Skyrad 0
Quote[Reply]As far as the aircraft (aluminum) impacting the structural steel columns.., have you ever played Rock , Paper ,Scissors?
Yes. Just like 2 pounds of styrofoam. No way it could penetrate the carbon carbon leading edge of the shuttle. It's too soft. Again, intuition says something that phsyics doesn't. But then, how come soft lead can punch a hole in steel? How can a bomb penetrate 10 feet of concrete? Because the energy is concentrated.
Those beams get sheared. Their connections get sheared. The beams move laterally - which is bad for a structural member. I recall the second tower to fall had the top leaning. Visibly tilted. And it got worse and worse. Not suddenly but gradually. Like the titanic didn't just sink. It took a couple of hours. And I know, the Titanic breaking in two also had to be a conspiracy. No iceberg could do that.
People are taking like the wings are empty Al tubes, forgetting whats inside them. Fuel tanks structural supports and not to mention miles of copper wiring.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
jclalor 12
QuoteQuote***Could you please reply to this question?
"Can you please explain to me why these same thousands of people, who pulled off the biggest conspiracy in the history of man, could not manage to plant a single WMD in Iraq? Or to a lesser degree, pull off the Valerie Plame outing?"QuoteWell since you asked nice!
I don't know how familiar you are with the news but Valerie Plume was succesfully outed.
As far as Iraq and WMDs the US did place a large number of WMDs in Iraq. This is well documented
Where do you think Saddam got them?
Where did all the WMD's go once we got there? surlely a Government that is capable of pulling off 911 could plant a couple canisters of a nerve agent.
The Valerie plame point was to ask how the administration could pull off 911 without it being able to be traced back to the White House, Yet when they try and do something simple, like out plame on the down low, it is easily traced right back to the VP's, office.
Skyrad 0
QuoteQuoteA structural engineer is what we need to help us sort all this out.
No...just a person with a video camera and an idiot with some common sense.
Common sense is far from common dear boy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Skyrad 0
I recognize that voice from years ago..,
Is that you Tokyo Rose?
It's been a long time so horney.
Let's make baby...we call Tokyo Johnson / Dan Rose....any ting you want.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca
billvon 3,030
>maintain sufficient strength to support the structure . . .
Yep. The only way it could have failed if some of the supports had been removed - say, by a fully fueled 767 flying at close to its top speed impacting the tower and destroying some supports completely and removing the insulation on others.
DougH 270
I can't believe we are this many pages deep with this horseshit!
DanG 1
- Dan G
billvon 3,030
It's one of the more fun topics on here. So much nuttiness; very high entertainment value per post.
Skyrad 0
QuoteHere's a plot of how the compressive yield strength of a steel alloy in general use is affected by temperature. I'm not sure what steel was used in the WTC, but this response is typical. The open air burning temperature of jet fuel is about 500F. At 500F, this steel only has 80% of its room temperature strength. As the temperature rises past 500F, you can see the strength drops off quickly. By the time you get to 800F, the strength is half of what it is at room temperature. Add this reduction in strength to the increase in load from damage to other columns, and failure is easy to explain.
Huh, you can prove anything with facts.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
People are taking like the wings are empty Al tubes, forgetting whats inside them. Fuel tanks structural supports and not to mention miles of copper wiring.
Not to mention that each wing has 9,000 pound GE CF6 turbofan attached. Not only is the exterior of the engine hardy, but the main shaft of the engine is remarkably similar in shape and construction (and significantly larger) than a sabot round. Or any penetrator.
The engines themselves due to their construction and mass, caused a world of hurt.
My wife is hotter than your wife.
grimmie 186
The boom, boom, boom were people jumping to their deaths.
sundevil777 102
QuoteThe Valerie plame point was to ask how the administration could pull off 911 without it being able to be traced back to the White House, Yet when they try and do something simple, like out plame on the down low, it is easily traced right back to the VP's, office.
No, it was Richard Armitage that told Novak, but actually her husband had been blabbing it to many reporters. That story was such a great example of intentional misreporting.
QuoteThere's an interesting PBS interview with Larry Silverstein about (lessee of WTC towers) WTC 7. He talks about making the call to "pull it" which in demolition terms means implode it, on Sept. 11th 2001 because it was damaged (slightly) when the other buildings fell. From all the evidence i've seen WTC 7 was imploded and it's crazy to think they somehow set this up by the afternoon of Sept. 11 2001. He later backed off this comment and said he meant "pull them out" as in the firemen in WTC 7.
Can't you morons give it a break at least for today? Huh?? Is it too much to ask you FUCKING MORONS to show a little RESPECT???
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.
good old USA
land of the capitalists
and home of the undereducated taxpayers
I'm saying that an investigation should be conducted to determine how Mossad had foreknowledge of the attacks.
Av fuel from the crash site in the elevator shafts could account for ground and sub ground level explosions if the ellevator shafts from the impact area extended down to those levels.
QuoteBut..but... the fires weren't hot enought to "melt" the steel so it must have been thermite.
Obvously the fuel and office equipment fueled fires could not have been hot enough to "melt" steel.
So how do you account for the pools of molten steel in the basement levels days after 9-11?
Even Fox news reported on the "dancing Isreali Mossad agents".
Popular Science "couldn't find any validity" to any of the alternative theories?
Not one alternative theory holds any inkling of Truth and the Official , the Mainstream theory, is completely true and complete.
Is that what you believe?l
Are you saying that Mossad was behind the 9/11 attacks?
Lucius Annaeus Seneca