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QuoteWhat's flawed is your requirement for physical proof of existence of God.
Green giraffes live on the bottom of the ocean. They are herded about by pink midgets. The giraffes eat apples from the tallest apple trees that grow in the deepest abyss. They like to play volley ball when they are not answering prayers from the true believers. It's true. As a matter of fact, it is a fact. No evidence is needed. You only have to have faith that it is true. Do you believe me? Do you need proof? If you do require proof, sorry, I have none. You just have to have faith that it is true.
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young
kallend 2,027
QuoteQuoteThe commandments were basically plagiarized anyway from earlier Egyptian and Babylonian laws (See Chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead). How's that for unethical behavior? Ripping off someone else's ideas and claiming they came from your so-called "God"!
Give it up already, prof. You never made your case the last time you brought this up.
Irony score 10/10 since there is NO EVIDENCE AT ALL for the existence of your "God".
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
Coreece 190
QuoteQuoteThe commandments were basically plagiarized anyway from earlier Egyptian and Babylonian laws (See Chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead). How's that for unethical behavior? Ripping off someone else's ideas and claiming they came from your so-called "God"!
Give it up already, prof. You never made your case the last time you brought this up.
It's talking about 42 gods, two truths and how man has lived up to prefection of some laws...
It takes a stunning level of disregard to make such an ignorant claim with boldness.
Irony score 10/10 since there is NO EVIDENCE AT ALL for the existence of your "God".
Lame...Don't be so daft you hypocrite. Your claim was never based on faith, so prove it with some evidence or just shut up about it and forever hold your peace.
Meso 38
QuoteQuoteI am quoting something that I have seen mentioned a few times by people on facebook
oh, facebook...
And again you address something with zero relevance to the conversation, seems like 90% of your posts are doing that. Maybe spend less time on youtube and more thinking about what you want to say when addressing something.
QuoteIt's exactly in line with what the person I addressed was saying, that the reason they behave 'well' is because of God and they think that without God people will act maliciously.
No it's not, he said nothing about malice. You're the one bringing up extremes of rape and murder as if that drives your point home because, "oh, I don't commit THOSE sins."
...but here's a direct quote from you that drives Jaybird's point home:QuoteI don't have to worry about asking for forgiveness every time I commit a 'sin'.
I don't have to keep worrying about whether or not I am living my life according to "God's" book of rules.
I can lust over whom I please without guilt.
I can be jealous over what other people have without worrying about it.
I can show my true feelings towards people without having to try stick to lines of kindness.
In fact, I quite enjoy sinning.
So you see, you must understand Jaybird's point. Perhaps it's just that you may be a bitter apostate who subcribes to a non-theistic santanistic ideology and are just being difficult by simply grasping for straws while attributing your shallow, short-lived christian experience onto the rest of us.
Aww you seem a bit angry, may want to control that, it will lead to hell, dontcha know. I'd be bitter too if I were you, all caged in. And you'll notice that the lists I made above never hurt anyone, they're actions that are calculated to not hurt innocent people. And sadly for your argument, I am yet to meet a Christian who actually practices the 'turning the other cheek', so they're pretty much in line with me anyway.
In fact, all of those things are done by the vast majority of Christians too, the only difference is that they believe they have to repent afterwards, but you know as well as I do that they go back and do the same thing again. If anything God is a big get out of jail free card, and it's the believers who choose to believe because it sets them free from their actions. It's very easy to sin, ask for forgive and then go back out and do it the next day, which most people do. People don't sin once. And if you're trying to tell me that true Christians actually try hard to keep themselves from these actions, then I am yet to meet a true Christian.
QuoteThis isn't about following some list of laws and rituals, man. It's not about comitting sins... it's about why we comit them. Christ taught us to look within ourselves first. He was more concerned with our personal spiritual condition. Secret non-malicious sin in the heart like hate, lust, and coveting is what leads to malicious sins like murder, adultry, theft and lies.
But it goes deeper than that. The question is this...why are we so filled with hate, lust and all these futile desires, that even though we can understand and have experienced their devastaion in this world, we are still so inclined to give into that carnality by saying things like..."this is just who I am," "I can lust over whom I please without guilt," "I don't care, I don't have to be kind...I can just be a prick and like it," let's eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!" And we go on and live an utterly and completely defeated life in sumbission to this carnality wether you are aware of it or not...wether you care or not.
To live on this planet and to not be pissed off would take some kind of delusional act, oh right... Christianity works. Just believe that everything has a purpose and is God's will and everything is butterflies and rainbows. It's the people who don't have these feelings that are the ones at fault, they are lying to themselves, and maybe it's just me but I'd rather act off the truth than lie to myself to have a happier and carefree life.
You may lack self-control and you may need God to help you believe that only he can prevent you from acting out on your impulses. Some of us though, we don't need reassurance or some helping hand to help us refrain from acting on thought. I have the self control and frame of mind to think something, have the desire to do it but refrain from it because I don't want to hurt anyone, not because doing so may be against the lines of what God teaches.
The reason why we have feelings of hate and lust is because they are natural. And no one will ever be able to stop them from occurring, the only difference is that I am able to decide and control which emotions to act on by myself where you seem to need God to guide you through yours.
QuoteThis is why I can't afford to go back there and adopt your prespective and be influenced by your drab, cliche bullish. Christianity has taught me to presevere and fight the good fight...and though I will be defeated many times, I get back up and fight to experience a glimpse of the eternal glory, joy and the fullness of pure life through spiritual victories that kills sin within me and frees me from the grasp of it's affects.
And once again, it shows that Christianity is something that YOU needed, not something that everybody else needed. Just because without God you made bad decisions and acted on impulse, doesn't mean that everybody else who doesn't believe follows the same path of destruction. As mentioned before, a simple calculation of the impact of your actions is all that is needed, not God. And so it ends up back to it being a personal decision, except it also shows that not everyone needs God to be a good person and that he isn't the saving grace for everyone, just you.
QuoteNow...if i just give up the fight to my carnal instincts, that's all that'll be left...and though there will be a sense of pleasure, it'll be only for a moment...leaving me to suffer the consequences in this life, just as it always had, as it eats away at everything pure, leaving me with nothing but a wretched, dead corpse in a wasteland destined to oblivion by an all consuming fire...
And again, that's an issue with you, not anyone else. There are plenty of non-believers out there who don't feel the need to follow the laws of God and suppress certain feelings, who live complete happy and fulfilled lives and are loved by many.
Nothing but a wretched, dead corpse in a wasteland destined to oblivion by an all consuming fire.
Enough to scare anyone Christian right?
QuoteNow you may say you pity me...That I suffer and mourn over trivial things like lust and coveting, but I believe that mourning is a natural and healthy human emotion. Afterall, how are you ever to get over the death of a loved one if you never are you ever to move on? It would be abhorrent to boast in also it is with sin...they are two sides of the same coin.
Since when are you all about natural human emotions? You think that lust isn't a natural healthy emotion? Without lust, there would be no human species. Mourning, which I have nothing against - can also lead to emotional trauma and in turn lead to feelings that lead to negative acts. Pretty much the same as hate, lust and other actions, as I said before... It is all about how you handle the feelings, God or no God.
As for conversations above on how it's not the religion it's "man" distorting religion.
Really?! One is going to use that argument? Religion has been distorted by man from the beginning. Pieces of the bible were omitted by MAN, MAN wrote the bible in the first place. MAN were the ones who had to translate the bible through time. MAN decided which parts should be relevant. MAN decided which parts are metaphors and which should be taken literally. Assuming there is a God, the religion has been out of his hands since the death of Jesus and since that time, it's all been handled by man. Everything you hear about religion and everything you read in the bible, it's all just man's portrayal of what he thinks Christianity is. Unless of course God was talking for the fun of it in the scriptures that were omitted from the bible.
(And now to make sure that I don't open this thread again and get sucked into never ending debates)
QuoteQuoteWhat's flawed is your requirement for physical proof of existence of God.
Green giraffes live on the bottom of the ocean. They are herded about by pink midgets. The giraffes eat apples from the tallest apple trees that grow in the deepest abyss. They like to play volley ball when they are not answering prayers from the true believers. It's true. As a matter of fact, it is a fact. No evidence is needed. You only have to have faith that it is true. Do you believe me? Do you need proof? If you do require proof, sorry, I have none. You just have to have faith that it is true.
Gotcha! They do NOT play volley ball. They ball would float away. So they play 3-D shuffle board instead. I was told so by someone who was spoken to in a dream by the oldest of the green giraffes.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.
normiss 801
How the hell did humans keep this foolishness going for so damn long anyway?
Are sheeple really THAT desperate and gullible????
Yes, they do certainly seem to be.
wmw999 2,452
"Oh God that woman is so hot -- I'll do anything to get in her pants tonight"QuoteAre sheeple really THAT desperate and gullible????
Wendy P.
In order for something to be fact, there must be indisputable evidence. If you cannot produce such evidence, you should stop with the crazy claims.
I'm an atheist and I've never desired to rob a bank. I do not need some magical ghost to tell me that it is wrong to do so. My nature has been as it has always been.
Are you going to tell us, next, that born again Christians never go above the speed limit?
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young
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