devildog 0
QuoteQuoteThere is no humor or a lighter side of genocide when 800,000 plus people are killed in 100 days while the world watches.
I assume you're talking about Rwanda there -- no other genocide of such wretched efficiency happened in modern times. That genocide had nothing to do with Israel, and if anyone is to blame for that, it is 1. the very useless and impotent UN and 2. America, whose State department stood by and played semantics with the word "genocide" as hundreds of thousands died.
The fact that humans do nothing as others go to the slaughter, so long as it's not "their" group of people being killed (WWI Anatolia; WWII Europe; 1990s Rwanda, as brought up in this thread), is why Israel's existence shouldn't even be a subject of discussion. Israel has every reason to act zealously in its own self-defense when attacked time and time again as the world continues to watch. Once again -- a bit of empathy.
The premise of this whole thread "right to exist" (in quotes, mind you) is a farce.
If you crunch the numbers, Mao actually killed more people per day (and total as well)
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
Uh, not the same UN, and no, the UN will not be so voting in September.
Technicality. Yes, the UN was proceeded by the League of Nations. Same efforts. International framework.
So since there is not a LN any longer and has been replaced by the UN to fulfill the same requirements, it is not really false in the meaning of the statement "same org that brought Israel into existence"
Would you like to debate why Israel refuses to adhere to the Human rights Charter that was instituted after the tragedies of WW2? And don't you find it ironic in a creepy way? I do.
Israel is an international rogue on many points.
Hard to defend it
Carpe Diem