
pres. Obama you lost my vote."Today Obama signed NDAA S.1867 into law"

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My only hope is that the people who took there oath remember it, and when the day comes they do a 180 and point there guns away from the people.

Really there is no difference between Rep. or Dem. They all suck and work for the banks.


link to bill text.

What is happening to this great country?

Edit to add:

Oh and please before anyone says this will only effect terrorists understand that term is defined and redefined at will. Next they will claim the Occupy movement is a terrorist org. i can see the slippery slope, we have been on it for a while now, and its getting steeper.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Agreed. Remember when he got elected. His first act was to order the closure of the war crimes committing Guantanamo Bay prison. That was, to him the most important thing to do on his first day. He has been a complete failure.
Ron Paul is the only candidate out there that would actually act to protect the rights of the citizens. He will not win, and if he did I suspect he would be assassinated.
I really don't understand why Obama did not jump on this one as an election item. I do think a good PR team could give it legs with the great Jersey Shore watching unwashed.

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