
Cop threatens to execute driver over concealed weapon permit

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You should learn to pick your battles a little more carefully.

I guess that must be my problem. I don't pick my battles because I'm not afraid of voicing an honest opinion. I'm not afraid of saying what is right simply to conform to some preconceived notion of what is and isn't acceptable within the gun crowd.

Like some.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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You should learn to pick your battles a little more carefully.

I guess that must be my problem. I don't pick my battles because I'm not afraid of voicing an honest opinion. I'm not afraid of saying what is right simply to conform to some preconceived notion of what is and isn't acceptable within the gun crowd.

Like some.

So threatening to "put lumps" on a citizen is right? Threatening to arrest a citizen every time you see them is right? Threatening to cave someone's head in, put a gun to their head, and unload a Glock into them are all right?
You sure have a strange sense of right and wrong.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Cops have a tough job and there's really no upside to it.

Every time they stop a guy, even if it's just to write a speeding ticket, they're at a pretty big risk of getting killed. Certainly far more than you are right now sitting at your keyboard safe in your home bitching about it on the internet.

I understand that sometimes people in dangerous jobs with a lot of stress sometimes say things that aren't exactly appropriate. I'm a realist like that. So sue me.

Maybe some people ought to get over themselves and their little "everybody in the government is out to get me and my gun" attitude.

Everybody in that video was having a bad day and the cop isn't the one that started the problem; that was the people in the car and the hooker.

Some people just need to grow the F up.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Cops have a tough job and there's really no upside to it.

Every time they stop a guy, even if it's just to write a speeding ticket, they're at a pretty big risk of getting killed. Certainly far more than you are right now sitting at your keyboard safe in your home bitching about it on the internet.

I understand that sometimes people in dangerous jobs with a lot of stress sometimes say things that aren't exactly appropriate. I'm a realist like that. So sue me.

Maybe some people ought to get over themselves and their little "everybody in the government is out to get me and my gun" attitude.

Everybody in that video was having a bad day and the cop isn't the one that started the problem; that was the people in the car and the hooker.

Some people just need to grow the F up.

The cop didn't START the problem...he WAS the problem.

SIXTEEN IA complaints since 2000.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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SIXTEEN IA complaints since 2000.

Mike, can you tell me if that's more or less than you get upset and lose your cool at people over the course of 11 years?

Considering the job the guys have to do and the amount of whiners out in the world today . . . I'm not sure if that's really all that many.

Maybe Aggie Dave can chime in with some sort of opinion on how many complaints a beat cop can expect to receive on average per year.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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SIXTEEN IA complaints since 2000.

Mike, can you tell me if that's more or less than you get upset and lose your cool at people over the course of 11 years?

Given that I've not "lost my cool" and threatened to kill someone EVER, that would be "more" - WAY more.


Considering the job the guys have to do and the amount of whiners out in the world today . . . I'm not sure if that's really all that many.

I'm interested to see what our PD posters have to say, as well.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Power freaks like this cop are scary.

Never been a police officer but was a strong candidate for deputy in 2002 but decided to finish my teaching degree. Have however been on several ride alongs but I degress.

If cops are so terrified each and every time they do a stop a new line of work is in order.

Unfortunately a lot of police feel that there are two types of people with guns: cops and criminals.

There was no excuse for this behavior and hopefully the victim sues the department resulting in at least this man never wearing a badge again.

OMG he was talking to a hooker? That isn't a crime.

If talking to hookers was a crime then when cops do a sting they wouldn't have to do more than say "hello" to make a bust.

All charges against the victim will most likely be dropped and that department will be more careful in hiring Mr. Small Penis's replacement. Whether pro gu or not, all Americans should rally around the victim.

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Cops have a tough job and there's really no upside to it.

Every time they stop a guy, even if it's just to write a speeding ticket, they're at a pretty big risk of getting killed. Certainly far more than you are right now sitting at your keyboard safe in your home bitching about it on the internet.

I understand that sometimes people in dangerous jobs with a lot of stress sometimes say things that aren't exactly appropriate. I'm a realist like that. So sue me.

Maybe some people ought to get over themselves and their little "everybody in the government is out to get me and my gun" attitude.

Everybody in that video was having a bad day and the cop isn't the one that started the problem; that was the people in the car and the hooker.

Some people just need to grow the F up.

This isn't about how hard it is to be a cop, who is out to take who's gun, or people picking up hoe's. It is about a single cop who saw a car along the road and ASSUMED a crime had been committed and started treating the people like criminals without even asking what they were doing...then fucking up big time by threatening to arrest, beat, and kill the driver and passenger.
There is absolutely no defense for his actions. NONE!
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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SIXTEEN IA complaints since 2000.

Maybe Aggie Dave can chime in with some sort of opinion on how many complaints a beat cop can expect to receive on average per year.

16 in 11 years? That's probably about right if the officer is proactive. Especially with traffic enforcement. People have a belief that if they call in and say the officer was rude or something similar that they can get out of the ticket. They fail to realize that the contact was recorded on audio and video. Some departments handle these sorts of complaints on the supervisor level, some let their own IA handle all of them.

I had a complaint about a year ago in which I had 4 people call in on me in under 30 minutes. The person complaining was having her staff tell other people to call in on me. None of it was true, quite the opposite of what she and her cronies said, but it was still a complaint. Due to the odd circumstances, my entire chain of command reviewed the video and determined that it was completely unfounded. Some of them said I was more patient with that lady than they would have been!

Everyone here knows how accurate, correct and unbiased the media reports skydiving fatalities? Well, they report about police matters with the same level of "professionalism."
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Everyone here knows how accurate, correct and unbiased the media reports skydiving fatalities? Well, they report about police matters with the same level of "professionalism."

I agree and I usually side with the officer or at least give them the benefit of doubt, but with the video showing the officer was out-of-line, it really is hard for me side for him. Again, the driver was wrong putting himself in that situation, but the cop was not even concernced with him picking up a whore, he was concerned that the dude had a gun w/o him being informed about it. But the driver tried multiple times to inform the cop, but was told to shutup each time.

So why did the driver get a misdemeanor (in Ohio) for not informing the cop that he was carrying?

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Everyone here knows how accurate, correct and unbiased the media reports skydiving fatalities? Well, they report about police matters with the same level of "professionalism."

I agree and I usually side with the officer or at least give them the benefit of doubt, but with the video showing the officer was out-of-line, it really is hard for me side for him. Again, the driver was wrong putting himself in that situation, but the cop was not even concernced with him picking up a whore, he was concerned that the dude had a gun w/o him being informed about it. But the driver tried multiple times to inform the cop, but was told to shutup each time.

So why did the driver get a misdemeanor (in Ohio) for not informing the cop that he was carrying?

My comment about the media isn't directed specifically towards this incident, but most incidents in general. As for Ohio law, I have no idea, but in Texas there was a law in which if you were a CHL you had to specifically tell the officer that you were carrying. That law was changed in 2009.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Cops have a tough job and there's really no upside to it.

Every time they stop a guy, even if it's just to write a speeding ticket, they're at a pretty big risk of getting killed. Certainly far more than you are right now sitting at your keyboard safe in your home bitching about it on the internet.

I understand that sometimes people in dangerous jobs with a lot of stress sometimes say things that aren't exactly appropriate. I'm a realist like that. So sue me.

Maybe some people ought to get over themselves and their little "everybody in the government is out to get me and my gun" attitude.

Everybody in that video was having a bad day and the cop isn't the one that started the problem; that was the people in the car and the hooker.

Some people just need to grow the F up.


You make it sound like all of these cops have been drafted by the government to be cops. THEY VOLUNTEERED TO DO THIS LINE OF WORK!!!! THEY ALSO GET PAID FOR THEIR SERVICES. If they wanted to work in a donut shop they could. Its a free country and NO ONE is forcing them to be cops.

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This isn't about how hard it is to be a cop, who is out to take who's gun, or people picking up hoe's. It is about a single cop who saw a car along the road and ASSUMED a crime had been committed and started treating the people like criminals without even asking what they were doing...then fucking up big time by threatening to arrest, beat, and kill the driver and passenger.

good post here - the job description has to include a certain ability to maintain composure/control in any situation. Lots of great cops do it every single day for entire careers.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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This isn't about how hard it is to be a cop, who is out to take who's gun, or people picking up hoe's. It is about a single cop who saw a car along the road and ASSUMED a crime had been committed and started treating the people like criminals without even asking what they were doing...then fucking up big time by threatening to arrest, beat, and kill the driver and passenger.
There is absolutely no defense for his actions. NONE!

Again, we see this differently.

You agree with the article in the original post.
I disagree with it.

If you expect everyone to agree with you all the time, you should be prepared for a lifetime of disappointment.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Context is an amazing thing huh Quade?

Very simple question to anwser. You can anwser straight forward, or twist your response. The way some one chooses to anwser a question speaks as much about their motive as what they choose to say.

Was the officers conduct acceptable?
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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They fail to realize that the contact was recorded on audio and video. Some departments handle these sorts of complaints on the supervisor level, some let their own IA handle all of them.

Did anyone else notice how Officer Roid Rage positioned his camera off centered so that much of the "action" was on the right of the car... off camera??? The officer doing the search of the car and the passenger and the floozie.. were all off camera.

I would say he has learned to position it that way from "experience"

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They fail to realize that the contact was recorded on audio and video. Some departments handle these sorts of complaints on the supervisor level, some let their own IA handle all of them.

Did anyone else notice how Officer Roid Rage positioned his camera off centered so that much of the "action" was on the right of the car... off camera??? The officer doing the search of the car and the passenger and the floozie.. were all off camera.

I would say he has learned to position it that way from "experience"

Although you really enjoy outlandish conspiracy theories, the large majority of the time the camera is set to record a certain direction and the "action" happens just out of frame. Sometimes, if there is time and it is safe for the officer to do so, they can go back into the car and adjust the angle of the camera. DWI stops off the roadway, where there is a second officer on scene is a good example of when it would be appropriate and safe to go back into the car to adjust the camera.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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They fail to realize that the contact was recorded on audio and video. Some departments handle these sorts of complaints on the supervisor level, some let their own IA handle all of them.

Did anyone else notice how Officer Roid Rage positioned his camera off centered so that much of the "action" was on the right of the car... off camera??? The officer doing the search of the car and the passenger and the floozie.. were all off camera.

I would say he has learned to position it that way from "experience"

Although you really enjoy outlandish conspiracy theories, the large majority of the time the camera is set to record a certain direction and the "action" happens just out of frame. Sometimes, if there is time and it is safe for the officer to do so, they can go back into the car and adjust the angle of the camera. DWI stops off the roadway, where there is a second officer on scene is a good example of when it would be appropriate and safe to go back into the car to adjust the camera.

Its not a conspiracy Dave... when it looks that that is the intended outcome... As noted. I have been on ride alongs with my local PD with my friend the night shift supervisor. He always made sure where his car was pointing to ensure he had a full picture of what was transpiring if he had to respond.

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Did anyone else notice how Officer Roid Rage positioned his camera off centered so that much of the "action" was on the right of the car... off camera??? The officer doing the search of the car and the passenger and the floozie.. were all off camera.

I would say he has learned to position it that way from "experience"

Looks to me like the camera position is fixed and his job is to do police work, not be a cameraman.

As anyone that operates a camera can tell you, there is always a compromise between lens choices and camera placement. If the police department wanted a wider field of view they could get a camera with a wider lens, but then the detail of objects further away (license plates, etc. would drop off considerably.

Lastly, it's not like the police officer has a whole lot of control in where the action is going to take place no matter where he initially points his patrol car. All one need do is look at the countless other police dashcam videos on YouTube to see they are rarely framed optimally.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Its not a conspiracy Dave... when it looks that that is the intended outcome... As noted. I have been on ride alongs with my local PD with my friend the night shift supervisor. He always made sure where his car was pointing to ensure he had a full picture of what was transpiring if he had to respond.

I try to point my camera the right direction too, sometimes it just doesn't end up quite at the right spot. Sometimes everything happens in frame, sometimes it happens just out of frame. Every single time I've had the camera just out of the right spot, it was completely an accident on my part. Same with the other officers I know. We would prefer to have everything happen in frame on camera to protect ourselves from false accusations.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Care to anwser my very simple question Quade? Or does it lack enough wiggle room for you. :D

I assume you mean this one;

Was the officers conduct acceptable?

Asked and answered, but considering you apparently aren't satisfied with the numerous answers I've already given on the subject . . .

Considering the circumstances, I have no major issue with it.

And therein lays the problem because some people are ONLY looking at the issue in the context of the wildly inaccurate thread title which comes from the incredibly one-sided story being told in the article in an effort to promote the pro-gun stance.

As previously explained several times, I see no "threat of execution" and certainly not over the "concealed weapon permit."

I do see a cop perhaps overreacting to discovering a weapon on a subject where it appears as if the subject may have been required by law to inform the police officer of the weapon and failed to do so. Further, the subject did so as the result of the subject apparently attempting to commit a crime and now he's whining to the pro-gun enthusiasts in an attempt to deflect from his own misdeeds.

I say, "Fuck that."

The pro-gun folks are being played like a fiddle in this by supporting this douchbag of a "victim."

Is that clear enough for you?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Is that clear enough for you?

Predictable as clockwork.

As are you my friend, because you appear to be correct twice a day.

As for my last post being predictable, well, to anyone that has already read my previous responses that pretty much said the exact same thing . . . yes, I suppose this last post of mine was predictable. Brilliant observation on your part. Very insightful.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Care to anwser my very simple question Quade? Or does it lack enough wiggle room for you. :D

I assume you mean this one;

Was the officers conduct acceptable?

Asked and answered, but considering you apparently aren't satisfied with the numerous answers I've already given on the subject . . .

Considering the circumstances, I have no major issue with it.

And therein lays the problem because some people are ONLY looking at the issue in the context of the wildly inaccurate thread title which comes from the incredibly one-sided story being told in the article in an effort to promote the pro-gun stance.

As previously explained several times, I see no "threat of execution" and certainly not over the "concealed weapon permit."

I do see a cop perhaps overreacting to discovering a weapon on a subject where it appears as if the subject may have been required by law to inform the police officer of the weapon and failed to do so. Further, the subject did so as the result of the subject apparently attempting to commit a crime and now he's whining to the pro-gun enthusiasts in an attempt to deflect from his own misdeeds.

I say, "Fuck that."

The pro-gun folks are being played like a fiddle in this by supporting this douchbag of a "victim."

Is that clear enough for you?

Hitler used to have wet dreams about entire brigades of people just like you under his command.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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