
Santorum is for real. No shit.

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Perhaps you haven't heard the unemployment rate is at 9.2%. Perhaps you haven't heard gas is expcted to top $5 per gallon? No way Obama get elected with numbers that high.

I just stated that unemploymewnt is lessening or perhaps you missed that.

Gas prices? Since when does the govt control gas prices when the world price of a barrel of oil has absolutely nothing to do with the US govt?

The last ridiculously high gas prices we had were in 2007 when Bush was in power. Everyone bitches about gas prices, no one is going to change their vote over it.

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Perhaps you haven't heard the unemployment rate is at 9.2%. Perhaps you haven't heard gas is expcted to top $5 per gallon? No way Obama get elected with numbers that high.

I just stated that unemploymewnt is lessening or perhaps you missed that.

Gas prices? Since when does the govt control gas prices when the world price of a barrel of oil has absolutely nothing to do with the US govt?

The last ridiculously high gas prices we had were in 2007 when Bush was in power. Everyone bitches about gas prices, no one is going to change their vote over it.

Unemployment is not lessening. The number of people who have just given up looking for a job are not added into the unemployment figures.

While I agree that Presidents are not responsible for gas prices, it's naive to think that isn't factored into peoples decisions as to whom to vote for.




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While I agree that Presidents are not responsible for gas prices, it's naive to think that isn't factored into peoples decisions as to whom to vote for.

Maybe 'some influence' yes, but the Republicans are arguing over birth control, not gas prices. And they are arguing about abortion and other women's rights.

That is the naive fantasy world I was referring to. As long as the republicans continue to argue about stuff like that and continue on that as a campaign platform, the Democrats will have a 'cake-walk' as you put it.

I expect the economy will look much better by election time, people are somewhat naive, they will see the improvements (except for the extreme right of course) and Obama will most likely win a second term, maybe even a majority, as the Reps are doing nothing but self-annihilation.

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....... No way Obama get elected with numbers that high

Never underestimate the influence of a powerful, charismatic leader. ...especially if he is perceived as infallible by so many of his congregation.

It's more about running against the biggest group of fuckup candidates ever seen.

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While I agree that Presidents are not responsible for gas prices, it's naive to think that isn't factored into peoples decisions as to whom to vote for.

Maybe 'some influence' yes, but the Republicans are arguing over birth control, not gas prices. And they are arguing about abortion and other women's rights.

That is the naive fantasy world I was referring to. As long as the republicans continue to argue about stuff like that and continue on that as a campaign platform, the Democrats will have a 'cake-walk' as you put it.

I expect the economy will look much better by election time, people are somewhat naive, they will see the improvements (except for the extreme right of course) and Obama will most likely win a second term, maybe even a majority, as the Reps are doing nothing but self-annihilation.

This is just the vetting process that all political parties go through during the primaries. Once the nominee is chosen, the focus will change to address issues important to a wider range of voters. It pisses me off that they are so hung up on the social issues but that will change.

As bad as you think it is, here are the latest poll numbers. They show Romney and Santorum both beating Obama. So as bad as you think it is now, it's likely to become more lopsided once the focus is less on ths social issues and more about Obama's record for the last 4 years.


With the perception growing that he will be the GOP nominee, Romney leads President Obama by five points in a hypothetical 2012 matchup. Today's numbers show Romney at 48%, Obama at 43%. That’s Romney’s largest lead since December. Matchup results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update).

If Santorum is the Republican nominee, he is up by one point over the president, 46% to 45%. This is the second time since polling began in 2011 that Santorum has had a slight lead over Obama. Romney is the only other candidate to lead the president more than one time in the polls. See tracking history for Obama vs. all four Republican candidates.

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Ever notice that nearly every story on the Onion is about a Republican? Seems it's turned into another right wing bashing site. I guess they just can't help themselves.

It's 'cause they make it so damned easy!
~~We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly~~MLK

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As bad as you think it is, here are the latest poll numbers. They show Romney and Santorum both beating Obama.



Rasmussen seems to be more recent (nightly report), but there is some clear partisan bias to the page cited. Also worth noting his poll is "likely voters" not registered voters or any American that answers the poll.

The acceleration of gas prices could be related.

BUT....and it's probably speaking to deaf ears...polling now before the Obama campaign even begins to point out the batshit nature of his opposition...spotty. Gravity- go check the lead Dukakis enjoyed in the summer in 1988.

Any poll that has someone as completely untenable as Santorum - the man who name means "shitty lube froth - leading in a poll...demands verification from other methods. And Quade produced that. Strong implication that Rasmussen is trying to front run a trend in order to create it.

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I agree, there's a whole lot of stuff that can and will happen between now and the election. Obama hasn't torn into Romney about MA healthcare yet. OTOH, Romney (assuming he's the nominee) hasn't ripped Obama on his dismal record yet.

Of course, we will also likely be subjected to insinuations of affairs, associations with certain groups etc.

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Looks to me like most of those stories are about Republicans and the GOP.

Looks to me like most of the stories are plays on "real" news. That's what they do at the Onion...take popular subjects and put their own spin on them. The GOP primary is currently topping headlines on pretty much every news site, almost every day, so it makes sense that it woudl get the bulk of Onion treatment. They did manage a couple pokes at Obama, but the DNC isn't currently trying to cannibalize itself, thereby making it boring.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Rather off topic, but the whole "gas prices" thing is retarded. It's almost as if the populace some sort of memory deficit. Gas prices go up EVERY spring, peaking shortly after Memorial Day, holding steady into August, then trend back down. Every year, something else gets blamed, missing infrastructure after a hurricane, an oil rig fire, environmental laws suffocating refineries, or the ever popular mid-east foreign policy slant. It's pretty freaking simple people...DEMAND goes up in the summer, and prices go up along with it...that's why our oil & gas companies are so profitable. Yet somehow our politicians (of both flavors) grasp on to it each year as proof that they are good and their opponents are bad and nation is going to collapse if something isn't done.

I average 25,000 miles per year on my gas powered pickup truck. My daily commute is 70 miles roundtrip to work, approximately 20 days/month, and the closest dropzone is 85 miles away. I think its safe to say I burn a LOT more gas than the average American. That said, if the price of gas goes up a full two bucks over winter prices, the monthly impact on my budget is about two hundred dollars, which will probably last about 3 months. I can find that money in my grocery and entertainment allowances over a short duration, but even if I couldn't, it's not like I'm going to default on my mortgage over it or send kids to bed hungry. In fact, this year I'm trying to save up for a pretty expensive fall (wedding/honeymoon), so last week I started carpooling for the first time in my life. The net effect is my monthly transportation costs just got hundreds of dollars cheaper, rather than more expensive, and I'm contributing less pollution to our air. It does cost me an extra hour a day, which I'm not a fan of, but if I actually couldn't afford the gas to drive to work, I would have made the switch years ago.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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As always, gas prices have more to do with speculators than actual supply and demand. The situation between Israel and Iran are mostly responsible this time. In the past it was the U.S. involvement in Iraq. I would not be at all surprised to see gas prices average well over $5.00 per gallon by this summer if this situation isn't resolved. Then again, we have no idea how much the speculation is driving our foreign policy.

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As bad as you think it is, here are the latest poll numbers. They show Romney and Santorum both beating Obama.



Nope. Santorum might be a little behind but there are too many polls showing Romney leading to ignore them.


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I agree, there's a whole lot of stuff that can and will happen between now and the election. Obama hasn't torn into Romney about MA healthcare yet. OTOH, Romney (assuming he's the nominee) hasn't ripped Obama on his dismal record yet.

quite the contrary - Romney has been campaigning against Obama for weeks now. I think its his way of suggesting that we're past the nomination process and no longer really need to worry about crazy brothers Rick and Newt.

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