
New gun store opening - run for your lives!

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Woodbridge Gun Shop Meets Opposition

"When Jane Opper heard that a gun shop could be coming to a Woodbridge shopping plaza, something just didn't sit right with her. "It just seems innappropriate. The teen center is just 100 yards away from it," she says. "It seems like a completely wrong place for a gun shop..."
Full story: OrangePatch

OMG! It's a gun shop! Those guns might sneak out the back door and crawl down the street and into the pockets of those teens a hundred yards away! Somebody's got to do something to stop this pending masscre!

I wonder what the "right" place is for the gun shop, according to her?

Protest planned over gun shop

"Sheila McCreven is so concerned about a gun shop eyed for Selden Plaza that she has created a Facebook page urging residents to attend the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting April 2. According to the Facebook page, Peaceful Protest: Less Guns, More Peace, a protest will start..."
Full story: New Haven Register

Wait a minute, first she said she was okay with people owning guns, and now she's leading a protest for less guns? Which is it?

Is she worried about that retired police detective who owns the shop giving away free guns to kiddies?

She wants gun shops to be restricted like porn shops? Guns = Porn? Well, I guess that answers the question about where she thinks a good place is for gun shops.

And she's also worried about the proximity of the gun shop to five businesses that sell alcohol, but she doesn't seem to be worried about all that alcohol near the teen center? Won't the teens get their hands on underage alcohol from all those establishments? Shouldn't those alcohol businesses have to relocate to the porno district with the gun shop?

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>OMG! It's a gun shop! Those guns might sneak out the back door and crawl down the
>street and into the pockets of those teens a hundred yards away!

I know! Next thing you know, someone will be complaining about someone opening a mosque next to something sensitive.

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Seeing a gun has no effect.
Seeing a dildo will scar a kid for life.

I'm pretty certain that the affect of either object would depend upon the presentation, and the kid.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Seeing a gun has no effect.
Seeing a dildo will scar a kid for life.

I'm pretty certain that the affect of either object would depend upon the presentation, and the kid.

Lends some context to "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?"

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Seeing a gun has no effect.
Seeing a dildo will scar a kid for life.

I'm pretty certain that the affect of either object would depend upon the presentation, and the kid.

Lends some context to "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?"

those are not mutually exclusive items

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Seeing a gun has no effect.
Seeing a dildo will scar a kid for life.

I'm pretty certain that the affect of either object would depend upon the presentation, and the kid.

Kids see guns on TV probably a dozen times per day or more. Walking by a gun store is not going to be exciting for them, or give them an urge to go out and shoot someone. If it did, then this gun-o-phobe lady should be protesting to remove guns from TV also.

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Seeing a gun has no effect.
Seeing a dildo will scar a kid for life.

I'm pretty certain that the affect of either object would depend upon the presentation, and the kid.

Kids see guns on TV probably a dozen times per day or more. Walking by a gun store is not going to be exciting for them, or give them an urge to go out and shoot someone. If it did, then this gun-o-phobe lady should be protesting to remove guns from TV also.

Many do. In fact, I remember back in the late 60s there was a big movement afoot to tone down the violence in all the superhero cartoons I used to watch.

Anyhow, I'm for the French approach to TV: show the dildoes!

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Kids see guns on TV probably a dozen times per day or more. Walking by a gun store is not going to be exciting for them, or give them an urge to go out and shoot someone.

Which means that seeing nudity and the use of dildos on TV isn't going to make them raping lunatics either. Right?

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Many do. In fact, I remember back in the late 60s there was a big movement afoot to tone down the violence in all the superhero cartoons I used to watch. ***

I recall some nutty group or another protesting against bugs bunny and road runner complaining that the violence was excessive, think it was the late 70's or so, my timeline may be off though

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Folks fired up over gun shop

The idea in itself is simple: allow one unit at Woodbridge's Selden Plaza to be zoned for retail. However, some in the quiet town are taking issue with Frank Kloss' plan to sell guns.

"It's very frightening to think that this may happen in our community," said long-time resident Tina Brogadir. Brogadir would rather the Planning and Zoning Commission deny the use, even if it means a loss of tax revenue. "I don't care, not that way," she said. "No thank you!"

Before the meeting began, there was a small protest outside of Memorial Hall. "There are a number of gun stores in the area that are quite accessible, they are not in areas that are in high traffic with people on foot," said resident Suzanne Rosenberg.

News 8 asked Brogadir about her viewpoint of this debate in relation to the Second Amendment. "Come on, that was colonial times, people don't need to bear arms in that way," Brogadir said. "Not to be argumentative," said News 8's Jamie Muro, "but it's still the law of the land that you are allowed to legally purchase a firearm in this community." "That may be, but we do not want a gun store in our community," Brogadir said.

No vote was taken Monday, the issue will be brought up again during the May meeting.
Full story: WTNH

Funny stuff. I hope the commission approves the gun store.

Imagine if the press was interviewing a conservative and he said; "It may be the law that Jews and niggars are protected under the Constitution, but we don't want 'em in our neighborhood!"

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I find it funny that the same people who think the gun store owner should be allowed to open anywhere, shit their pants when a porn shop tries to move in. If a community has the right to ban a porn store, they have the right to ban a gun store.

I personally wouldn't care if either one opened in my area, but a lot of people do.

- Dan G

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Woodbridge gun shop gains unanimous approval

A planned gun shop that sparked a protest at last month’s Plan and Zoning Commission meeting was unanimously approved Monday night.

There were 40 people at the meeting at Town Hall, and all but one said they backed approval of the gun store. Supporters wore black to express their viewpoint. One woman who opposed the business would not comment...
Full story: Bulletin

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Woodbridge gun shop gains unanimous approval

A planned gun shop that sparked a protest at last month’s Plan and Zoning Commission meeting was unanimously approved Monday night.

There were 40 people at the meeting at Town Hall, and all but one said they backed approval of the gun store. Supporters wore black to express their viewpoint. One woman who opposed the business would not comment...
Full story: Bulletin


Residents held a silent protest outside Town Hall, holding placards with peace signs and saying “Less Guns.”

Of course a protest will fail if the protesters can't even write their signs properly.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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