normiss 803
I couldn't resist inserting the stick and stirring!
champu 1
QuoteDid someone identify God as the driver of the dumptruck?
On the second* day, God created dump trucks.
(* this was determined by the very scientific process of googling "on the x day god created dump trucks" and seeing which had the most results. "The second day" won by a landslide with 2,050,000 and "the eighth day" was a distant second at 1,480,000)
/edited to add: And apparently on the third day He created blind spots... yep, the very next day. I'm not making this shit up.
winsor 236
QuoteYour comments make it seem like you think God owes you something and your going to scoff and complain until you get it.
Nah, it makes it seem like he thinks there is no such thing, and that the whole concept is asinine.
QuoteHorrible things happen every day to the young and to the old - wonderful things as well. But if your gonna thank God for all the good, by implication, you have to blame him for all the bad. I'm not superstitious, I realize events are random and there is no magic involved, and to quote someone much wiser than me "Shit happens"
What would we say of a father who fed four of his six children and let the other two starve to death even if there was plenty of food to go around?
I have too watch children die slow hideous deaths in the course of my work, on occasion, I have to make excuses for God to these kids. I have to look at them with a straight face and tell them to keep on praying and may be he will heal them. We get church groups that come in and sing songs about God performing miracles, these poor kids believe them, I have yet to see one.
If there is a God, he's a fucking dick.
When you have a very short term scope, like the majority of us do, so many things seem just awful. But when you broaden that scope to an eternal perspective, things change quite a bit. I don't blame God for the 'bad' things that happen in my life, but rather try to look at them as He might. Hardships, as awful as they may be, develop us and grow us into stronger people (if we are fortunate enough to live through them). The testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Let me turn that second paragraph around. What would you say of a world who lets people starve to death even though the Father provides plenty of food to go around and more than enough means to deliver that food to the starving? I believe that God wants us to be as charitable as we can afford. If He gives us the means, but we do nothing about it how could we blame Him?
tkhayes 348
so hardships make us stronger? Then should we kill and slaughter more innocent people then to become even stronger? Oh wait, we are already doing that.
If there is a God, he is a fucking dick....+1
Don't tell me, let me guess. That someone would by you?