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Are you now saying that your criteria is based on whether or not someone is "looking for evidence"?



Asking for physical proof of a non-physical anything is stooopid.

I disagree. Deitys need to have evidence to even suggest that they might exist before I will even consider basing my life around them. The religious use very poor reasoning and often down right lies to support their beliefs. Just go to the Answers in Genesis to see the many lies and misdirection that is put out there by the religious.

There is no non-physical anything. Spiritualism or super natural are just things that people made up. It's just silly to believe these things with out any evidence to even suggest they are real. Show me some evidence to suggest their real. Use proper critical thinking. Otherwise I will laugh off your beliefs.

There are currently areas of life that we don't have concrete answers for. Some of us choose to believe that science will fill in the gaps in due course, others prefer to attribute certain things to a God (or Gods).

I think you are stretching things to say there is nothing "non-physical". I believe there are things that are currently attributed to the supernatural by many people that one day we will have a complete understanding of. Kallends example of the placebo effect is an excellent example - it shows the power of belief. I don't believe we have scientific answers for that (yet).
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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I think deitys were made up by primitive man to explain what they didn't understand.

Ya, people think a lot...they say alot, especially people that shove the idea of irrefutable proof down everyones throat. They say things like faith is a physiological ailment, while others will say it's an evolutionary benefit...well how about taking your own advice and prove it? How do you know?

There isn't any way to "know", but it makes much more logical sense then does the existence of deitys

How do you know you're not just using that to explain something you don't understand?
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Are you now saying that your criteria is based on whether or not someone is "looking for evidence"?



Asking for physical proof of a non-physical anything is stooopid.

I disagree. Deitys need to have evidence to even suggest that they might exist before I will even consider basing my life around them. The religious use very poor reasoning and often down right lies to support their beliefs. Just go to the Answers in Genesis to see the many lies and misdirection that is put out there by the religious.

There is no non-physical anything. Spiritualism or super natural are just things that people made up. It's just silly to believe these things with out any evidence to even suggest they are real. Show me some evidence to suggest their real. Use proper critical thinking. Otherwise I will laugh off your beliefs.

There are currently areas of life that we don't have concrete answers for. Some of us choose to believe that science will fill in the gaps in due course, others prefer to attribute certain things to a God (or Gods).

I think you are stretching things to say there is nothing "non-physical". I believe there are things that are currently attributed to the supernatural by many people that one day we will have a complete understanding of. Kallends example of the placebo effect is an excellent example - it shows the power of belief. I don't believe we have scientific answers for that (yet).

And deitys are the silliest thing ever thought of by man.

What is there that is non-physical??

As for the placebo effect that is a example of the psychological effect on the body. It's not super natural.

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No you just stick a label on bullshit and delude yourself like many others, it's not weird, just flawed thinking.

Meh, you should've seen me when I was an athiest...

Any who, I hope your perfect thinking takes you very far in life...godspeed.

It is because I understand how flawed people are at thinking that I choose science.

Belief without evidence is faith, not reason.

Well then, apparently you have faith in your perfection...good luck with that.

You can post all the non sequiturs you like, it won't make for a coherent argument.

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asking for physical proof of a non-physical anything is just plain stooopid.

Proclaiming belief in something of serious consequence without evidence is stupid.


Limiting your faith to the physical world is just that....limiting.

Faith? You can have all the faith you like in all the bullshit you like but there is no evidence, that's why it's faith. It's also why sensible people are not persuaded by your unsupported claims.


Do you really think that scientists have never made an advancement without having some intangible faith that there was something else to be discovered?

Do you really think that all scientific discoveries we accomplished purely by chance?

If you did not have advanced proof that something exists, what in the world would make you go search for it? You don't believe in it so why would you go seek it?

You are utterly lost when it comes to approximating how science operates. Scientists propose theories to explain observations and make further predictions using those theories. The theories that have predictive value win. You jello minded attempt to confabulate science with faith is utterly muddled.

There is advanced evidence that gives rise to most scientific theories, it's called observation and experimentation, when an obsrvation or experiment deviates from established theories or when there is no theory minds get busy trying to explain facts with new theories or better observations.

It turns out this works rather well at producing a set working models of reality and amazing progress like increased life expectancy and the internet you are using now. Faith on the other hand provides us with some pretty stone buildings and oppressive edicts, and the occasional outbreak of witch burning.

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It turns out this works rather well at producing a set working models of reality and amazing progress like increased life expectancy and the internet you are using now.

...and biological weapons, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, ecstasy, lead paint, CFC's, and chia pets.
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No you just stick a label on bullshit and delude yourself like many others, it's not weird, just flawed thinking.

Meh, you should've seen me when I was an athiest...

Any who, I hope your perfect thinking takes you very far in life...godspeed.

It is because I understand how flawed people are at thinking that I choose science.

Belief without evidence is faith, not reason.

Well then, apparently you have faith in your perfection...good luck with that.

You can post all the non sequiturs you like, it won't make for a coherent argument.

Kinda pointless to argue against your trollish strawmen and biased opinions...
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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Do you ever have anything of substance to contribute other than a bunch of lame, ill-conceived attempts at one-liners?

Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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My experiences as a child turned me off from organized religion at a fairly early age...I ran away from home at 13 just to get away from a church and its followers. However I still believed in a christian god for a couple more years, till critical thinking started to chip away at the concept. Eventually I became a die-hard agnostic, unaware of any evidence of a god. Occam's razor leads me to believe one likely doesn't exist, or at least not in any form currently recognized as a "religion". Today, I guess I'd still call myself an agnostic, but with a hefty atheist bias. I think a god (in the religous sense) is highly unlikely, and if one does exist, it's highly unlikely to be anything like we imagine. I seriously doubt we are capable of understanding such an entity's motivations or desires, and I'm not going to spend too much effort chasing an impossible goal. So I guess it was a slow process, and those closest to me are fine with it. My daughter was offended when I didn't call her on Easter this year, but that's the rare exception. It took me awhile to remind her that there was no snub...I honestly didn't even realize it was easter till that afternoon, when Costco was closed. (Eventually it dawned on her that we hadn't done anything on easter since she'd been of egg-hunting age.)There was no snub, it's just not a holiday I even notice, much less celebrate.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I would ask the same question of you sir.

Well to keep it simple, when we compare our last 25 responses in SC, I can honestly answer "yes."

Yours just make you seem like a post whore...


This one sounds like a fit.


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It turns out this works rather well at producing a set working models of reality and amazing progress like increased life expectancy and the internet you are using now.

...and biological weapons, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, ecstasy, lead paint, CFC's, and chia pets.

Yep. it's pretty damned effective, ain't it.

P.S. I should point out that it is because of science that we understand the negative impacts and no longer use lead paint and CFCs.

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No you just stick a label on bullshit and delude yourself like many others, it's not weird, just flawed thinking.

Meh, you should've seen me when I was an athiest...

Any who, I hope your perfect thinking takes you very far in life...godspeed.

It is because I understand how flawed people are at thinking that I choose science.

Belief without evidence is faith, not reason.

Well then, apparently you have faith in your perfection...good luck with that.

I rarely use the words "believe" or "faith" relative to my opinions. I prefer "suspect" and "doubt".

(drink Mountain Dew)

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