billvon 2,990
>detected in your OS. Contact OEM immediately.
Uh oh. Sounds like your BIOS has been corrupted and you can no longer restore to original defaults. Reload from the original source scrolls.
Marinus 0
QuoteIn my opinion it is more interesting to look for similarities between the different religions and philosophies.
That's your opinion, while similarities are indeed interesting, differences are too. It's rather clear from the differences between religions and the geographical spread of those different religions, that religion is human cultural phenomenon.
QuoteChristianity is a rationalized Hinduism culture.
I'm not too familiar with Hinduism, but I've been a Christian for 21 years or so. I wouldn't call Christianity rationalized. At best it's less irrational than Hinduism.
jclalor 12
***What is it about Judaism that puzzles you?
How loving Jewish people worship God and reject Jesus.
They were there.
Not the ones I know.
Why do you think the vast majority of Jews rejected Jesus? they were certainly open to the idea of a messiah at the time. Perhaps they had seen too many that were just like Jesus, there were many preaching the same message at the same time as Jesus. Honi Ha-Ma'agel, the circle drawer who lived in Judea the same time as Jesus, did everything that Jesus did, and then some.'agel
Shotgun 1
Quotethere have been many prophets alike Jesus is what I ment.
OK. But the link you posted seemed to be arguing against any similarities between Jesus and other religious figures.
Shotgun 1
QuoteI wouldn't call Christianity rationalized. At best it's less irrational than Hinduism.
I don't think Christianity is any more rational than Hinduism.
Remster 30
QuoteQuoteI wouldn't call Christianity rationalized. At best it's less irrational than Hinduism.
I don't think Christianity is any more rational than Hinduism.
Or less.
They're religions. They dont have to be rational.
RonD1120 62
Quote>I am customer support. A code error, System Integrity Nomenclature, has been
>detected in your OS. Contact OEM immediately.
Uh oh. Sounds like your BIOS has been corrupted and you can no longer restore to original defaults. Reload from the original source scrolls.
RonD1120 62
Why do you think the vast majority of Jews rejected Jesus? they were certainly open to the idea of a messiah at the time. Perhaps they had seen too many that were just like Jesus, there were many preaching the same message at the same time as Jesus. Honi Ha-Ma'agel, the circle drawer who lived in Judea the same time as Jesus, did everything that Jesus did, and then some.'agel
I never heard of him. Certainly, no one except you talks about him anymore. On the other hand, Jesus is well known and talked about to this day.
Why do you think the vast majority of Jews rejected Jesus? they were certainly open to the idea of a messiah at the time. Perhaps they had seen too many that were just like Jesus, there were many preaching the same message at the same time as Jesus. Honi Ha-Ma'agel, the circle drawer who lived in Judea the same time as Jesus, did everything that Jesus did, and then some.'agel
I never heard of him. Certainly, no one except you talks about him anymore. On the other hand, Jesus is well known and talked about to this day.
Inevitably, Jesus will also be nothing more than a footnote in the history books....just like all the other gods, and the world will be better off for it.
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."
jclalor 12
Why do you think the vast majority of Jews rejected Jesus? they were certainly open to the idea of a messiah at the time. Perhaps they had seen too many that were just like Jesus, there were many preaching the same message at the same time as Jesus. Honi Ha-Ma'agel, the circle drawer who lived in Judea the same time as Jesus, did everything that Jesus did, and then some.'agel
I never heard of him. Certainly, no one except you talks about him anymore. On the other hand, Jesus is well known and talked about to this day.
Inevitably, Jesus will also be nothing more than a footnote in the history books....just like all the other gods, and the world will be better off for it.
Ron may not realize it, but he is almost an Atheist too, we we just believe in one less god that he does.
I'm not sure who said it, but I always liked the quote;
"When you understand why you dismiss all of the other possible Gods, only then will you understand why I dismiss yours"
Why do you think the vast majority of Jews rejected Jesus? they were certainly open to the idea of a messiah at the time. Perhaps they had seen too many that were just like Jesus, there were many preaching the same message at the same time as Jesus. Honi Ha-Ma'agel, the circle drawer who lived in Judea the same time as Jesus, did everything that Jesus did, and then some.'agel
I never heard of him. Certainly, no one except you talks about him anymore. On the other hand, Jesus is well known and talked about to this day.
Inevitably, Jesus will also be nothing more than a footnote in the history books....just like all the other gods, and the world will be better off for it.
Ron may not realize it, but he is almost an Atheist too, we we just believe in one less god that he does.
I'm not sure who said it, but I always liked the quote;
"When you understand why you dismiss all of the other possible Gods, only then will you understand why I dismiss yours"
No! Not THEIR god! Their god is different!
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."
Marinus 0
QuoteInevitably, Jesus will also be nothing more than a footnote in the history books
For some parts in the world this won't be that that long any more. AFAIK the adjective "Christian" can be left out when referring to most Western European countries. The official number of Christians is usually either a small majority, or a large minority, HOWEVER!, more often then not a lot of irreligious people are also counted as Christians. I've many friends and acquaintances that are non-believers, but that still count as Catholics because they were babtized when they were infants. So the official number of non-believers might be 40-45% but in reality this number is probably significantly higher.
Amongst the official 40% Christians, there's a good lot that are really agnostics, pantheists, deists or something similar, some are even atheists (a survey among Dutch protestant clergy revealed 1 in 6 preachers is either an atheist or an agnostic, so go figure) Most other Christians adhere to a light version of Christianity that's really a form of spiritual humanism brought to us by a hippie from the sky called Jesus. Yes, we still have Right Wing Christians, but they make up around 5 % of the population or so. Along with the 2% Muslims that still take Islam too serious (the other 2/3 of Muslims, around 4% of the total Dutch population are mostly secular it seems) they can be a bit of a pain. In many other countries the situation is similar, in fact we're only averagely secularized.
So yes, Christianity is on it's way out in some part of the world, and most notably in those cultures of the world that made Christianity a formidable force in the
first place. It won't be too long before Europeans marvel at the beautiful Cathedrals, the same way they marvel at the Stonehenge, the Acropolis and the Pyramids now.
434 2
nigel99 466
QuoteQuoteHow can you assume that your version/understanding of Non-God is correct and everyone else is wrong?
Specifically how can you look yourself in the mirror and honestly believe in your Non-God, while firmly believing that all religions God's are simply figments of their imagination?
Can I propose a similar question by re-writing YOUR question?
Personal belief in any religion doesn't need to be "rationalized". Only non-believers would even have to ask the question.
It is a valid question Andy. For me personally, I suppose I could summarise it by saying that I see no evidence of any religion being correct. In the absence of any being right it seems most logical that all are wrong.
Why do you think the vast majority of Jews rejected Jesus? they were certainly open to the idea of a messiah at the time. Perhaps they had seen too many that were just like Jesus, there were many preaching the same message at the same time as Jesus. Honi Ha-Ma'agel, the circle drawer who lived in Judea the same time as Jesus, did everything that Jesus did, and then some.'agel
I never heard of him. Certainly, no one except you talks about him anymore. On the other hand, Jesus is well known and talked about to this day.
Well, unless he wrote the Wiki article it seems at least someone else talks (writes) about this guy. If indeed he is written about in the Talmud (never read it, probably not going to) I suspect there are others who talk about him too.
Coreece 190
QuoteInevitably, Jesus will also be nothing more than a footnote in the history books....just like all the other gods, and the world will be better off for it.
The fortune teller...The Great Karnak Babini!
Coreece 190
QuoteIt amazes me how people who accept as fact an all-seeing, all-knowing entity that has always existed and always will, "fathered" a child by a virgin, sent that child to die so the sins of others would be forgiven, and created all from nothing, all while remaining invisible and refusing to furnish proof of his existence....would dismiss as fantasy the idea a man could sprout fangs and hair, and laugh at the idea of an egg laying rabbit.
I would be far more inclined to believe the latter two.
*In a received pronuciation-monty python accent*
And what would possibly be the spiritual benefit of a bloody easter egg laying's completely ridiculous and has absolutely nothing to do with God committing suicide on a cross. It would quite soundly disconbobulate the entire animal kingdom...Oh bloody shit, fuck, piss, cunt, whore!
Coreece 190
QuoteThere isn't even one common denominator that binds all the religions in the world.
*in received pronuciation*
The Screwtarp Ladders
Act I
So confident, so bold, so...resloved. Our Father Below would be quite impressed. Perhaps I should designate Wormwood as your understudy?
But first! What will you do when your subjects shove your nose in the ignorance of the bloody vomit you one set of lies for another only to mock the former? Would you dare create a ladder to the roof of escape only to dwell in the infamy of apathy, or shall you plunge to your death?
Sorry, I probably lost most of ya....been reading a lot of C.S Lewis lateley....
it's Sunday....A long day of football, beer, more football, more beer, bonfires, BBQ's, Cards, more beer and the World Series...
I was actually gonna say something serious only because Marinus and Shotgun were here, but screw it...No reason.
It's rather ironic...all I've really seen so far is a bunch of confused atheists with the need to come running here in a desperate attempt to rationalize their disbelief...
thanks for the emotional rollercoaster of heartbroken tearful laughter...
Hopefully tomorrow God will give me the grace to actually give a fuck...
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