
The rich get richer and, the poor get richer

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Some people are so poor all they have is money.

Well. . . anti-social and strange behavior doesn't constrain one from making money. These types may argue that they aren't "poor". On the other hand, practically all people have someone in their lives. Makes personal relationships/love a non-commodity to be considered "wealth"; relationships come naturally for majority of human beings. So you can't call someone with only love "rich", or someone with all the money in the world but without loved ones "poor"

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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Yes the rich are getting richer, but so are the poor ...


I love this guys logic; 99% of the poor in the US have running water and flushing toilets, yet 0nly 3% of those living in sub-saharan Africa have the same. The nerve of these people bitching about their plight and not knowing how good they really have it.

While buying a refrigerator, microwave, or computer
may seem like living high on the hog to your average Ugandan, it's not here. Being able to afford home ownership, quality medical care, retirement and being able to afford to put your children in college is a little different than being able to afford a PS3 and a blender.

I know if Jesus was to return today, he would rebuke all these ungrateful poor leaches, he had very little patients for the poor.

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While buying a refrigerator, microwave, or computer may seem like living high on the hog to your average Ugandan, it's not here.

And that is the problem... Instead of looking at what is needed to sustain life, you think we have to keep up with the Jones's.

No longer is it enough for people to have food, shelter, clothes.... But now the standard is a PS3, big screen TV, cell phones, and a car.

If you continue to raise the expectations... They will never be met and you can forever paint the 'rich' as evil.

I am reminded of a Leo Tolstoy story, How much Land Does a Man Need.

As long as you keep expanding what is expected... You will never be happy.

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No longer is it enough for people to have food, shelter, clothes.... But now the standard is a PS3, big screen TV, cell phones, and a car.

You forgot the Mac, iPod, iPad and iPhone. Don't you have any sort of heart? Aren't you aware that possessing the full suite of Apple products is a basic necessity for life? :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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No longer is it enough for people to have food, shelter, clothes.... But now the standard is a PS3, big screen TV, cell phones, and a car.

You forgot the Mac, iPod, iPad and iPhone. Don't you have any sort of heart? Aren't you aware that possessing the full suite of Apple products is a basic necessity for life? :ph34r:

Poor Steve.. so disadvantaged...no iPad2 for U

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YAY! America is doing GREAT compared to 3rd world countries!!!

I'm not saying everything here is "peachy" but after working in the rain forest of Central America and some orphanages in Mexico, I kinda want to say to most of the "poor" in America, "Gimme a break!"


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YAY! America is doing GREAT compared to 3rd world countries!!!

I'm not saying everything here is "peachy" but after working in the rain forest of Central America and some orphanages in Mexico, I kinda want to say to most of the "poor" in America, "Gimme a break!"

So you are good with the 1% here.. making sure that far more of what used to be middle class end up as poor???

It sure seems that the rePUBICLowns around here are good with it... since they support those who are bought and paid for by a very few wealthy individuals... Of course.. that will help recruiting numbers..

Perhaps we can have a military just like the UK with an officer corp like the UK.. it seems most of them are from the Upper Class... while most of the squadies... seemed to come from the lower class.

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Never said that. But I have been poor. I HAD NOTHING! But rather than look for a hand out from big brother (literally or figuratively) I pawned most everything I had, worked 3 jobs, took out a student loan (which I still pay) and bettered myself. I did all this w/o blaming the 1%.

Screw them! Money never made me happy. Giving it my best shot made me happy. And when I feel sorry for myself I pay my own way to build orphanages in Mexico and youth centers in the rain forrest of Cimmarones, Costa Rica. THAT was a wake up call. The local man I worked with lived in an 8' x 12' room with his wife & 3 kids. He had an open sewer running 10 feet in front of his house, but he was working alongside me to build places for those he deemed less fortunate than himself! But, hey, maybe that is just me.


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Never said that. But I have been poor. I HAD NOTHING! But rather than look for a hand out from big brother (literally or figuratively) I pawned most everything I had, worked 3 jobs, took out a student loan (which I still pay) and bettered myself. I did all this w/o blaming the 1%.

Screw them! Money never made me happy. Giving it my best shot made me happy. And when I feel sorry for myself I pay my own way to build orphanages in Mexico and youth centers in the rain forrest of Cimmarones, Costa Rica. THAT was a wake up call. The local man I worked with lived in an 8' x 12' room with his wife & 3 kids. He had an open sewer running 10 feet in front of his house, but he was working alongside me to build places for those he deemed less fortunate than himself! But, hey, maybe that is just me.

I have been in more 3rd world shitholes than I care to remember.. I think the most telling thing is the view from the VERY best hotels... homes... of the very worst slums/shacks/blue tarp/any piece of rusted sheet metal.

With the current thinking what it is.... I think we will be seeing some of those here... perhaps not in my lifetime.. since I am old and decrepit... but I will bet my kid will get to see them here in the USA before his life is out.[:/]

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