Butters 0
lack of understandinghyprocirsy of this topic adds to posts like this that make no sense
It is not about money
It is about freedoms,the constitition and religion
Tell me this
If thisisisn't allowed to stand,what coverage do you think the gov should mandate next in your entitlement world?then why do you think the gov should have drug prohibition in your free world?
rushmc 23
lack of understandinghyprocirsy of this topic adds to posts like this that make no sense
It is not about money
It is about freedoms,the constitition and religion
Tell me this
If thisisisn't allowed to stand,what coverage do you think the gov should mandate next in your entitlement world?then why do you think the gov should have drug prohibition in your free world?
Answer mine and I will answer yours
But your lack of understanding is obvious
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
Butters 0
I consider churches (of the larger religions) to be public business and thus subject to restrictions, conditions, etc.. that should include a health care plan. I don't believe the separation of church (in regards to the larger religions) and state exists. Thus, until churches (of the larger religions) separate themselves from the state I do not consider the entanglement to be problematic.
Your turn ... why do you consider drug prohibition (without a constitutional amendment) to be constitutional?
rushmc 23
QuoteOkay, I believe that private and public business should both be subject to certain basic restrictions, conditions, etc... and that public businesses could also be subject to other restrictions, conditions, etc.. These basic restrictions, conditions, etc.. should be constitutional and limited to protecting (based on scientific documentation) the employer, employees, consumers, public, environment, and other business. Considering the documented relationship between work and health I believe a health care plan should be applied to public businesses.
I consider churches (of the larger religions) to be public business and thus subject to restrictions, conditions, etc.. that should include a health care plan. I don't believe the separation of church (in regards to the larger religions) and state exists. Thus, until churches (of the larger religions) separate themselves from the state I do not consider the entanglement to be problematic.
Your turn ... why do you consider drug prohibition (without a constitutional amendment) to be constitutional?
I do not think it is a constititional issue
I agree with basic regulations (a better word than restrictions)
I do not see HC as any business of the gov in any manner but, I do see states regulating HC insurance companies at a basic level
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
Expecting not to have to pay premiums for specific conditions is not reasonable. It would be like young people asking to have their premium reduced by whatever premiums amounts are reflective of Alzheimer's and other diseases of old age. In a way, plans that have rating bands based on age already do that, but it reflects general utilization by age, not by excluding benefits for specific conditions. It's not really insurance if each person gets to pick the specifics they want to cover or not. It really needs to be an all in or fold thing or the cherry-picking becomes destructive to the pool.
I understand what you are saying but then why make it an option on an individual policy?