
America Before the Entitlement State

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The latter half of the 20th century created successive generations who were taught that personal responsibility is extinct.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
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The latter half of the 20th century created successive generations who were taught that personal responsibility is extinct.

Maybe, maybe not - but I fail to see what that has to do with the article (apart from a nice euphemism for child labour and the advice to build up as much debt as you can while unemployed).

Hoping the landlord will defer the rent and the food store will give you free stuff isn't personal responsibility.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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the article is good but overly simplistic in the solution(s).

In the 'good old days', people lived far shorter lives. There was still extreme poverty, but invisible to many, and unemployment existed back then too. racism, crime, scoial issues - we all like to believe those problems somehow did not exist back then - whatever time period that was....but the fact is - they did exist.

If you did not 'make it' on your own, sure you probably just got sick and died.

While the extreme right wing might find that to be a credo they can live with, the majority of the country does not see it that way.

Longer life spans mean a higher tax on the systems that support them, social security and medicare. Higher population growth compounds that problem. And that is one small piece of the puzzle.

easy for families to take care of their own? Not when both are working full-time to make ends meet as is the case today. The days of the 'working man' and the 'stay at home Mom' are also long gone.

It is a different world so articles like this seem to compare apples and oranges.

If you want to go back to the early 1900's, then we need to start putting minorities in tin shacks in poor counties in southern states, cut welfare and social security and let the life-expectancy lapse to those values, cut health care, because the diseases that we had back then like small-pox, polio and influenza epidemics would have to be 'OK', and you know what? I bet that helps to balance the budget.

But the budget is not what it's really all about is it? It's supposed to be about the people too.

there I go again, making sense......

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Interesting reading. Although I am guessing two or three of the Uber-Leftists will attempt to crucify the Authors without really paying attention to the message.:|

The article conveintly leaves out some of the "down sides" to living in the "good ole days"


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Interesting reading. Although I am guessing two or three of the Uber-Leftists will attempt to crucify the Authors without really paying attention to the message.:|

As previously pointed out by others, the message is is a gross distortion of reality.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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