
What a fine example of American Patriotism.

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Sorry. Jeanne, but doing what's best for the country brought us the
Iraq war. It brought us the whole real estate bubble. You can't really beleive that was anything other than what was good for a VERY few.. I thought perhaps YOU might be able to not be guzzling the RED Koolaid

NOBODY liked the real estate bubble more than local governments. Counties and states that rely on property taxes were absolutely ecstatic at the amount of money that was pouring in. For a few years, Prop 13 didn’t exist in California.

I’ll also note that those who gained the most from the bubble ended up paying dearly for it. Those that ended up using their home equity like an ATM paid for it. The banks that ended up participating and helping cause it tanked.

You are again focusing on your preferred villains (not to say that they weren’t villains) but failing to look around at all the other players. Point to the O-rings! Yes, the O-rings played a significant part but the puzzle itself is far more complicated. What about the warnings of the O-rings that went unheeded? What about the weather? The command climate? The “go fever?”

As you know, Jeanne, disaster is not typically the result one single event. Rather, it is the amalgamation of a series of errors that come together. Thus, pointing the finger at one villain among a group of them is the surest possible way to ensure that the error repeats.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Back to the nutter in question from the OP..


Jack Flash
I've had several face to face conversations with Bill Looman, and I can assure you that he isn't very bright. If it wasn't for his wife's inheritance he would probably be living in a half-wide trailer cleaning septic tanks for a living.


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Back to the nutter in question from the OP..


Jack Flash
I've had several face to face conversations with Bill Looman, and I can assure you that he isn't very bright. If it wasn't for his wife's inheritance he would probably be living in a half-wide trailer cleaning septic tanks for a living.

Really, a "half-wide" trailer? I'm not sure he should comment on anyone else being bright or dim. :S
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Almost as fine as this one from years back.

Yeah, democrats suck, but they don't come close to republicans in the mean-spirited and childish categories. Bunch of twats...though I do like Ron Paul.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Almost as fine as this one from years back.

Yeah, democrats suck, but they don't come close to republicans in the mean-spirited and childish categories. Bunch of twats...though I do like Ron Paul.

Oh, *please*....
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Almost as fine as this one from years back.

Yeah, democrats suck, but they don't come close to republicans in the mean-spirited and childish categories. Bunch of twats...though I do like Ron Paul.

Oh, *please*....

Predictable as always. Ya want more of that republican "patriotism"?

Mean-spirited and childish, I tell ya.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Predictable as always.

So are y'all - shall I bring up all the "Bush should choke on a pretzel" "Cheney should have a heart attack" etc etc etc?


Mean-spirited and childish, I tell ya.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Predictable as always.

So are y'all - shall I bring up all the "Bush should choke on a pretzel" "Cheney should have a heart attack" etc etc etc?


Mean-spirited and childish, I tell ya.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.


Another example.

No one stoops to these depths of malice and immaturity like republicans.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Predictable as always.

So are y'all - shall I bring up all the "Bush should choke on a pretzel" "Cheney should have a heart attack" etc etc etc?


Mean-spirited and childish, I tell ya.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.


Another example.

No one stoops to these depths of malice and immaturity like republicans.


Just for you

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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