QuoteQuoteCan you imagine the outrage if this had been an assault on a Mosque?
So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?
If a member of a Mosque had a warrant for a minor gun charge, do you think they would have served the warrant using jack-booted thugs armed with assault weapons?
quade 4
QuoteQuoteQuoteCan you imagine the outrage if this had been an assault on a Mosque?
So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?
If a member of a Mosque had a warrant for a minor gun charge, do you think they would have served the warrant using jack-booted thugs armed with assault weapons?
In the US, post-9/11? Yes. Absolutely.
Now, it's your turn. Answer my question.
"So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?"
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteCan you imagine the outrage if this had been an assault on a Mosque?
So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?
If a member of a Mosque had a warrant for a minor gun charge, do you think they would have served the warrant using jack-booted thugs armed with assault weapons?
In the US, post-9/11? Yes. Absolutely.
Now, it's your turn. Answer my question.
"So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?"
The authority they claimed to justify serving the warrant came from a gun charge.
Why do you think they just didn't wait for Koresch to leave the cmpound on an errand and then arrest him without incident?
Coreece 190
QuoteQuoteQuoteCan you imagine the outrage if this had been an assault on a Mosque?
So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?
If a member of a Mosque had a warrant for a minor gun charge, do you think they would have served the warrant using jack-booted thugs armed with assault weapons?
Detroit mosque leader killed in FBI raids:
We also have FBI informants infiltrating religious institutions to keep an eye on religious nutters...or rather, nutters who use religion as a cover:
quade 4
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteCan you imagine the outrage if this had been an assault on a Mosque?
So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?
If a member of a Mosque had a warrant for a minor gun charge, do you think they would have served the warrant using jack-booted thugs armed with assault weapons?
In the US, post-9/11? Yes. Absolutely.
Now, it's your turn. Answer my question.
"So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?"
The authority they claimed to justify serving the warrant came from a gun charge.
Why do you think they just didn't wait for Koresch to leave the cmpound on an errand and then arrest him without incident?
You do realize the ATF did attempt a peaceful solution several times and for about a month afterward; right?
Koresh could have walked at any point in the process, but he was a fucking nutcase putting the lives of other people in jeopardy.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
You do realize the ATF did attempt a peaceful solution several times and for about a month afterward; right?
Koresh could have walked at any point in the process, but he was a fucking nutcase putting the lives of other people in jeopardy.
peaceful...until they weren't.
Koresh would have to be crazy, think he was God, to think it would be a good idea to walk out to be taken into custody. These are the same guys that executed the wife at Ruby Ridge.
quade 4
You do realize the ATF did attempt a peaceful solution several times and for about a month afterward; right?
Koresh could have walked at any point in the process, but he was a fucking nutcase putting the lives of other people in jeopardy.
peaceful...until they weren't.
Koresh would have to be crazy, think he was God, to think it would be a good idea to walk out to be taken into custody. These are the same guys that executed the wife at Ruby Ridge.
People seem to remember the conflagration, but conveniently skip over the month long stand off. He absolutely could have given up peacefully.
As soon as the media camp was set up, which was just a few hours after the initial shots that set off the month long stand off, there were cameras rolling by CNN 24/7 as well as a fairly large number of others. He was absolutely NOT going to be shot just by walking out the door. In fact, he was the safest he'd ever been. Way safer than inside the compound where cameras weren't.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
billvon 3,031
We destroyed nine mosques in 2001 alone. The fact that you don't even remember that indicates there wasn't much outrage.
Quote>Can you imagine the outrage if this had been an assault on a Mosque?
We destroyed nine mosques in 2001 alone. The fact that you don't even remember that indicates there wasn't much outrage.
Not in the U.S.
They have also killed 4 Americans because a Koran was burned over there. I doubt the outrage would be the same if that Koran was burned in the U.S.
skymiles 3
quade 4
Quote. . . assault weapons . . .
Are you sure they weren't just scary looking?

Ever noticed how there term ironically cuts both ways? Yes, government agents are "jack-booted thugs" with "assault weapons," but the Davidians are simply innocent people minding their own business without "assault weapons" on "trumped up gun charges" or a "minor gun violation"?
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
quade 4
QuoteAre we going to dredge up the BD assholes every year at this time. Clearly they were a bunch of wack-jobs for killing themselves and their innocent children. It was a good day when they decided to kill themselves. I commend the ATF.
How DARE you sir!
We must never forget that which we choose to selectively never forget!
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
skymiles 3
mnealtx 0
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteCan you imagine the outrage if this had been an assault on a Mosque?
So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?
If a member of a Mosque had a warrant for a minor gun charge, do you think they would have served the warrant using jack-booted thugs armed with assault weapons?
In the US, post-9/11? Yes. Absolutely.
Now, it's your turn. Answer my question.
"So . . . you're claiming it was a religious issue and not a weapons issue?"
The authority they claimed to justify serving the warrant came from a gun charge.
Why do you think they just didn't wait for Koresch to leave the cmpound on an errand and then arrest him without incident?
Especially considering that ATF went out and talked to Koresh just a couple months before the siege.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
Apparently you think it's more acceptable for so many people (kids included) to die than to have somebody possess an illegal weapon.
"Get that gun! Who the fuck cares if we kill a bunch of people! Get that GUN!"
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239
QuoteRuby Ridge? Yea, I lost a lot of sleep over that too.
Hopefully, you did. You should have:
"To answer public questions about Ruby Ridge, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Government Information held a total of 14 days of hearings between September 6 and October 19, 1995 and subsequently issued a report calling for reforms in federal law enforcement to prevent a repeat of Ruby Ridge and to restore public confidence in federal law enforcement."
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239
The weapons issue was simply trumped by the criminals in the ATF who orchestrated this atrocity.
Hmmm, seems like you've got some bad information there. The Branch Davidian compound absolutely had illegal weapons.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver