
Calling people "stupid"

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Why since 1998?

That was the year when I fully realized that the regulation of the policies of the Great Society from the mid-60's set it up to fail.

Liberal government does not function efficaciously or efficiently. Conservative government is the only hope but it does not make people feel good. In our democracy, people vote for what they think will make them feel good.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Any more,it's so hard to tell righties from lefties, it's like one's just the other turned inside-out!


To paraphrase Glenn Beck et.al., Republicans and Democrats are two heads on the same snake.

Somebody please explain, who is running the show? Is it George Soros, the Bilderberg Group, the Muslim Brotherhood, China?

Now that you mention it, there's no telling! Seems to me, it all about the power and control.


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The problem is that nobody is in control. To say that the dreadful state of affairs we face is the result of any group in particular is to give them way too much credit.

The fact that we have made it this far is nothing short of amazing. The possibility that we will somehow discover sufficient resources to continue much further is nonexistent.

Even if we put the most charismatic and capable leader in charge, with the authority to effect any and all the most elegant and effective policies, there is nothing we can do to undo the self-inflicted damage of the past 40 years (Nixon took us off the Gold Standard exactly 40 years ago, so that time frame is a good benchmark).

It has been fun while it lasted.



I know we have had our differences but, I feel, think, and believe as you have stated above.

Where we differ is the matter of "belief."

I live in a world where peer review is critical, and I depend upon others to find fault with my numbers - people's lives depend upon them being right.

If someone says "the numbers indicate ," great.

If someone says "I believe that Odin looks after me and my children, and it gives me peace," that's fine as well.

If someone says "Odin is looking after me and it makes me happy, therefore it is the unassailable truth and I shall go forth and proselytize," I am likely to take exception to the rationale involved - particularly if I have been affected by followers of Odin at one time or another (Vikings on a tear can be a real pain in the ass).

Is cynicism a mandatory condition of growing old? I'm 69YO and next year I start the final decade. I have been living in a state of gradually increasing disappointment regarding the future of America since 1998.

I came to the realization that the popular approach was doomed in 1968. Flying to LA from Chicago, it hit me that resources were finite but population was exponential, and there was no way that population would not eventually outstrip necessary resources.

We had just had a large, powerful group conduct a large scale experiment in Eugenics (Godwin anyone?), which made any suggestion of population control rather a third rail in the political arena. Hell, I'd be nervous about voting for someone dumb enough to come out and say it.

We have thus focused on patch fixes for various issues and been distracted by a series of red herrings ("global warming?" bite me) to the extent that we have gone well beyond the tipping point.

In short, we're screwed.

When USAirways was going into bankrupcy, Dave Siegel, the CEO, had a series of "road shows" to lay out the realities we faced. He really pissed some people off, but I rather liked it, since he called a spade a spade.

Responding to a question where the employee was worried about the nuances of his long-term benefits, Siegel told him that the issue at stake was overall survival, and that everyone was not going to make it.

We are now in ant vs. grasshopper territory, where things still look pretty good, and there is still a decent amount of seed corn left to eat. In the all-too-near future, however, when our collective credit card is cut up and we have to live within our means, not everyone will be able to pull it off.

It's gonna get ugly; having the bulk of 6 billion people go on an enforced diet is a recipe for crankiness.

People in my family have the tendency to live into their 90s, which I do not see as a bargain at the moment.

I wish I had been wrong in 1968, but, if anything, I was optimistic.



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In our democracy, people vote for what they think will make them feel good.

I think that is a very astute observation.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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In our democracy, people vote for what they think will make them feel good.

I think that is a very astute observation.

Yes it is

And the word feel is why it is a good explanation for the expansion of liberalism
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Somebody please explain, who is running the show?

We are. We are getting exactly what we ask for.

We wanted easy to get loans; we got them. We wanted lenders to not ask too many questions so we could get that house we could barely afford. We got that. We wanted clever investment tools that got us big returns in short amounts of time; we got that. We wanted low taxes and lots of spending. We got that.

Now we're paying the price for getting what we want.

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Allow me to fetch paper and pen so I can take notes from a master of the skill.

I generally create a text file on my computer, or use my voice to text program. But, I do understand archaic thinkers who still do it the way they did 30 years ago. I would suggest a major upgrade in your skills and thinking into something at least representative of modern man.

Was this a serious comment (given you repeated it in another thread), or am I missing some subtle sarcasm?

The limitations of TEXT (esp the 127 characters of ANSII text) should be pretty obvious compared to pen and paper (I don't like pencils myself, not even for math).

In another generation we'll all loose the ability to write legibly - I wonder what sort of unforseen consequences this will have. As it stands, I can barely write a check.

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Allow me to fetch paper and pen so I can take notes from a master of the skill.

I generally create a text file on my computer, or use my voice to text program. But, I do understand archaic thinkers who still do it the way they did 30 years ago. I would suggest a major upgrade in your skills and thinking into something at least representative of modern man.

Was this a serious comment (given you repeated it in another thread), or am I missing some subtle sarcasm?

The limitations of TEXT (esp the 127 characters of ANSII text) should be pretty obvious compared to pen and paper (I don't like pencils myself, not even for math).

In another generation we'll all loose the ability to write legibly - I wonder what sort of unforseen consequences this will have. As it stands, I can barely write a check.

Yeah, you definitely missed the sarcasm and overflow.

I haven't written a check in a long time. Soon there will be no such thing as a paper check. All payments will be made with debit cards, credit cards or automatic withdrawls. I hate people who stand in line at the store, wait until the cashier has rung up their sale and then start fishing around, looking for their checkbook while asking repeatedly "how much was that total again"? "How much"???

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