
Mitt Romney polled at 0% from the African-American black voters.

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Who said life is fair....We are not all equal... I'm very happy with my place in the cosmic soup... If we give everyone a new caddy with rims and a check every week would that make people happy... or only if the rich has to live in a shack and drive a beater with spare tire donuts on it...

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Democracies rely on a spirit of trust and co-operation in paying taxes

what a bullshit statement - everybody is obligated to do their best for themselves under the limits of the law

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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These people have hacked the game and are not going to be happy when we take it all back...

...much of the money that accrues to those at the top is what economists call rents, which arise not from increasing the size of the economic pie, but from grabbing a larger slice of the existing pie.

Those at the top include a disproportionate number of monopolists who increase their income by restricting production and engaging in anti-competitive practices; CEOs who exploit deficiencies in corporate-governance laws to grab a larger share of corporate revenues for themselves (leaving less for workers); and bankers who have engaged in predatory lending and abusive credit-card practices (often targeting poor and middle-class households). It is perhaps no accident that rent-seeking and inequality have increased as top tax rates have fallen, regulations have been eviscerated, and enforcement of existing rules has been weakened: the opportunity and returns from rent-seeking have increased.

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