Are the rich really the engine of the economy? Surprising datas from a new study.
ShcShc11, in Speakers Corner
QuoteQuote>"how could we have been so dumb in spite of all the datas??"
Simple -
"I didn't read it. It's from a place I disagree with."
I didn't read Mein Kampf, most of the Bible, and Jim Jones' Kool Aid cookbook either. The OP assumes the statistics must tell the truth. I know better.
Ignorance and hiding from any potential new data is always a good approach to take. Anti Intellectualism is a significant causal factor to our current state of being in the US.
BTW, do you know that Berkeley has always been responsible for our nuclear weapons development and management and thus the victory in the Cold War?
jclalor 12
***Obama's tax raises 58 billion annually..enough to run the government for 8.5 days.
There's statistics for ya.
You do realize that taxes under Obama are the lowest in 60 years? That the vast majority are paying less in taxes now than under bush ?
So, let me get this right. You think it'd be the right thing to raise taxes?
At least be honest and ask the question in the proper context; Should we first allow the bush temporary tax reductions be extended to 98% of the population, and then work on the other 2%.
The vast majority of Americans support extending the cuts for the 98% and letting expire the cuts for people making over $250,00, keeping in mind they will pay the reduced rate on the first $250,00 ( after deductions) which means for most people making $300,00, after deductions, will put them back under the $250,00.
The facts are not the friend of the GOP.
and then work on the other 2%.
How much money do you think that's going to bring in? Do you really think it will address the huge deficit?
We are all engines of karma
airdvr 210
In it's current form $58 billion. Enough to run the country for 8.5 days. Shooting b b's at a tank.
Please don't dent the planet.
Destinations by Roxanne
Destinations by Roxanne
Shooting b b's at a tank.
Exactly, yet Liberals continue to harp on it like it's going to actually accomplish something. Their math skills don't impress me.
We are all engines of karma
Bertt 0
Actually, hero worshiping the rich fell out of favor in the period around 1900 - 1910 (give or take a few years) when several regulations and reforms were put in place to check the power of those who could simply go out and buy votes. There is an element today that would like to turn the clock back about a hundred years, but that might be a little off topic for this discussion, since the point of argument here seems to be centered around the differences between the stone age and the bronze age.
You don't have to outrun the bear.
billvon 3,031
>I didn't read Mein Kampf, most of the Bible, and Jim Jones' Kool Aid cookbook either.
OK. Do you think that someone who has not read most of the Bible is more or less qualified to speak about it, compared to someone who has read the entire thing?
OK. Do you think that someone who has not read most of the Bible is more or less qualified to speak about it, compared to someone who has read the entire thing?
billvon 3,031
>So, let me get this right. You think it'd be the right thing to raise taxes?
Until we pay our debts, yes. Then lower them.
Otherwise we will continue our free ride indefinitely.
Until we pay our debts, yes. Then lower them.
Otherwise we will continue our free ride indefinitely.
You do realize that taxes under Obama are the lowest in 60 years? That the vast majority are paying less in taxes now than under bush ?
So, let me get this right. You think it'd be the right thing to raise taxes?
Destinations by Roxanne