Living in a small town

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Out of sight, out of mind...Why give people an unnecessary reason to object to a bloody carcass that they might find offensive?

the vast majority of people are meat eaters with delusions about how that meat gets to nicely wrapped packages at the market. Reality isn't offensive.

My concern goes back to 'out of sight, out of mind.' Hunter and gun rights are easier to dismiss when you don't ever see them being exercised.

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My concern goes back to 'out of sight, out of mind.' Hunter and gun rights are easier to dismiss when you don't ever see them being exercised.

Why would someone object to an offense that has not been perceived?

"The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about..."

Besides, I don't want an audience while I'm hunting...In fact, hiding is an essential part of hunting.

...and last I checked, concealed carry is on the rise.
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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Reality isn't offensive.

That's not a very realistic statement me thinks.

^Right, look at all those people who are offended b what you do with your private parts...

And look at all those people offended by theists, even the vast majority of which mind their own business. Many consider them to be uneducated weak minded crutch clenching morons experiencing the magical wonders of the placebo effect...They find it repulsive and in their ignorance view it as an insult to the human race. They are intolerant bigots that hope for the day faith ceases to exist so they don't have to be exposed and influenced by that which they find offensive. They present themselves as advocates of tolerance and peace - angels of light...Most don't see their own hypocrisy, and yet others are ravenous wolves that delight in it.
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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...In the decade immediately preceding World War I, a pattern of racial violence began to emerge in which white mob assaults were directed against entire Black communities. These race riots were the product of white societys desire to maintain its superiority over Blacks, vent its frustrations in times of distress, and attack those least able to defend themselves. In these race riots, white mobs invaded Black neighborhoods, beat and killed large numbers of Blacks and destroyed Black property. In most instances, Blacks fought back and there were many casualties on both sides, though most of the dead were Black...


Ya gonna cut & paste the whole thing ?

Any original thoughts you may care to throw in?

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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After work today I met a guy I know to give him my new AR-15 to check out for a couple days. My car was parked at the curb right downtown, and my buddy was standing in the street right next to my car. I got out of the car with the AR pointed barrel down, with the bolt locked open and an empty chamber (no mag). Right as I was handing the AR to the guy, a cop drives by. He slowed down a bit and just waved at us. If we were in California or Seattle or some other fucked up place, it would probably have been a bit different.

Next time do it wearing middle eastern garb and see how quickly the swat team shows up....

The guy I gave the gun to is a Black Muslim from Zambia:o Really. He works at a business doing accounting stuff while his wife goes to grad school at WSU. He worked for some time as a hunting guide in Zambia. Only seen him dressed in Muslim gear once.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Enjoy the blessings of living in the real America.

If we don't blow ourselves up first, someday humanity will intellectually evolve beyond religion, racism, and war.

How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history, rooting for hatred and violence?

Oh yea, and god doesn't exist. Sorry to burst your bubble there chief.

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After work today I met a guy I know to give him my new AR-15 to check out for a couple days. My car was parked at the curb right downtown, and my buddy was standing in the street right next to my car. I got out of the car with the AR pointed barrel down, with the bolt locked open and an empty chamber (no mag). Right as I was handing the AR to the guy, a cop drives by. He slowed down a bit and just waved at us. If we were in California or Seattle or some other fucked up place, it would probably have been a bit different.

Next time do it wearing middle eastern garb and see how quickly the swat team shows up....

The guy I gave the gun to is a Black Muslim from Zambia:o Really.


LMAO...good stuff, good stuff.

Hopefully that quiets down all the real racists and their tiresome tripe...
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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Enjoy the blessings of living in the real America.

If we don't blow ourselves up first, someday humanity will intellectually evolve beyond religion, racism, and war.

How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history, rooting for hatred and violence?

Oh yea, and god doesn't exist. Sorry to burst your bubble there chief.

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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After work today I met a guy I know to give him my new AR-15 to check out for a couple days. My car was parked at the curb right downtown, and my buddy was standing in the street right next to my car. I got out of the car with the AR pointed barrel down, with the bolt locked open and an empty chamber (no mag). Right as I was handing the AR to the guy, a cop drives by. He slowed down a bit and just waved at us. If we were in California or Seattle or some other fucked up place, it would probably have been a bit different.


You've obviously never been to California. I grew up here....Dad always had the rifles in a gun hanger in the rear window of the pick-up. On another subject further down in the forum. Cali spec. weapons, as I understand, must pass a "Drop Test" proving the weapon will not un-intentionally fire when dropped from 10 ft (?). The test for "each model type" of weapon must pass, and the paper work/study, for the test, comes to $10,000 per "model type". That greatly reduces some "model types" aloud in Cali. ....[:/]

Life is short ... jump often.

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Well that was an underwhelming response.

Your post made no sense to me.

That's ok, It was a rhetorical question anyway.

yep, which only provoked one thought, "nonsense."
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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Oh yea, and god doesn't exist.


Prove it! :ph34r:

I will, but first you prove Odin doesn't exist. :)

I didn't say Odin doesn't' exist...:)

The person who claims the existence of something supernatural has the burden of proof. Until then we can safely assume it doesn't exist.

We can all agree that Santa doesn't exist even though there is no "proof" of it. :P

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My post, the original one you replied to, concerned the joy of freedom and liberty in small town America. You seem to be referring to another sphere of consciousness in an unrelated thought pattern. Ergo - nonsense.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Oh yea, and god doesn't exist.


Prove it! :ph34r:

I will, but first you prove Odin doesn't exist. :)

I didn't say Odin doesn't' exist...:)

The person who claims the existence of something supernatural has the burden of proof. Until then we can safely assume it doesn't exist.

We can all agree that Santa doesn't exist even though there is no "proof" of it. :P

My grand-kids believe Santa exists, just because you don't believe it does not make him any less real to them.

YOU stated God doesn't exist, if that's your opinion okay...if you're stating a fact I again ask for confirming indisputable proof.

Personally I don't believe in God...Ron however does.
Who's right?? We BOTH are because we don't tell each other 'you're wrong'.

Never a good idea to tell someone of faith there IS no God, because the mere fact they hold that faith 'proves' existence.

That's all. ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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