
Julian Assange gets asylum

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I seriously doubt it would be that much, anyway the Argies have been doing their best to damage our trade in South America for a few years now. This isn't about Assange for Ecudor but about impressing the Argentinians, giving a fuck you to the USA and getting some media coverage, quite frankly the place is a joke, its population is only around the size of the M25 area around London. Its economy in such poor shape that it had to abandon its own currency and sart using the US dollar. Trade embargoes cut both ways and I doubt the other South American countries will be willing to take a hit over Assange, they have a lot to lose.
Still they'll get sick and tired of having that soap dodging sex pest hanging around sooner r later and then he's in cuffs on his way to Sweden.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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For a start no one (apart from ill informed press and muppets from Ecuador) has said anything about 'storming' the embassy. Secondly under UK English law we have the right to enter the premises under the diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1987/46

Exactly where in that Act does it grant the right to enter outside of International Law?

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What do you think the ramifications would actually be?

Well, it would provide leverage to any other country to losen diplomatic rules regarding British interests. The next time somebody seeks protection inside a British Embassy or Consulate, they may find that it doesn't offer much protection any more.

There would probably be a fair bit of business impact, with some of it maybe not becoming immediately evident.

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What do you think the ramifications would actually be?

Well, it would provide leverage to any other country to losen diplomatic rules regarding British interests. The next time somebody seeks protection inside a British Embassy or Consulate, they may find that it doesn't offer much protection any more.

There would probably be a fair bit of business impact, with some of it maybe not becoming immediately evident.

seems like a lot to blow when you could just let the guy spend the rest of his life blogging about penguins and iguanas on the Galapagos Islands.

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What do you think the ramifications would actually be?

Well, it would provide leverage to any other country to losen diplomatic rules regarding British interests. The next time somebody seeks protection inside a British Embassy or Consulate, they may find that it doesn't offer much protection any more.

There would probably be a fair bit of business impact, with some of it maybe not becoming immediately evident.

Britain does not give or accept the notion of diplomatic asylum.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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We're obliged under European and international law to comply with the legal request to extradite a man wanted for arrest in a European country. I'd love to send him to a mickey mouse country to enjoy the 'freedom' but the choice is not there.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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What do you think the ramifications would actually be?

Well, it would provide leverage to any other country to losen diplomatic rules regarding British interests. The next time somebody seeks protection inside a British Embassy or Consulate, they may find that it doesn't offer much protection any more.

There would probably be a fair bit of business impact, with some of it maybe not becoming immediately evident.

Britain does not give or accept the notion of diplomatic asylum.

But does Britain make a distinction between "legitimate rape";) and other types of rape? Which type is Assange accused of?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Rape is rape. Anyway regardless of what the idiot has been accused of we are in receipt of a European arrest warrant and an extradition order. The alleged crime is not the point.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Only the wikispiracy fans seem to think otherwise.

It's rather obvious that the Assange case smells to high heaven, and not exactly of rape. It might be difficult for butt-hurt Americans hell-bent on revenge on Assange and his " Foreign Terrorist Organization" (lolwut?) Wikileaks to be objective about it, but most other people have less trouble with that.

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Oh, ok so you think its ok to have unconsentual sex with women who are asleep. Would love to know what you think rape is then.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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The lady had consented to sex earlier. They had sex before the incident, and JA supposedly didn't ask for seconds, but went on adventure anyway. That's technically sex without consent, but not necessarily rape. And IIRC the sex wasn't the issue here, the fact that JA didn't use a condom was.

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Condom issue I agree with you. However just because you had sex with a woman once doesn't give you the right to pop in whenever you fancy without her knowledge or consent, that my friend is rape. If you don't believe me go check the law.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Condom issue I agree with you. However just because you had sex with a woman once doesn't give you the right to pop in whenever you fancy without her knowledge or consent, that my friend is rape. If you don't believe me go check the law.

the question at hand, as elaborated in that entire thead on the subject, was whether or not there was consent. You're trying to skip that question here.

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We are getting of topic, the actual issue is not about what constitutes rape or even if JA committed rape. The issues at hand in this thread is the question of what should be done with Assange. The charge is irrelevant to the question, the fact remains that there is an outstanding European arrest warrant against Mr Assange and it is Britain's legal obligation to arrest him and hand him over to the Swedish Government who will then determine if an offence has occurred.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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We are getting of topic, the actual issue is not about what constitutes rape or even if JA committed rape. The issues at hand in this thread is the question of what should be done with Assange. The charge is irrelevant to the question, the fact remains that there is an outstanding European arrest warrant against Mr Assange and it is Britain's legal obligation to arrest him and hand him over to the Swedish Government who will then determine if an offence has occurred.

if it were such a simple fact, why the hearings over the extradition request? Shouldn't it have been as simple as hold him until the Swedes came to pick him up?

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We know that

a) Assange had sex with her, allegedly without consent.
b) She was aware of that, at least at some point.

There's absolutely no sign that she at one point objected to this. I have a hard time finding the rape in all of this. Still these allegations should be researched as rape is a serious crime. These allegations, however, shouldn't lead to an extradition to the US, followed by a show trial featuring far-fetched nonsense accusations of terrorism and espionage.

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We are getting of topic,

No, we aren't, since it looks a bit like the accusations of rape are used to serve as a means to get to the ultimate goal of putting Assange in an American prison.

Bullshit, if the USA wanted the idiot then why didn't they just ask the UK for him, we happily give over our own citizens to the USA if asked even on charges which aren't even crimes in the UK. There have been a couple of high profile examples of this in the last couple of years. The Swedish are less likely to extradite him than we are, the USA haven't asked for him and if he was in Sweden then because of the EU extradition process not only would Sweden have to say yes to extraditing him to the USA but also the UK.
He would be safer from the USA in Sweden than he is here in the UK. This tin foil hat nonsense about the USA doing a backdoor extradition is simply not upheld in any way by either fact or logic.
These claims are simply self aggrandisement by a narcissistic attention seeking man of no integrity.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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