No that doesn't prove it, it proves that those with the qualities I described, college worked for them and some it did not work for. It shows that those that did not complete the programs they started started did worse than those that did. I don't have a college eduacation And I make almost 80% more than that of the average college graduate (46K). I learned a trade in 6 months and saved over 50k in college tuition. college was not the correct route for me and is not the correct route for many that are in college. College is a tool to use not the cause for employment and higher wages. Learning a trade that is in demand and your desire to sucede in life is more important that any college eduacation.
Your experience is not proof. The NBA is full of guys with one year of college or less, making tens of millions. But it's not a recipe for success, esp when you count how many Div I basketball players do not pan out.
There is fairly striking research that concludes that for the most successful, it doesn't matter which college they go to, because the attributes they possess are the key (though networking at elites can help). This is near the point you are trying to make.
kallend 2,067
Maybe that is because the people are taining for jobs they want instead of jobs that are available or they can actually get and do. Maybe the colleges need to offer jobs skills classes instead of basket weaving and discussing our favorite auther 101.
Of course, that ignores the FACT that unemployment among those with college education is far less than among those without. Apparently colleges are doing something right.
How many of those with college degrees are actually working in the field they trained for? How many went to college and are now unemployed because the field they trained in was saturated. How many could have saved tens of thousands of $s by going to a trade school and learned a trade that is currantly looking for people to fill the employment gaps?
Find out and report back to us.
Until you do that we'll just have to go with the data we have, which is that a college education leads to lower unemployment rates and higher income.
I say you are wrong,
However, the data prove me right.
No that doesn't prove it, it proves that those with the qualities I described, college worked for them and some it did not work for. It shows that those that did not complete the programs they started started did worse than those that did. I don't have a college eduacation And I make almost 80% more than that of the average college graduate (46K). I learned a trade in 6 months and saved over 50k in college tuition. college was not the correct route for me and is not the correct route for many that are in college. College is a tool to use not the cause for employment and higher wages. Learning a trade that is in demand and your desire to sucede in life is more important that any college eduacation.
I didn't claim that college is for everyone.
However, the DATA are overwhelming in showing that unemployment is lower and incomes higher for those with college degrees. Arguing otherwise is absurd.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
I say you are wrong,
However, the data prove me right.
No that doesn't prove it, it proves that those with the qualities I described, college worked for them and some it did not work for. It shows that those that did not complete the programs they started started did worse than those that did. I don't have a college eduacation And I make almost 80% more than that of the average college graduate (46K). I learned a trade in 6 months and saved over 50k in college tuition. college was not the correct route for me and is not the correct route for many that are in college. College is a tool to use not the cause for employment and higher wages. Learning a trade that is in demand and your desire to sucede in life is more important that any college eduacation.