
Florida Teen Shot

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>Given all this, we have to question the motivations of this woman . . . .

If that's the case then we must also question the motivations of her molester.

Or we could not try to publicly "convict" either one, although that doesn't play as well on the news.

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Why criticize this girl? Are her claims really any more egregious than the bullhorn-amplified rants of the attention whores who have already invaded the city with their unfounded racist charges of racism against him? Are her attacks on Zim's family really any more despicable than the attention whores who have issued fatwahs and "death warrants" against them and their supporters? More vile than the nationally-televised attention whores who, as public servants holding high elected office, and who have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution, and in the name of We the People whom they represent, pronounced his guilt and condemned him before the first shred of evidence ever found its way into a courtroom? (This is like playing "The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll" backwards.:S)

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>Given all this, we have to question the motivations of this woman . . . .

If that's the case then we must also question the motivations of her molester.

Or we could not try to publicly "convict" either one, although that doesn't play as well on the news.

no one is convicting her, given the lack of charges against her.

People, there's no constitutional protection against being seen as an attention whore.

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>no one is convicting her, given the lack of charges against her.

Yet you seem to react strongly when people here impugn Zimmerman. Odd. Indeed, you claim that they are "proving once again [their] complete lack of objectivity in [their] quest to see him strung up."

>People, there's no constitutional protection against being seen as an attention whore.

And if you shoot an unarmed black teenager, there is no constitutional protection against being seen by people as a murderer or a racist.

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>no one is convicting her, given the lack of charges against her.

Yet you seem to react strongly when people here impugn Zimmerman. Odd. Indeed, you claim that they are "proving once again [their] complete lack of objectivity in [their] quest to see him strung up."

>People, there's no constitutional protection against being seen as an attention whore.

And if you shoot an unarmed black teenager, there is no constitutional protection against being seen by people as a murderer or a racist.

convicted murderers gets 20 years to life. Even if he prevails in court, he's likely to end broke, with his lawyers taking all the donated money in legal costs. So sorry, you're completely wrong. There are certainly protections. That's the difference.

If he finally gets released and you want to insist he's guilty anyway, have at it. But right now the prosecution is poisoning the jury pool and people like you are happily playing along.

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Actually, there was at least one other person - a former co-worker who gave a pretty detailed description of Z's (alleged) racist behavior.

I missed that, can you steer me to the artical or anything. I'm serious, I really have tried to follow everything about this and I missed that and would like to read about it. If there have been two perhaps there might be something to it.

I'm googling it and haven't found it. Not to say it isn't there!
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But right now the prosecution is poisoning the jury pool . . .

I agree. So blame the prosecution. But I can't see any reason to call this witness ugly names.

she is also taking this opportunity to poison the process, with both the molestation and racism charges. The question is - why now? Is this a long running hurt, is it petty vindictiveness over some minor spat, or is it opportunism? The racism charge in particular calls for substantiation or silence.

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Actually, there was at least one other person - a former co-worker who gave a pretty detailed description of Z's (alleged) racist behavior.

I missed that, can you steer me to the artical or anything. I'm serious, I really have tried to follow everything about this and I missed that and would like to read about it. If there have been two perhaps there might be something to it.

I'm googling it and haven't found it. Not to say it isn't there!

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I made it up to "Looks like George "Dat Niggy" Zimmerman was quite the terror at work."

Anyone have a RELIABLE source???


Here's a recording of the coworker's interview, under oath, with an investigator at the state attorney's office, for those too lazy to search.
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For those that do search:

reliable sources anyway

I find it skeptical that it's not on local news sites, newspaper sites, or general searches.
Especially given the glowing responses from ALL other co-workers.

Also suddenly very curious when I read the charges by the special prosecutor are based on "profiling" of Mr. Martin. The FBI investigation has said that was not the case.
Motion to dismiss?

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Here's a recent article that mentions it (and from this article, it sounds like there may only two witnesses who claim that he is racist):


And here's an article with more info. I'm not familiar with the site, but it's old news, so it's no longer in the headlines:


It's probably available in all of the documents that were released, if you can find a link to one of those sites. (Sorry, I don't have time to search for it right now.)

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>convicted murderers gets 20 years to life.

As well they should.

>If he finally gets released and you want to insist he's guilty anyway

I don't.

>But right now the prosecution is poisoning the jury pool and people like you
>are happily playing along.

I'm not. I think all this is a load of crap that has nothing to do with whether he is guilty or innocent of the crime he's charged with.

It is ironic, though, that you so quickly flip from defending Zimmerman against charges of racism, molestation etc to accusing a woman you know nothing about (other than what you've read in the media) of being a lying attention whore. Matthew 7:3 and all that.

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But right now the prosecution is poisoning the jury pool . . .

I agree. So blame the prosecution. But I can't see any reason to call this witness ugly names.

she is also taking this opportunity to poison the process, with both the molestation and racism charges. The question is - why now? Is this a long running hurt, is it petty vindictiveness over some minor spat, or is it opportunism? The racism charge in particular calls for substantiation or silence.

In her own words, she came forward because she was concerned that George might have shot the kid because he was black. I'm not sure why she also chose to tell investigators about the molestation. Though, if it is true, there are many sexual abuse victims who never tell anyone, or at least never press charges. Perhaps this gave her a reason to come forward. She did say this was the first time she felt safe from him. (Look how many silent victims came out of the woodwork in the Sandusky case. It's possible that they were all just attention whores looking for the right opportunity. Or it could be that they just didn't know what to do about it before.)

And as far as "substantiation or silence," is she supposed to have a recording of him making a racist remark? I mean, yeah, that would be a lot more believable than simple sworn testimony about what someone said. I think she's allowed to make those claims, but it's up to a judge or jury to decide if it's believable or relevant. And so far, it looks like there is more substantial evidence to show that he is not racist.

Anyhow, if it turns out that she made up everything, then call her whatever you want. But I think you're jumping the gun with assumptions here.

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Thanks I listen to the entire 15 minutes. It made Zimmerman look like a dumb ass, I don't think it went to the level of being a racist.

I dp appreciate you sharing it.

You're welcome.

Personally, I didn't listen to it. From the evidence I've seen thus far, Zimmerman is guilty of at least manslaughter, whether or not he is a racist. However:
1. I'm not familiar with the letter of the applicable laws.
2. I'm not on the jury, so it doesn't matter what I think.
3. I'm reasonably confident that there is more relevant evidence in the case than will be provided by the media.

I think it's tragic that Trayvon Martin was killed, and I hope George Zimmerman gets a fair trial.
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It is ironic, though, that you so quickly flip from defending Zimmerman against charges of racism, molestation etc to accusing a woman you know nothing about (other than what you've read in the media) of being a lying attention whore. Matthew 7:3 and all that.

You can't prove a negative. You can substantiate a charge. End result - he has been smeared and can do nothing about it, regardless of the truth.

Her claim 'that family is racist, though I can't recall any actual incident' is what leads me to question anything she is saying, even before reading that this is really about a 6 and 8 yo playing doctor with each other. It seems that in 10 years of association she should actually recall an event.

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this is really about a 6 and 8 yo playing doctor with each other

It's not "playing doctor" if it's not mutual. There are many cases of kids being sexually abused by other (usually older and bigger) kids. And, while the abuser may not have the understanding of right and wrong that an adult should have, it can still be just as traumatic for the victim.

I don't know if that was the case here, but I wouldn't ignore the accusation just because of the age. Plus, if her story is true, the last incident with him was when she was 16, which probably would have made him an 18-year-old adult.

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Plus, if her story is true, the last incident with him was when she was 16, which probably would have made him an 18-year-old adult.

and made him an 18 year old douchebag.....

Perhaps. Though, with only allegations to go on, I don't think I'll label him a douchebag without more facts.

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The question is - why now? Is this a long running hurt, is it petty vindictiveness over some minor spat, or is it opportunism?

So basically you have no idea what her motivations were, yet you labelled her an attention whore right after adminishing somebody for not being objective.

Either you don't see the irony, or you don't want to see the irony.

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The question is - why now? Is this a long running hurt, is it petty vindictiveness over some minor spat, or is it opportunism?

So basically you have no idea what her motivations were, yet you labelled her an attention whore right after adminishing somebody for not being objective.

Either you don't see the irony, or you don't want to see the irony.

A pubic hair on a Coke can comes to mind now......
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