
ParaHog apparently has problem with Obama

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Quite the rant....

"It's just the internet."

I'm really a lazy man and will attempt short, subtle, pity posts with those I think can understand them. I thought you were one of them. I continued to think so for quite awhile today.

Well, it appears subtlety doesn't work in some cases. I've attempted to explain it to you all day long numerous times. Hopefully the length of that post is shorter than me attempting to continue subtlety with you at greater lengths.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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16 post and no profile, your not to be taken seriously.

If you're judging the validity of people's political opinions based upon the number of posts they make, then you're way off base. Just sayin'. Making more posts here, does not increase how smart you are. In fact, it might just make you dumber, judging by the low quality of some of the frequent posters. So I would advise ignoring that kind of info in judging a post, and just judge it on its on content. But whatidunno, I've only got 20 posts...

It was obvious this person(s) was hiding behind a ficticious SN. Not only did he have only a couple of post and no profile, he only registered a few days earlier. He was also obviously trolling.

You may only have 20 post, but you have been registered for almost 10 years, a slight difference.

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That's because BO is 100 percent incompetent, affirmative action at it's finest !! Why, if he was on our forum right now, he would easily be the dumbest guy on here. Not joking. ( 57 states, umbrellas, corpse man,,, how much proof you need ? )

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That's because BO is 100 percent incompetent, affirmative action at it's finest !! Why, if he was on our forum right now, he would easily be the dumbest guy on here. Not joking. ( 57 states, umbrellas, corpse man,,, how much proof you need ? )

Tell us who you think is competent?

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That's because BO is 100 percent incompetent, affirmative action at it's finest !! Why, if he was on our forum right now, he would easily be the dumbest guy on here. Not joking. ( 57 states, umbrellas, corpse man,,, how much proof you need ? )

Tell us who you think is competent?

I am guessing he is a Michelle Bachman kinda guy

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That's because BO is 100 percent incompetent, affirmative action at it's finest !! Why, if he was on our forum right now, he would easily be the dumbest guy on here. Not joking. ( 57 states, umbrellas, corpse man,,, how much proof you need ? )

I guess he just got "lucky."
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Actually if you want to stop sockpuppet accounts, just post a list of all accounts grouped by IP. >:(

It's a bit more complicated than that, but you know how the CIA doesn't discuss "sources and methods"? Yeah, we're not doing that here either.

Setec Astronomy :|
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Yeah! What happened to Lucky... haven't seen him around here in awhile?

I guess some folks just don't know a good thing when they have it. They need to keep a lower profile sometimes, but I guess if they could do that they wouldn't need to. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Yeah! What happened to Lucky... haven't seen him around here in awhile?

I guess some folks just don't know a good thing when they have it. They need to keep a lower profile sometimes, but I guess if they could do that they wouldn't need to. ;)

Right you are!


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If you're judging the validity of people's political opinions based upon the number of posts they make, then you're way off base. Just sayin'. Making more posts here, does not increase how smart you are. In fact, it might just make you dumber, judging by the low quality of some of the frequent posters. So I would advise ignoring that kind of info in judging a post, and just judge it on its on content. But whatidunno, I've only got 20 posts...

It was obvious this person(s) was hiding behind a ficticious SN. Not only did he have only a couple of post and no profile, he only registered a few days earlier. He was also obviously trolling.

You may only have 20 post, but you have been registered for almost 10 years, a slight difference.

So you're agreeing with him then, that the number of posts had little or nothing to do with it.

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So you're agreeing with him then, that the number of posts had little or nothing to do with it.

The low number of post when in conjunction with a registry of a few days, no profile, starting 4 nearly identical threads, and obvious trolling, tells me a person here is not to be taken seriously.

You on the other hand may choose to take such a person seriously. Viva La Difference.

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Tell us who you think is competent?

Chris Christy, Jon Kyl, Tom Coburn, President Clinton, to name 4.

I would agree with you on all of them being competent.
I would also most likely never vote for them because they do not represent my views. (With the exception of #4)

When you claim someone is 100% incompetent, you loose the audience you wish to sway. Those who are 100% incompetent have people appointed by the courts to watch over them, no matter how much you try and wish it so, this would not include our current President.

I could also spend 5 minutes on the web and find stupid things every one on your list has said. But that would be disingenuous, because we all know every person in politics has said stupid things.

I do find it entertaining that all these Republicans have a new found love for Clinton, I remember well how he was treated by the right.

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I remember well how he was treated by the right.

Better than Bush was by the left
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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