
Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy?

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PPI is a better measuring stick for small businesses.

Take your pick - pretty much any economic indicator you choose will show a DECLINE between the beginning and end of Bush's term, and an INCREASE during Obama's and Clinton's terms.

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PPI is a better measuring stick for small businesses.

Take your pick - pretty much any economic indicator you choose will show a DECLINE between the beginning and end of Bush's term, and an INCREASE during Obama's and Clinton's terms.

Now explain exactly what they did to cause your claimed INCREASE.

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HLN is claiming a decrease in all economies, nationally and globally, as the reason for the Gas Prices that doubled over the last three year now falling.

They claim the economy is stagnant and in many areas still falling.

Local news is reporting daily another small business failing.

Only large companies with international reaches seem to be "growing".

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