolls, risk management, marketing, advertising, company branding etc. Nor someone who has to deal with employees (like you) vendors etc. and make difficult decisions on a daily basis.
Have you ever had to borrow to make payroll due to short term cash flow issues?

Go back and play with your mates at Alternet and Democratic Underground. They surely appreciate you and your convoluted perspectives.

someone important like you must have lots of votes ;)

(now we've established that you are not - nor ever will be one of the top % of income earners perhaps you'll let us know why you're happy to act as their mouthpiece - you're not another of those rabid rightwingers are you)

As I've said, you need to get back into your comfort zone over there at Alternet. You haven't got a clue about what you are talking about. I'm sure you're a real firecracker on Alternet

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I understand what you're saying, I just don't think anything (except the healthcare plan) would be different if McCain had won. We'd still be looking at a huge budget crises and possible inflation down the road.

McCain did not have a hope in hell in winning. After 8 years of GWB, you knew it was the Donkey's turn to mess things up. Knowing this they pretty much had a freebee. They appointed someone with above average teleprompter reading skills, but with no leadership experience and no business experience. They appointed a community organizer and with the help of Hollywood marketed him as the messiah, the savior of the world and a lot of people bought into this crap. So yes, even if McCain had won, the US would still be in debt up to their ying-yangs with annual deficits reaching the stars. But as bad as the Elephants were, the Donkeys have made GWB look like a fiscal conservative and we all know GWB was anything but a fiscal conservative.

All hail the one, the only, Nobel Peace Prize winner, the man who said he would close down Gitmo (and didn't), the man who escalated the Afghan war (not to mention helped start the Libya war), the man who has ordered more air strikes and more cruise missiles be fired than all other Nobel Peace Prize winners combined. Barack "Yes We Can (spend more than anyone else)" Obama our messiah, our savior. Only Hollywood could come up with such a mythical make believe leader.

The Elephants gave us GWB and the Donkeys gave us Obama. The US (and the rest of the world) are royally FUBARed if US government spending is not brought under control (yes this includes military spending).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Go borrow $250,000.00 and start a business...

you're advising me to go into debt?

(i'd be more impressed with you if you could start a business without a great dollop of credit and then whine about the rich paying their fair share of the deficit)

Those who can do.

been doing it for a while now...

I doubt it based on the naivety you exhibit here. Maybe an independent contractor but certainly not someone who runs a real corporation and understands finance, payrolls, risk management, marketing, advertising, company branding etc. Nor someone who has to deal with employees (like you) vendors etc. and make difficult decisions on a daily basis.
Have you ever had to borrow to make payroll due to short term cash flow issues?

Go back and play with your mates at Alternet and Democratic Underground. They surely appreciate you and your convoluted perspectives.

someone important like you must have lots of votes ;)

(now we've established that you are not - nor ever will be one of the top % of income earners perhaps you'll let us know why you're happy to act as their mouthpiece - you're not another of those rabid rightwingers are you)

As I've said, you need to get back into your comfort zone over there at Alternet. You haven't got a clue about what you are talking about. I'm sure you're a real firecracker on Alternet

looks like i'm here popping the bubbles of loopy rightwingers - all good fun :)
(now explain to us how increasing tax on the rich is going to bring the sky in onto us all)
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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Go borrow $250,000.00 and start a business...

you're advising me to go into debt?

(i'd be more impressed with you if you could start a business without a great dollop of credit and then whine about the rich paying their fair share of the deficit)

Those who can do.

been doing it for a while now...

I doubt it based on the naivety you exhibit here. Maybe an independent contractor but certainly not someone who runs a real corporation and understands finance, payrolls, risk management, marketing, advertising, company branding etc. Nor someone who has to deal with employees (like you) vendors etc. and make difficult decisions on a daily basis.
Have you ever had to borrow to make payroll due to short term cash flow issues?

Go back and play with your mates at Alternet and Democratic Underground. They surely appreciate you and your convoluted perspectives.

someone important like you must have lots of votes ;)

(now we've established that you are not - nor ever will be one of the top % of income earners perhaps you'll let us know why you're happy to act as their mouthpiece - you're not another of those rabid rightwingers are you)

Understand this dreamy

YOU calling me a rabid right winger, is considered a compliment
Thank you

I also understand that you, and those who partot the same policy's as you, are so far left it would be easier to see me if they and you looked to your left
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>I guess I just fail to see how the President is affecting most of those things.

He's not, of course. He's just a good target.

It's like anything else. Who caused the real estate bubble and collapse? We did, of course. But it's easier to blame the rich evil bankers. (Or Obama, depending on your political predispositions.) Who caused the current deficit? Years and years of tax cuts, government spending and wars enabled by both sides. But it's easier to blame Obama.

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If I could take this quote, make it human and clone it a few hundred times, send it to D.C. America would win!


It really is simple:

Cut Spending
Close loop holes
Raise taxes

These that think you can "tax the rich" and fix the problem are FOOLS. We aren't spending a little over our budget we are KILLING it.

The middle class is what runs this country. Period. We HAVE to keep it safe and growing BUT when close to 50% of the population don't pay taxes...and the top % is already PAYING the most - by far - you kidding yourself to think SPENDING isn't going to have to be addressed FIRST

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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Lets play a game

Im going to use you and how a person runs a household as an example of whats going on and how everyone that runs a normal household manages it successfully.

Lets say you dreamdancer(government) have a house with the usual things in it, its a middle classed house and you have a mid priced car.

You dreamdancer(government) work for a small regional paper supply company(the tax payers). This paper company pays you to do the things they hired you to do and not fuck around, and they pay you an already great salary to get these things done with nothing more.

You dreamdancer(government) decide on the first of the month to buy 3 flat screens(wars), get many subscriptions to netflix(useless entitlement programs), loan money to your friends who you know will never pay you back or do anything to replace what you did for them(3rd world governments, un, nato), give money you dont have to a pyramid scheme knowing it wont work out, but made you feel good(bailouts and stimulus)

Following me?

Well you dreamdancer(government) go to pay bills on the 15th of the month and realize you have spent all your money, and are on track to never recover from this, so you go to a loan shark(china) who fucking well knows your next check is not gonna cover it and is just sitting back waiting to stab you in the back, and get some more money to float yourself till the 31st of the month

A normal family would realize you spent too much and canceled your Netflix, sold the tv's, kicked your friends in the nuts and said no more, but no dreamdancer(government), your mind does not work like everyone else, BUT NO....

Your idea is to go to your bosses at your small regional paper supply company(the tax payers), and tell them that you know you spent recklessly, and know you could fix this by doing the things above, but you instead tell them that you hold the keys to the building and have changed the password to all the computers, and demand that the bosses pay you more money for YOUR fuckups, but don't intend on changing any of your spending.

Do you see how fucked up this is??, or is your mind so warped you think that it is completely acceptable and in your world the right thing for government to be pushing this shit on us, when they are the ones that have put themselves in this corner and are not even thinking of cutting spending on things that do not have a life or death impact on someone.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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Explain to me how I am supposed to be able to afford Obamacare by raising my prices when my customers are already having trouble affording our products?

So I take it that you do not provide health insurance as a benefit to your employees, and you don't pay them enough to afford health insurance on their own?

Explain how the very real possibility of inflation affecting interest rates on loans helps me do more business? Expalin how inflationary increases in the costs of doing my advertising, marketing and branding are helped, when the country continues to borrow and spend? And don't even think for a moment that we aren't getting ready to move into a huge inflationary cycle.

Interest rates are at historic lows. The primary factor potentially driving higher interest rates is the threat of the government defaulting on already incurred obligations, such as treasury bills. Obama has already indicated a willingness to cut entitlements, against the wishes of his own party. I have not seen one millimeter of movement from the Republican side. Since when does "negotiation" mean "you will capitulate to everything we want, and when you do then we'll move the goal posts even further"? If it comes to a situation where the government can't meet its obligations, I see only one side to blame, and that isn't the donkey.


Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Your idea is to go to your bosses at your small regional paper supply company(the tax payers), and tell them that you know you spent recklessly,

no, my plan is to tax (increase the household income) the rich (who are the richest they have ever been in the entire history of human civilisation). your plan seems to be to sing lalalalala at the problem...
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
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Your idea is to go to your bosses at your small regional paper supply company(the tax payers), and tell them that you know you spent recklessly,

no, my plan is to tax (increase the household income) the rich (who are the richest they have ever been in the entire history of human civilisation). your plan seems to be to sing lalalalala at the problem...

Assuming you went to school, did they teach Arithmetic there? If so, did you pass?

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Your idea is to go to your bosses at your small regional paper supply company(the tax payers), and tell them that you know you spent recklessly,

no, my plan is to tax (increase the household income) the rich (who are the richest they have ever been in the entire history of human civilisation). your plan seems to be to sing lalalalala at the problem...

Assuming you went to school, did they teach Arithmetic there? If so, did you pass?

you don't agree that taxing the rich will increase government income (and thus reduce the deficit)?
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
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Nevermind, your reply says is all

The socialist/ communist mind thinks different than the rest. Everything is the states and there is nothing owned by the individual. A proven flawed and failed mind set to begin with
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Your idea is to go to your bosses at your small regional paper supply company(the tax payers), and tell them that you know you spent recklessly,

no, my plan is to tax (increase the household income) the rich (who are the richest they have ever been in the entire history of human civilisation). your plan seems to be to sing lalalalala at the problem...

Assuming you went to school, did they teach Arithmetic there? If so, did you pass?

you don't agree that taxing the rich will increase government income (and thus reduce the deficit)?

No I don't, and it will not do either of the things you post.

And I think you know that

For you this is about someone, having more than you, and you finding a way to get a government what they have away from them for your satisfaction.

You are worse than what you say you hate
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Your idea is to go to your bosses at your small regional paper supply company(the tax payers), and tell them that you know you spent recklessly,

no, my plan is to tax (increase the household income) the rich (who are the richest they have ever been in the entire history of human civilisation). your plan seems to be to sing lalalalala at the problem...

Assuming you went to school, did they teach Arithmetic there? If so, did you pass?

you don't agree that taxing the rich will increase government income (and thus reduce the deficit)?

No I don't,

presumably you think the earth is flat as well...
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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Your idea is to go to your bosses at your small regional paper supply company(the tax payers), and tell them that you know you spent recklessly,

no, my plan is to tax (increase the household income) the rich (who are the richest they have ever been in the entire history of human civilisation). your plan seems to be to sing lalalalala at the problem...

Assuming you went to school, did they teach Arithmetic there? If so, did you pass?

you don't agree that taxing the rich will increase government income (and thus reduce the deficit)?

No I don't,

presumably you think the earth is flat as well...

Oh my cryptic little communist/socialist,

You do make strange (and incorrect) assumptions, and you prove it here yet again
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>>you don't agree that taxing the rich will increase government income
>>(and thus reduce the deficit)?

>No I don't.

Of course it will. That's basic math, but that's not the important question. The important question is - is that the best way to get closer to a balanced budget? And in combination with what else?

It is becoming apparent that we have to increase taxes on everyone AND cut spending even to people's favorite programs to plug the hole in the budget. It will be painful and several sacred cows will have to get slaughtered. But the other option - do nothing - is much worse.

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>>you don't agree that taxing the rich will increase government income
>>(and thus reduce the deficit)?

>No I don't.

Of course it will. That's basic math, but that's not the important question. The important question is - is that the best way to get closer to a balanced budget?

the even more important question is can we avoid a rerun of the thirties and another world war...
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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>>you don't agree that taxing the rich will increase government income
>>(and thus reduce the deficit)?

>No I don't.

Of course it will. That's basic math, but that's not the important question. The important question is - is that the best way to get closer to a balanced budget? And in combination with what else?

It is becoming apparent that we have to increase taxes on everyone AND cut spending even to people's favorite programs to plug the hole in the budget. It will be painful and several sacred cows will have to get slaughtered. But the other option - do nothing - is much worse.

No, it is not apparent.

Taxing at higher rates will increase revenue for a very very short period of time as it will kill or slow the one of the only two actions that will help solve this problem. And that is economic growth. Without growth the revenues will shrink very quickly

There is no tax rate we can put in place to sustain the current spending levels, which is the second action and that action would be to DRASTICALLY cut spending and shrink the government.

Now, we are not too far apart you and I, but I think tax increases with kill exactly what you say it will help with.

But growth has to be there for this to get fixed. Increased taxation with kill growth
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Taxing at higher rates will increase revenue for a very very short period of
>time as it will kill or slow the one of the only two actions that will help solve
>this problem.

Given that we had booming economies when the highest tax bracket was 70% or higher - history disagrees with that.

>Without growth the revenues will shrink very quickly

Without growth revenues will stay the same. (However, I agree that they're low right now.)

>There is no tax rate we can put in place to sustain the current spending
>levels . . .

Agreed there. We cannot tax our way out of this.

>and that action would be to DRASTICALLY cut spending and shrink
>the government.

And a left winger would claim "but if you cut government spending drastically then military contracts will evaporate! Defense contractors will shut down! Government agencies will lay people off! People will be out of work! The economy will crater!"

And they're just as right as you are. It will be painful to increase taxes. It will be painful to cut back government spending. But both have to happen.

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