
"Pregnant" Seattle Fleabagger is a Nutjob, Likely Wasn't Knocked Up...

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Nah. Ain't complete till Amazon shows up and starts angrily raving about RePUBIclowns BWAHAHA and how they're to blame for pancakes, the extinction of Murcheson's Lesser Marmoset, the recent outbreak of autistic ninja children who can't see plaid, and the destruction of New York by angry radioactive japanese lizard.

*produces bag of popcorn*

I'll wait.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Nah. Ain't complete till Amazon shows up and starts angrily raving about RePUBIclowns BWAHAHA and how they're to blame for pancakes, the extinction of Murcheson's Lesser Marmoset, the recent outbreak of autistic ninja children who can't see plaid, and the destruction of New York by angry radioactive japanese lizard.

*produces bag of popcorn*

I'll wait.

Sorry.. that sounds more like your fantasy date with one of the other usual suspects here in SC

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I don't know, I will have to ask her Foster Bunny Parent to get a better idea of her character. The bunny could be a pathological liar.

Maybe she just got syrup in her eyes, but now she is making claims that she got beat with a waffle iron.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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One pancake bunny, coming up.


And, I decided its not really over till

Dreamdancer puts up a bunch of links angry about people with money,

JohnRich picking on the brits for being disarmed and generally sounding the alarm about gun rights,

Cristelsabine acting all condescending because we stubbornly refuse to disarm,

A couple religious folks making bizarre assertions about what they think the infinite wants us to do,

Billvon saying something sensible,

Doc K making pedantically literal yet aggravatingly badgering arguments of internally logical consistency that make whatever part of the forum he's arguing with want to smack him for enthusiastically excessive deployment of acerbic british wit,

And somebody to blame it all on racist white europeans.

Or liberals.
Got any Popcorn left Amazon? I'm out.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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