
Cop threatens to execute driver over concealed weapon permit

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Both parties made mistakes:

The Driver:
- Was totally in the wrong place. Little doubt in my mind that he was an accessory to solicitation.
- Carrying a gun while being an accessory to solicitation was pretty stupid.
- Completely failed, once given the chance to speak to announce he was a permit holder and carrying. He went into some long-winded explanation of why he was there. The ONLY words out of his mouth should have been, "Officer, I have a carry permit, and I am armed" while not moving a muscle with hands clearly visible.

The Officer (who is supposed to be the trained professional)
- Completely lost control of the situation
- Did not adequatlely separate/search the occupants BEFORE conducting investigation
- Failed to follow police proceedure
- Lost his temper (mostly because he realized he'd screwed up)
- Did ALL of it within earshot/view a a POLICE VIDEO CAMERA.

The Officer needs to make a public apology to the driver, and the driver needs to accept it.
Keith Abner

"Those who do, can't explain; those who don't, can't understand"

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Yep, they both screwed up. But I disagree on a couple points.
The driver DID attempt, several times, to inform the cop he had a permit and was carrying. The roid-raged cop told him each time to shutup. Wisely, the driver did so.
The cop should not be made to apoogize, he should be fired and barred from ever touching a firearm again or working in public service.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
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Didn't read the thread. The cop is a dumb ass on several levels.

1. Fucking around in a car that hasn't been cleared.
2. Saying all of the shit he said on video.

I could think of more if I wanted to put my mind to it. Not worth the brain power. He should just admit that he is mad at himself for doing something that could have gotten him and his partner killed and turn in his badge.

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News update:
Third dash cam video released of Canton police officer making death threats

"NewsChannel5's investigative team obtained a third video that once again shows a Canton police officer making death threats during a traffic stop.

"Officer Daniel Harless was the subject of national media attention in July when a video of Harless cursing and making death threats during a traffic stop went viral.

"In the latest video, you see Harless pull over a car for no apparent reason. Harless then makes threats to shoot one of the passengers inside..."
Source: http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/exclusive-third-dash-cam-video-released-of-canton-police-officer-making-death-threats

quade: Do you still support the actions of this officer?

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Did I hear the officer correctly... "If you scratch your balls I am going to pull my gun and I am going to shoot you?"

How about some administrative leave officer asshole... oh and deeeeeeze nutz!
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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Did I hear the officer correctly... "If you scratch your balls I am going to pull my gun and I am going to shoot you?"

How about some administrative leave officer asshole... oh and deeeeeeze nutz!

administrative leave? He should be charged w/ disturbing the peace, making terroristic threats, assault, and a whole host of other charges.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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This is the third video out already starring this same cop. And all videos are fairly recent. This cop definately has an ego and needs to learn to shut the fuck up and not threaten people's lives.


Really? Listen to the audio. The cops very clearly had a reason and once againthey're dealing with prostitutes.

Once again? What was the first reason? It's been established that dude driving the car in the OP's video tryied a few times to inform the cop he was carrying with a CCW. Was the driver innocent - likely not, he was picking up ho's, but worthy of having his life threatened?

Is an officer justified in threatening someone's life for prostitution? Keep in mind that they've cooperated fully with the investigation and have not given you any trouble, they've been respectful, and even attempted to volunteer information (as legally required by law) about them legally carrying a handgun?

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. . . you see Harless pull over a car for no apparent reason.

Really? Listen to the audio. The cops very clearly had a reason and once again they're dealing with prostitutes.

so in summary, if the guy has a gun, or wants to play with his own gun, it's fine for cops to threaten them. Gotcha.

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Did I hear the officer correctly... "If you scratch your balls I am going to pull my gun and I am going to shoot you?"

How about some administrative leave officer asshole... oh and deeeeeeze nutz!

He is on administrative leave.
The fucked up part is...he is being paid. :S
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Why is it so hard for you to admit that the cop was wrong?


True, the cop didn't exactly keep his cool

When the guy tried to tell the cop he had a gun, he was told to 'shut up'. He had HANDED his CHL to the officer with his ID.

When the cop found the gun, he went nutz.

And how is this not a threat?


"Right now, the shit that you just pulled, I could blast you right in the mouth...I am so close to caving in your goddamn head"

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Your *background check* means what? A quick police check or what? After 24 hrs *you* hand over a deadly weapon to someone who supplied wrong informations - I bought a hand gun in Fort Lauderdale in '00 by just by showing my credit card ...


If you did that, it was an illegal purchase... you committed a crime.

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The fact that he hasn't had any charges brought against him is appalling and is a disgrace to our justice system. It sickens me that officers can get away with this behavior. Frankly, there's no excuse for it and he needs to be held accountable for his actions.

Unfortunately, prosecutors can't risk alienating their local police departments by actually charging police officers who break the law.

Here's a recent example that's going to the civil courts because the District Attorney refused to file charges apparently believing that it's okay for a police officer to use an AR-15 assault rifle to shoot an unarmed, handcuffed suspect in the back of a police car.

It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.

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CANTON — A pattern of verbal abuse and death or physical threats was too much for the city to overlook when deciding to fire Patrolman Daniel Harless, according to the safety director.

Safety Director Thomas Ream issued the ruling Tuesday and released the three-page report explaining it Wednesday.

Shitbag is appealing the decision, but still:



I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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