
Opinions wanted - hole in canopy

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This was my mess but i weight 180 had a pd 260 and it had wholes in the top skin size of softballs from a bad pack job during the early years. Some packers wouldn't pack it. I kept in eye on it and it was fine. I put some duck tape on IT and got it fixed in the winter. Then I blew out my right cell but I landed it. Repacked it to do a cutway with it but ckicken out the next 30 jumps with it. Got it fixed then sold it.
Track high, Pull LOW!!!

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I'm not sure exactly what I am looking for as far as advice, maybe just anything of relevance.

Thoughts? Anyone? Buehler?

I think you've slipped into the crack between student and experienced jumper. It's the time when you start to question the things from your FJC andearly training.

Something you have to remember is this. Mal can be varied and different. To train a student for every scenario would cause utter confusion as soon as they looked up at thier canopy. For that reason, the training must be broad (four points, "am I falling too fast" etc..)
Deciding whether or not to cut away is a judgement call based on experience. When the experience is a section in the FJC, it boils down to "when in doubt whip it out". This causes some to cut away from end cell closure and slider at the halfway mark. That, however is better than watching a student flight control a spinner into the ground while doing flight checks.

That's why some will look at the story and say "hole=chop" That is what we train. When you get more experience, you can assess situations better.

IMHO, the real question here is did you keep the main because you assessed the situation well or were you afraid to take action. Given past experience and the factor you listed, I think the former is more likely than the latter.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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