Skyrad 0 #1 November 20, 2011 I thought that this sort of thing was left back in the 60's. So much for democracy. This is the way police behave in a fascist state. They wouldn't get away with this in the UK. an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy. Lucius Annaeus Seneca Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #2 November 20, 2011 We're also the home of the brave. Anyhoo, we discuss this incident at length in the OWS thread. Come join us. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #3 November 20, 2011 Quote I thought that this sort of thing was left back in the 60's. So much for democracy. This is the way police behave in a fascist state. They wouldn't get away with this in the UK. I love how the fascisti blither on and on about "lawful" orders.... so any cop can pull some demand out of his ass and the citizen MUST COMPLY SEIG HEIL to our militaristic police state. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
christelsabine 1 #4 November 20, 2011 Quote Quote I thought that this sort of thing was left back in the 60's. So much for democracy. This is the way police behave in a fascist state. They wouldn't get away with this in the UK. I love how the fascisti blither on and on about "lawful" orders.... so any cop can pull some demand out of his ass and the citizen MUST COMPLY SEIG HEIL to our militaristic police state. Dear, it's called Sieg Heil ! Just wanted to be of help ..... dudeist skydiver # 3105 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #5 November 20, 2011 Quote Quote Quote I thought that this sort of thing was left back in the 60's. So much for democracy. This is the way police behave in a fascist state. They wouldn't get away with this in the UK. I love how the fascisti blither on and on about "lawful" orders.... so any cop can pull some demand out of his ass and the citizen MUST COMPLY SEIG HEIL to our militaristic police state. Dear, it's called Sieg Heil ! Just wanted to be of help ..... Cool... I am sure those who practice it.. and support the trashing of our rights and freedom... can wallow in it no matter how its spelled... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
popsjumper 2 #6 November 20, 2011 Quote I thought that this sort of thing was left back in the 60's. You've evidently led a sheltered life. Us vs Them.My reality and yours are quite different. I think we're all Bozos on this bus. Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sammer 0 #7 November 20, 2011 they do that shit in the UK everyday. only they hit you with a stick. wake up dick. where the fuck do you really live? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skinnay 0 #8 November 20, 2011 UC Davis chancellor's walk of shame. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mpohl 1 #9 November 20, 2011 Time to clean this house. Arab-Spring cleaning style. From DC to CA. "This land is your land, this land is my land..." Quote UC Davis chancellor's walk of shame. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kennedy 0 #10 November 20, 2011 Quote Time to clean this house. Arab-Spring cleaning style. From DC to CA. "This land is your land, this land is my land..." So you want to put the military in charge?witty subliminal message Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards. 1* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riddler 0 #11 November 21, 2011 The cop's defense will probably be along the lines of "I was just doing what I was ordered to do."Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurch 0 #12 November 21, 2011 Skyrad, I grew up watching this country slowly being turned into a jail. There are a million freedoms I had as a kid...all gone now for "safety" or "security", while ensuring neither. Owning a swiss knife as a kid...and using it in school. And nobody freaked...spanish teacher borrowed it for the scissors. These days a kid with a blade gets a SWAT team. Used to be able to ride in the backs of pickup trucks like free people. These days the last time I had to ride in the back of a truck we had to lie down and hide so we didn't get targeted and pulled over for "safety" that really means "nice excuse to shake you down for a little revenue tickets". One step closer... Wanna make the population snap? THATS how. Protesters are being stupid. If I were them I'd be keeping it polite and not give the cops an excuse. Cops are being worse... like a deliberate caricature of the jackbooted thug, you'd almost think they were reveling in the opportunity to use violence on the helpless. God knows they've been caught on a million videos committing ridiculously disproportionate acts of violence against unresisting people with great enthusiasm. Usually as punishment for failing to obey orders. To use the phrase the law types like to use, "There are consequences." That incident is going to provoke some very, serious anger. They keep that shit up they're gonna start getting shot when they try that shit and they're gonna wonder why. "Just doing our jobs." "Just following orders." One kid in that lineup decides he's gonna get payback for the incoming gas and pulls the trigger. It's gonna happen. Or they'll start being found in dumpsters in ones and twos. Sooner or later the kids will start defending themselves with lethal force. The kids ARE taking names... and spreading the information. The cops are scared by this... they should be. One day they're gonna brutalize the wrong kid and the kid is going to look up the individuals responsible for a little columbine-style one-on-one payback. Of course when that happens they'll respond the only way they know how, by killing a bunch of kids to teach em a lesson, or "For their safety" or "To control the situation". Whatever the bureaucratic excuse du jour is these days for state sanctioned atrocities. And then... I don't even wanna know. America: Ripping itself apart with a certain style and efficiency which only Americans can do. If the government expects obedience and loyalty from this generation they are in for a surprise. Screw this society. I think when I retire I'm just gonna head north till I hit the arctic circle and keep going till the trees get thin. At least that far up north, idiots mostly don't fuck up society and wind up on TV, they mostly just die. -BLive and learn... or die, and teach by example. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurch 0 #13 November 21, 2011 Briefly noted: "However, a law enforcement official who watched the clip called the use of force "fairly standard police procedure". Really? THIS "Police used batons to try to push the students apart. Those they could separate, they arrested, kneeling on their bodies and pushing their heads into the ground. Those they could not separate, they pepper-sprayed directly in the face, holding these students as they did so. When students covered their eyes with their clothing, police forced open their mouths and pepper-sprayed down their throats. Several of these students were hospitalized. Others are seriously injured. One of them, forty-five minutes after being pepper-sprayed down his throat, was still coughing up blood." Is standard police procedure? Holding them down to spray em? Forcibly spraying corrosive gas down an already-beaten kid's throat? Prying their mouths open to do it? If I were a cop, this day I'd quit in disgust and shame.Live and learn... or die, and teach by example. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArizonaStone 0 #14 November 21, 2011 First, that was not bad at all. The students were likely asked to move from the passageway they were blocking. Pepper spraying passively resistant people is fairly standard. The alternative would have been to go hands-on; not physically assaulting them, but pulling them apart or pushing, etc. That of course would have been perceived by the masses as police brutality. Secondly, Americans are pussies. They see a cop on the street and are like, OH MY GOD! WE LIVE IN A POLICE STATE! Americans don't know shit about police states. Americans bitch and bitch and bitch about the government when they are doing their jobs. The government lays off. Something happens, then Americans bitch, where is the government when we need them? It's not a perfect system. For all the civilians that seem to think they now better, stop bitching and create a better system. It's not as easy as you think. I am law enforcement and I am not always pro-government, but stop being such a bunch of pussies. If you people knew the shit we have to put up with on a daily basis, you would have an appreciation for why most cops are dicks. I will say, some were dicks before they became cops, but there are a lot who become dicks because of ignorant citizens seeing videos like this and then trying to play armchair quarterback. So, I say, unless you want to do the job, shut the fuck up!"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see." -Benjamin Franklin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,028 #15 November 21, 2011 >If you people knew the shit we have to put up with on a daily basis, you >would have an appreciation for why most cops are dicks. Well, if cops knew how hard some people had it, they'd understand why many people are dicks, too. Does that mean it's OK to pepper spray a cop when a cop is a dick? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jtiflyer 0 #16 November 21, 2011 If you are prepared to protest you dam well better be ready for the consequences. When law enforcement tells you to disperse the smart thing is to comply and quickly reorganize in another place. That is unless you are having sinus problems and want to have them cleared for you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #17 November 21, 2011 Quote First, that was not bad at all. The students were likely asked to move from the passageway they were blocking. Pepper spraying passively resistant people is fairly standard. The alternative would have been to go hands-on; not physically assaulting them, but pulling them apart or pushing, etc. That of course would have been perceived by the masses as police brutality. Secondly, Americans are pussies. They see a cop on the street and are like, OH MY GOD! WE LIVE IN A POLICE STATE! Americans don't know shit about police states. Americans bitch and bitch and bitch about the government when they are doing their jobs. The government lays off. Something happens, then Americans bitch, where is the government when we need them? It's not a perfect system. For all the civilians that seem to think they now better, stop bitching and create a better system. It's not as easy as you think. I am law enforcement and I am not always pro-government, but stop being such a bunch of pussies. If you people knew the shit we have to put up with on a daily basis, you would have an appreciation for why most cops are dicks. I will say, some were dicks before they became cops, but there are a lot who become dicks because of ignorant citizens seeing videos like this and then trying to play armchair quarterback. So, I say, unless you want to do the job, shut the fuck up! It is sad that so many police have the attitude you just showed. If you think the job is so hard... wait till you have less and less support from the people you are no longer protecting. The American people ARE watching Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArizonaStone 0 #18 November 21, 2011 Life sucks and it's not fair to everyone all the time. If you think a society can thrive on disorder and people will be respectful of others without oversight, then you are mistaken my friend. Some people have it easy, some have it hard. Accept your lot in life. Yin and yang. Balance. We can't all have it easy. That disrupts the balance of life. Things must die for others to live. Everything has an opposite. It is the way of life. We don't expect people to be happy, happy, joy, joy. If the Occupy people were in their designated areas to protest, their location wouldn't have been an issue. On to your remark. If someone has it hard and can't make ends meet, then is it okay if they break into your home? Rob your niece? Rape your wife? Murder you? We all have issues, but you can't infringe on others enjoyment of life. Police have many policies they must follow. Those policies are thought through very carefully to take many things into consideration. They attempt to strike the best balance between individual liberties and doing what needs to be done to maintain peace to uphold those liberties. Again, no governmental system is perfect."Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see." -Benjamin Franklin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArizonaStone 0 #19 November 21, 2011 Amazon, please suggest a better way of maintaining order than what we have in America."Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see." -Benjamin Franklin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #20 November 21, 2011 Quote Amazon, please suggest a better way of maintaining order than what we have in America. How about standing back and just laughing at the stupid fuckers, it would make more of an impression on them.. But that would actually require understanding the people you are trying to "protect" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArizonaStone 0 #21 November 21, 2011 Cat got your tongue? It's very, very easy to sit in your home and say, oh my, that's terrible. It's a completely different thing to create something better. Many very intelligent people, more intelligent than myself and likely many people here on Dropzone, have spent years trying to make something better. This is what we have as a civilization with all those brain cells firing away. Please, offer a better solution."Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see." -Benjamin Franklin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArizonaStone 0 #22 November 21, 2011 How about standing back and just laughing at the stupid fuckers, it would make more of an impression on them.. ----------------- You see, sitting back is not what an American does. If we all sat back, then we'd be back in England laughing as the Crown stripped us of our liberties and dignity. Secondly, if the protestors disrupted the flow of peoples daily activities or the operation of the university, then sitting back is not an option as the protest is no longer peaceful."Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see." -Benjamin Franklin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #23 November 21, 2011 Quote How about standing back and just laughing at the stupid fuckers, it would make more of an impression on them.. ----------------- You see, sitting back is not what an American does. If we all sat back, then we'd be back in England laughing as the Crown stripped us of our liberties and dignity. Secondly, if the protestors disrupted the flow of peoples daily activities or the operation of the university, then sitting back is not an option as the protest is no longer peaceful. SPoken as a true believer. Welcome to increasingly "interesting" times... since you and many like you are incapable of figuring out a better way than to play right into the only way you have been trained to act... and in this case... you and your fellows have not been equiped to "win" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArizonaStone 0 #24 November 21, 2011 One last thought before I abandon this debate. Before I make a determination if something is right or wrong, I try to look at it from all angles. I like to take all things to a personal level. In this case, imagine if you did something that people in your neighborhood were displeased with. Imagine that it was something that you believed to be reasonable by your standards. Then, imagine if your neighbors circled your house and protested. You couldn't go to any portion of your yard without being harassed by protestors. You couldn't drive out of your driveway. You could hear them in your house, day and night. Would you call the police? What if the police couldn't make them move with verbal commands? What then would you suggest the police do? How long could you hold out and allow your peace to be disrupted before you lashed out?"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see." -Benjamin Franklin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArizonaStone 0 #25 November 21, 2011 You still throw stones Amazon, but you fail to offer a better solution. Much like the Occupy protestors."Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see." -Benjamin Franklin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites