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QuoteI'm old enough, and in reality the Joint Chiefs owned that boondoggle in the desert. I don't recall Carter being unduly harranged. In fact if anything he was criticized for waiting too long to make a rescue attempt. Still, it can't be an easy decision to send troops in harm's way. us be clear about one thing. If that raid had been botched the President, and the President alone would have worn it. Those of us old enough to remember the rescue attempt in Iran in 1980 are certain of that.
History remembers Carter as the guy behind the failure.
I have to give these guys some credit for turning his "you didn't do that on your own" comment against him. Wonder if it will get any traction, however.
Bertt 0
SkyDekker 1,465
Quote"As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy," says Benjamin Smith, identified in the video as a former Navy SEAL. "It will get Americans killed."
I have never been that good with authority, but isn't the commander in chief at the top of the heap?
Arvoitus 1
QuoteClever use of bandwidth to quote the entirety of the article from the OP. Well done.
Oh the horror of transferring extra 4925 bytes.
jinlee 0
History remembers Carter as the guy behind the failure.
I thought history remembers Carter as a failure.
Andy9o8 2
QuoteI don't recall Carter being unduly harranged.
I call bullshit on that. I was a very politically-aware adult in my 20s when that occurred, and I remember it, and its consequences, very clearly. Carter was painted by it, and it was one of the biggest factors in costing him reelection.
Remember it is also Obama who has dropped details of other operations. For example he recently admitted that the US is responsible for multiple cyber attacks on Iran and other countries, most specifically the stuxnet release to the enrichment facility. Now granted Kaspersky and company, working hand in hand with Russian intelligence had already internally traced it back to the US. But for Obama to smugly come right out and blurt it out all beaming with arrogant pride was a very very stupid mistake.
RonD1120 62
QuoteRemember it is also Obama who has dropped details of other operations. For example he recently admitted that the US is responsible for multiple cyber attacks on Iran and other countries, most specifically the stuxnet release to the enrichment facility. Now granted Kaspersky and company, working hand in hand with Russian intelligence had already internally traced it back to the US. But for Obama to smugly come right out and blurt it out all beaming with arrogant pride was a very very stupid mistake.
it was leaked by US officials long before any statement he made. It did seem like a treasonous act to me at the time....killed any remote remnants of plausible denialbility.
nanook 1
Don't mind me. Just being a little nit-picky.
QuoteI'm old enough, and in reality the Joint Chiefs owned that boondoggle in the desert.
Joint Chiefs of Staff are not in any operational responsibility or control of military action. They are military expierience/advisors to the Office of the Presidency and provide logistical support (not orders) to the Theater Commanders like General Petraeus, Navy Fifth Fleet and others. Theater commanders' COC is the President via Sec Def.
"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
airdvr 210
QuoteDon't mind me. Just being a little nit-picky.
QuoteI'm old enough, and in reality the Joint Chiefs owned that boondoggle in the desert.
Joint Chiefs of Staff are not in any operational responsibility or control of military action. They are military expierience/advisors to the Office of the Presidency and provide logistical support (not orders) to the Theater Commanders like General Petraeus, Navy Fifth Fleet and others. Theater commanders' COC is the President via Sec Def.
QuoteAfter the 1986 reorganization of the military undertaken by the Goldwater-Nichols Act, the Joint Chiefs of Staff does not have operational command of U.S. military forces. Responsibility for conducting military operations goes from the President to the Secretary of Defense directly to the commanders of the Unified Combatant Commands and thus bypasses the Joint Chiefs of Staff completely.
Might be the way it is now...I don't think it was in 1980.
Destinations by Roxanne
tkhayes 348
So they actually were not involved in ANY WAY in the actual taking down of OBL - that's good to know, they somehow then are experts on the subject?
I do not remember the President taking all the credit....when did that happen exactly?
He sure would have taken the blame if it had gone to shit. If everyone in the room thinks that somehow this is an operation carried out by one person, then everyone is truly as ignorant as I think they are....and the credit has been handed out to all, exactly when and where it was due. maybe everyone missed that - oh yes, that's because it was reported on an INTERNATIONAL news feed instead of biased and politically motivated AMERICAN news feeds.
QuoteYet more pre election bi partisan bullshit.
Have you seen the video?
tkhayes 348
pirana 0
What secrets were divulged by Obama? Seriously, exactly what was disclosed in his supposed taking credit that would not have been obvious upon investigation?
OOPSEY...I made a booboo
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